843 lines
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843 lines
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![]() |
** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: InGameUI.h ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Defines the in-game user interface singleton
// Author: Michael S. Booth, March 2001
// Colin Day August 2001, or so
#pragma once
#ifndef _IN_GAME_UI_H_
#define _IN_GAME_UI_H_
#include "Common/GameCommon.h"
#include "Common/GameType.h"
#include "Common/MessageStream.h" // for GameMessageTranslator
#include "Common/SpecialPowerType.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
#include "Common/SubsystemInterface.h"
#include "Common/UnicodeString.h"
#include "GameClient/DisplayString.h"
#include "GameClient/Mouse.h"
#include "GameClient/RadiusDecal.h"
#include "GameClient/View.h"
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
// FORWARD DECLARATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class Drawable;
class Object;
class ThingTemplate;
class GameWindow;
class VideoBuffer;
class VideoStreamInterface;
class CommandButton;
class SpecialPowerTemplate;
class WindowLayout;
class Anim2DTemplate;
class Anim2D;
class Shadow;
enum LegalBuildCode;
enum KindOfType;
enum ShadowType;
enum CanAttackResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum RadiusCursorType
static const char *TheRadiusCursorNames[] =
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** For keeping track in the UI of how much build progress has been done */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum { MAX_BUILD_PROGRESS = 64 }; ///< interface can support building this many different units
struct BuildProgress
const ThingTemplate *m_thingTemplate;
Real m_percentComplete;
GameWindow *m_control;
// TYPE DEFINES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::list<Drawable *> DrawableList;
typedef std::list<Drawable *>::iterator DrawableListIt;
typedef std::list<Drawable *>::const_iterator DrawableListCIt;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SuperweaponInfo : public MemoryPoolObject
// not saved
DisplayString * m_nameDisplayString; ///< display string used to render the message
DisplayString * m_timeDisplayString; ///< display string used to render the message
Color m_color;
const SpecialPowerTemplate* m_powerTemplate;
ObjectID id,
UnsignedInt timestamp,
Bool hiddenByScript,
Bool hiddenByScience,
Bool ready,
const AsciiString& superweaponNormalFont,
Int superweaponNormalPointSize,
Bool superweaponNormalBold,
Color c,
const SpecialPowerTemplate* spt
const SpecialPowerTemplate* getSpecialPowerTemplate() const { return m_powerTemplate; }
void setFont(const AsciiString& superweaponNormalFont, Int superweaponNormalPointSize, Bool superweaponNormalBold);
void setText(const UnicodeString& name, const UnicodeString& time);
void drawName(Int x, Int y, Color color, Color dropColor);
void drawTime(Int x, Int y, Color color, Color dropColor);
Real getHeight() const;
// saved & public
AsciiString m_powerName;
ObjectID m_id;
UnsignedInt m_timestamp; ///< seconds shown in display string
Bool m_hiddenByScript;
Bool m_hiddenByScience;
Bool m_ready; ///< Stores if we were ready last draw, since readyness can change without time changing
// not saved, but public
Bool m_forceUpdateText;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::list<SuperweaponInfo *> SuperweaponList;
typedef std::map<AsciiString, SuperweaponList> SuperweaponMap;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Popup message box
class PopupMessageData : public MemoryPoolObject
UnicodeString message;
Int x;
Int y;
Int width;
Color textColor;
Bool pause;
Bool pauseMusic;
WindowLayout* layout;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class NamedTimerInfo : public MemoryPoolObject
AsciiString m_timerName; ///< Timer name, needed on Load to reconstruct Map.
UnicodeString timerText; ///< timer text
DisplayString* displayString; ///< display string used to render the message
UnsignedInt timestamp; ///< seconds shown in display string
Color color;
Bool isCountdown;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::map<AsciiString, NamedTimerInfo *> NamedTimerMap;
typedef NamedTimerMap::iterator NamedTimerMapIt;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum {MAX_SUBTITLE_LINES = 4}; ///< The maximum number of lines a subtitle can have
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Floating Text Data
class FloatingTextData : public MemoryPoolObject
Color m_color; ///< It's current color
UnicodeString m_text; ///< the text we're displaying
DisplayString* m_dString; ///< The display string
Coord3D m_pos3D; ///< the 3d position in game coords
Int m_frameTimeOut; ///< when we want this thing to disappear
Int m_frameCount; ///< how many frames have we been displaying text?
typedef std::list<FloatingTextData *> FloatingTextList;
typedef FloatingTextList::iterator FloatingTextListIt;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum WorldAnimationOptions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WorldAnimationData
WorldAnimationData( void );
~WorldAnimationData( void ) { }
Anim2D *m_anim; ///< the animation instance
Coord3D m_worldPos; ///< position in the world
UnsignedInt m_expireFrame; ///< frame we expire on
WorldAnimationOptions m_options; ///< options
Real m_zRisePerSecond; ///< Z units to rise per second
typedef std::list< WorldAnimationData *> WorldAnimationList;
typedef WorldAnimationList::iterator WorldAnimationListIterator;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Basic functionality common to all in-game user interfaces */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class InGameUI : public SubsystemInterface, public Snapshot
friend class Drawable; // for selection/deselection transactions
public: // ***************************************************************************************
enum SelectionRules
SELECTION_ANY, //Only one of the selected units has to qualify
SELECTION_ALL, //All selected units have to qualify
enum ActionType
//Keep last.
InGameUI( void );
virtual ~InGameUI( void );
// Inherited from subsystem interface -----------------------------------------------------------
virtual void init( void ); ///< Initialize the in-game user interface
virtual void update( void ); ///< Update the UI by calling preDraw(), draw(), and postDraw()
virtual void reset( void ); ///< Reset
// interface for the popup messages
virtual void popupMessage( const AsciiString& message, Int x, Int y, Int width, Bool pause, Bool pauseMusic);
virtual void popupMessage( const AsciiString& message, Int x, Int y, Int width, Color textColor, Bool pause, Bool pauseMusic);
PopupMessageData *getPopupMessageData( void ) { return m_popupMessageData; }
void clearPopupMessageData( void );
// interface for messages to the user
// srj sez: passing as const-ref screws up varargs for some reason. dunno why. just pass by value.
virtual void messageColor( const RGBColor *rgbColor, UnicodeString format, ... ); ///< display a colored message to the user
virtual void message( UnicodeString format, ... ); ///< display a message to the user
virtual void message( AsciiString stringManagerLabel, ... );///< display a message to the user
virtual void toggleMessages( void ) { m_messagesOn = 1 - m_messagesOn; } ///< toggle messages on/off
virtual Bool isMessagesOn( void ) { return m_messagesOn; } ///< are the display messages on
void freeMessageResources( void ); ///< free resources for the ui messages
Color getMessageColor(Bool altColor) { return (altColor)?m_messageColor2:m_messageColor1; }
// interface for military style messages
virtual void militarySubtitle( const AsciiString& label, Int duration ); // time in milliseconds
virtual void removeMilitarySubtitle( void );
// for can't build messages
virtual void displayCantBuildMessage( LegalBuildCode lbc ); ///< display message to use as to why they can't build here
// interface for graphical "hints" which provide visual feedback for user-interface commands
virtual void beginAreaSelectHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< Used by HintSpy. An area selection is occurring, start graphical "hint"
virtual void endAreaSelectHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< Used by HintSpy. An area selection had occurred, finish graphical "hint"
virtual void createMoveHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< A move command has occurred, start graphical "hint"
virtual void createAttackHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< An attack command has occurred, start graphical "hint"
virtual void createForceAttackHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< A force attack command has occurred, start graphical "hint"
virtual void createMouseoverHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< An object is mouse hovered over, start hint if any
virtual void createCommandHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< Used by HintSpy. Someone is selected so generate the right Cursor for the potential action
virtual void createGarrisonHint( const GameMessage *msg ); ///< A garrison command has occurred, start graphical "hint"
virtual void addSuperweapon(Int playerIndex, const AsciiString& powerName, ObjectID id, const SpecialPowerTemplate *powerTemplate);
virtual Bool removeSuperweapon(Int playerIndex, const AsciiString& powerName, ObjectID id, const SpecialPowerTemplate *powerTemplate);
virtual void objectChangedTeam(const Object *obj, Int oldPlayerIndex, Int newPlayerIndex); // notification for superweapons, etc
virtual void setSuperweaponDisplayEnabledByScript( Bool enable ); ///< Set the superweapon display enabled or disabled
virtual Bool getSuperweaponDisplayEnabledByScript( void ) const; ///< Get the current superweapon display status
virtual void hideObjectSuperweaponDisplayByScript(const Object *obj);
virtual void showObjectSuperweaponDisplayByScript(const Object *obj);
void addNamedTimer( const AsciiString& timerName, const UnicodeString& text, Bool isCountdown );
void removeNamedTimer( const AsciiString& timerName );
void showNamedTimerDisplay( Bool show );
// mouse mode interface
virtual void setScrolling( Bool isScrolling ); ///< set right-click scroll mode
virtual Bool isScrolling( void ); ///< are we scrolling?
virtual void setSelecting( Bool isSelecting ); ///< set drag select mode
virtual Bool isSelecting( void ); ///< are we selecting?
virtual void setScrollAmount( Coord2D amt ); ///< set scroll amount
virtual Coord2D getScrollAmount( void ); ///< get scroll amount
// gui command interface
virtual void setGUICommand( const CommandButton *command ); ///< the command has been clicked in the UI and needs additional data
virtual const CommandButton *getGUICommand( void ) const; ///< get the pending gui command
// build interface
virtual void placeBuildAvailable( const ThingTemplate *build, Drawable *buildDrawable ); ///< built thing being placed
virtual const ThingTemplate *getPendingPlaceType( void ); ///< get item we're trying to place
virtual const ObjectID getPendingPlaceSourceObjectID( void ); ///< get producing object
virtual void setPlacementStart( const ICoord2D *start ); ///< placement anchor point (for choosing angles)
virtual void setPlacementEnd( const ICoord2D *end ); ///< set target placement point (for choosing angles)
virtual Bool isPlacementAnchored( void ); ///< is placement arrow anchor set
virtual void getPlacementPoints( ICoord2D *start, ICoord2D *end );///< get the placemnt arrow points
virtual Real getPlacementAngle( void ); ///< placement angle of drawable at cursor when placing down structures
// Drawable selection mechanisms
virtual void selectDrawable( Drawable *draw ); ///< Mark given Drawable as "selected"
virtual void deselectDrawable( Drawable *draw ); ///< Clear "selected" status from Drawable
virtual void deselectAllDrawables( Bool postMsg = true ); ///< Clear the "select" flag from all drawables
virtual Int getSelectCount( void ) { return m_selectCount; } ///< Get count of currently selected drawables
virtual Int getMaxSelectCount( void ) { return m_maxSelectCount; } ///< Get the max number of selected drawables
virtual UnsignedInt getFrameSelectionChanged( void ) { return m_frameSelectionChanged; } ///< Get the max number of selected drawables
virtual const DrawableList *getAllSelectedDrawables( void ) const; ///< Return the list of all the currently selected Drawable IDs.
virtual const DrawableList *getAllSelectedLocalDrawables( void ); ///< Return the list of all the currently selected Drawable IDs owned by the current player.
virtual Drawable *getFirstSelectedDrawable( void ); ///< get the first selected drawable (if any)
virtual DrawableID getSoloNexusSelectedDrawableID( void ) { return m_soloNexusSelectedDrawableID; } ///< Return the one drawable of the nexus if only 1 angry mob is selected
virtual Bool isDrawableSelected( DrawableID idToCheck ) const; ///< Return true if the selected ID is in the drawable list
virtual Bool isAnySelectedKindOf( KindOfType kindOf ) const; ///< is any selected object a kind of
virtual Bool isAllSelectedKindOf( KindOfType kindOf ) const; ///< are all selected objects a kind of
virtual void setRadiusCursor(RadiusCursorType r, const SpecialPowerTemplate* sp, WeaponSlotType wslot);
virtual void setRadiusCursorNone() { setRadiusCursor(RADIUSCURSOR_NONE, NULL, PRIMARY_WEAPON); }
virtual void setInputEnabled( Bool enable ); ///< Set the input enabled or disabled
virtual Bool getInputEnabled( void ) { return m_inputEnabled; } ///< Get the current input status
virtual void disregardDrawable( Drawable *draw ); ///< Drawable is being destroyed, clean up any UI elements associated with it
virtual void preDraw( void ); ///< Logic which needs to occur before the UI renders
virtual void draw( void ) = 0; ///< Render the in-game user interface
virtual void postDraw( void ); ///< Logic which needs to occur after the UI renders
/// Ingame video playback
virtual void playMovie( const AsciiString& movieName );
virtual void stopMovie( void );
virtual VideoBuffer* videoBuffer( void );
/// Ingame cameo video playback
virtual void playCameoMovie( const AsciiString& movieName );
virtual void stopCameoMovie( void );
virtual VideoBuffer* cameoVideoBuffer( void );
// mouse over information
virtual DrawableID getMousedOverDrawableID( void ) const; ///< Get drawble ID of drawable under cursor
/// Set the ingame flag as to if we have the Quit menu up or not
virtual void setQuitMenuVisible( Bool t ) { m_isQuitMenuVisible = t; }
virtual Bool isQuitMenuVisible( void ) const { return m_isQuitMenuVisible; }
// INI file parsing
virtual const FieldParse* getFieldParse( void ) const { return s_fieldParseTable; }
//Provides a global way to determine whether or not we can issue orders to what we have selected.
Bool areSelectedObjectsControllable() const;
//Wrapper function that includes any non-attack canSelectedObjectsXXX checks.
Bool canSelectedObjectsNonAttackInteractWithObject( const Object *objectToInteractWith, SelectionRules rule ) const;
//Wrapper function that checks a specific action.
CanAttackResult getCanSelectedObjectsAttack( ActionType action, const Object *objectToInteractWith, SelectionRules rule, Bool additionalChecking = FALSE ) const;
Bool canSelectedObjectsDoAction( ActionType action, const Object *objectToInteractWith, SelectionRules rule, Bool additionalChecking = FALSE ) const;
Bool canSelectedObjectsDoSpecialPower( const CommandButton *command, const Object *objectToInteractWith, const Coord3D *position, SelectionRules rule, UnsignedInt commandOptions, Object* ignoreSelObj ) const;
Bool canSelectedObjectsEffectivelyUseWeapon( const CommandButton *command, const Object *objectToInteractWith, const Coord3D *position, SelectionRules rule ) const;
Bool canSelectedObjectsOverrideSpecialPowerDestination( const Coord3D *loc, SelectionRules rule, SpecialPowerType spType = SPECIAL_INVALID ) const;
// Selection Methods
virtual Int selectMatchingUnits(); ///< selects matching units
virtual Int selectAcrossScreen(); ///< selects matching units across screen
virtual Int selectAcrossMap(); ///< selects matching units across map
virtual Int selectAcrossRegion( IRegion2D *region ); // -1 = no locally-owned selection, 0+ = # of units selected
virtual void buildRegion( const ICoord2D *anchor, const ICoord2D *dest, IRegion2D *region ); ///< builds a region around the specified coordinates
virtual Bool getDisplayedMaxWarning( void ) { return m_displayedMaxWarning; }
virtual void setDisplayedMaxWarning( Bool selected ) { m_displayedMaxWarning = selected; }
// Floating Test Methods
virtual void addFloatingText(const UnicodeString& text,const Coord3D * pos, Color color);
// Drawable caption stuff
AsciiString getDrawableCaptionFontName( void ) { return m_drawableCaptionFont; }
Int getDrawableCaptionPointSize( void ) { return m_drawableCaptionPointSize; }
Bool isDrawableCaptionBold( void ) { return m_drawableCaptionBold; }
Color getDrawableCaptionColor( void ) { return m_drawableCaptionColor; }
inline Bool shouldMoveRMBScrollAnchor( void ) { return m_moveRMBScrollAnchor; }
Bool isClientQuiet( void ) const { return m_clientQuiet; }
Bool isInWaypointMode( void ) const { return m_waypointMode; }
Bool isInForceAttackMode( void ) const { return m_forceAttackMode; }
Bool isInForceMoveToMode( void ) const { return m_forceMoveToMode; }
Bool isInPreferSelectionMode( void ) const { return m_preferSelection; }
void setClientQuiet( Bool enabled ) { m_clientQuiet = enabled; }
void setWaypointMode( Bool enabled ) { m_waypointMode = enabled; }
void setForceMoveMode( Bool enabled ) { m_forceMoveToMode = enabled; }
void setForceAttackMode( Bool enabled ) { m_forceAttackMode = enabled; }
void setPreferSelectionMode( Bool enabled ) { m_preferSelection = enabled; }
void toggleAttackMoveToMode( void ) { m_attackMoveToMode = !m_attackMoveToMode; }
Bool isInAttackMoveToMode( void ) const { return m_attackMoveToMode; }
void clearAttackMoveToMode( void ) { m_attackMoveToMode = FALSE; }
void setCameraRotateLeft( Bool set ) { m_cameraRotatingLeft = set; }
void setCameraRotateRight( Bool set ) { m_cameraRotatingRight = set; }
void setCameraZoomIn( Bool set ) { m_cameraZoomingIn = set; }
void setCameraZoomOut( Bool set ) { m_cameraZoomingOut = set; }
Bool isCameraRotatingLeft() const { return m_cameraRotatingLeft; }
Bool isCameraRotatingRight() const { return m_cameraRotatingRight; }
Bool isCameraZoomingIn() const { return m_cameraZoomingIn; }
Bool isCameraZoomingOut() const { return m_cameraZoomingOut; }
void resetCamera();
virtual void addIdleWorker( Object *obj );
virtual void removeIdleWorker( Object *obj, Int playerNumber );
virtual void selectNextIdleWorker( void );
virtual void recreateControlBar( void );
virtual void disableTooltipsUntil(UnsignedInt frameNum);
virtual void clearTooltipsDisabled();
virtual Bool areTooltipsDisabled() const;
Bool getDrawRMBScrollAnchor() const { return m_drawRMBScrollAnchor; }
Bool getMoveRMBScrollAnchor() const { return m_moveRMBScrollAnchor; }
void setDrawRMBScrollAnchor(Bool b) { m_drawRMBScrollAnchor = b; }
void setMoveRMBScrollAnchor(Bool b) { m_moveRMBScrollAnchor = b; }
virtual Int getIdleWorkerCount( void );
virtual Object *findIdleWorker( Object *obj);
virtual void showIdleWorkerLayout( void );
virtual void hideIdleWorkerLayout( void );
virtual void updateIdleWorker( void );
virtual void resetIdleWorker( void );
void registerWindowLayout(WindowLayout *layout); // register a layout for updates
void unregisterWindowLayout(WindowLayout *layout); // stop updates for this layout
// World 2D animation methods
void addWorldAnimation( Anim2DTemplate *animTemplate,
const Coord3D *pos,
WorldAnimationOptions options,
Real durationInSeconds,
Real zRisePerSecond );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual void DEBUG_addFloatingText(const AsciiString& text,const Coord3D * pos, Color color);
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum HintType
#ifdef _DEBUG
NUM_HINT_TYPES // keep this one last
// mouse mode interface
enum MouseMode
enum { MAX_MOVE_HINTS = 256 };
struct MoveHintStruct
Coord3D pos; ///< World coords of destination point
UnsignedInt sourceID; ///< id of who will move to this point
UnsignedInt frame; ///< frame the command was issued on
struct UIMessage
UnicodeString fullText; ///< the whole text message
DisplayString *displayString; ///< display string used to render the message
UnsignedInt timestamp; ///< logic frame message was created on
Color color; ///< color to render this in
enum { MAX_UI_MESSAGES = 6 };
struct MilitarySubtitleData
UnicodeString subtitle; ///< The complete subtitle to be drawn, each line is separated by L"\n"
UnsignedInt index; ///< the current index that we are at through the sibtitle
ICoord2D position; ///< Where on the screen the subtitle should be drawn
DisplayString *displayStrings[MAX_SUBTITLE_LINES]; ///< We'll only allow MAX_SUBTITLE_LINES worth of display strings
UnsignedInt currentDisplayString; ///< contains the current display string we're on. (also lets us know the last display string allocated
UnsignedInt lifetime; ///< the Lifetime of the Military Subtitle in frames
Bool blockDrawn; ///< True if the block is drawn false if it's blank
UnsignedInt blockBeginFrame; ///< The frame at which the block started it's current state
ICoord2D blockPos; ///< where the upper left of the block should begin
UnsignedInt incrementOnFrame; ///< if we're currently on a frame greater then this, increment our position
Color color; ///< what color should we display the military subtitles
typedef std::list<Object *> ObjectList;
typedef std::list<Object *>::iterator ObjectListIt;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void destroyPlacementIcons( void ); ///< Destroy placement icons
void handleBuildPlacements( void ); ///< handle updating of placement icons based on mouse pos
void handleRadiusCursor(); ///< handle updating of "radius cursors" that follow the mouse pos
void incrementSelectCount( void ) { ++m_selectCount; } ///< Increase by one the running total of "selected" drawables
void decrementSelectCount( void ) { --m_selectCount; } ///< Decrease by one the running total of "selected" drawables
virtual View *createView( void ) = 0; ///< Factory for Views
void evaluateSoloNexus( Drawable *newlyAddedDrawable = NULL );
/// expire a hint from of the specified type at the hint index
void expireHint( HintType type, UnsignedInt hintIndex );
void createControlBar( void ); ///< create the control bar user interface
void createReplayControl( void ); ///< create the replay control window
void setMouseCursor(Mouse::MouseCursor c);
void addMessageText( const UnicodeString& formattedMessage, const RGBColor *rgbColor = NULL ); ///< internal workhorse for adding plain text for messages
void removeMessageAtIndex( Int i ); ///< remove the message at index i
void updateFloatingText( void ); ///< Update function to move our floating text
void drawFloatingText( void ); ///< Draw all our floating text
void clearFloatingText( void ); ///< clear the floating text list
void clearWorldAnimations( void ); ///< delete all world animations
void updateAndDrawWorldAnimations( void ); ///< update and draw visible world animations
SuperweaponInfo* findSWInfo(Int playerIndex, const AsciiString& powerName, ObjectID id, const SpecialPowerTemplate *powerTemplate);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Data THAT IS SAVED/LOADED ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bool m_superweaponHiddenByScript;
Bool m_inputEnabled; /// sort of
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::list<WindowLayout *> m_windowLayouts;
AsciiString m_currentlyPlayingMovie; ///< Used to push updates to TheScriptEngine
DrawableList m_selectedDrawables; ///< A list of all selected drawables.
DrawableList m_selectedLocalDrawables; ///< A list of all selected drawables owned by the local player
Bool m_isDragSelecting; ///< If TRUE, an area selection is in progress
IRegion2D m_dragSelectRegion; ///< if isDragSelecting is TRUE, this contains select region
Bool m_displayedMaxWarning; ///< keeps the warning from being shown over and over
MoveHintStruct m_moveHint[ MAX_MOVE_HINTS ];
Int m_nextMoveHint;
const CommandButton * m_pendingGUICommand; ///< GUI command that needs additional interaction from the user
BuildProgress m_buildProgress[ MAX_BUILD_PROGRESS ]; ///< progress for building units
const ThingTemplate * m_pendingPlaceType; ///< type of built thing we're trying to place
ObjectID m_pendingPlaceSourceObjectID; ///< source object of the thing constructing the item
Drawable ** m_placeIcon; ///< array for drawables to appear at the cursor when building in the world
Bool m_placeAnchorInProgress; ///< is place angle interface for placement active
ICoord2D m_placeAnchorStart; ///< place angle anchor start
ICoord2D m_placeAnchorEnd; ///< place angle anchor end
Int m_selectCount; ///< Number of objects currently "selected"
Int m_maxSelectCount; ///< Max number of objects to select
UnsignedInt m_frameSelectionChanged; ///< Frame when the selection last changed.
// Video playback data
VideoBuffer* m_videoBuffer; ///< video playback buffer
VideoStreamInterface* m_videoStream; ///< Video stream;
// Video playback data
VideoBuffer* m_cameoVideoBuffer;///< video playback buffer
VideoStreamInterface* m_cameoVideoStream;///< Video stream;
// message data
UIMessage m_uiMessages[ MAX_UI_MESSAGES ];/**< messages to display to the user, the
array is organized with newer messages at
index 0, and increasing to older ones */
// superweapon timer data
SuperweaponMap m_superweapons[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
Coord2D m_superweaponPosition;
Real m_superweaponFlashDuration;
// superweapon timer font info
AsciiString m_superweaponNormalFont;
Int m_superweaponNormalPointSize;
Bool m_superweaponNormalBold;
AsciiString m_superweaponReadyFont;
Int m_superweaponReadyPointSize;
Bool m_superweaponReadyBold;
Int m_superweaponLastFlashFrame; ///< for flashing the text when the weapon is ready
Color m_superweaponFlashColor;
Bool m_superweaponUsedFlashColor;
NamedTimerMap m_namedTimers;
Coord2D m_namedTimerPosition;
Real m_namedTimerFlashDuration;
Int m_namedTimerLastFlashFrame;
Color m_namedTimerFlashColor;
Bool m_namedTimerUsedFlashColor;
Bool m_showNamedTimers;
AsciiString m_namedTimerNormalFont;
Int m_namedTimerNormalPointSize;
Bool m_namedTimerNormalBold;
Color m_namedTimerNormalColor;
AsciiString m_namedTimerReadyFont;
Int m_namedTimerReadyPointSize;
Bool m_namedTimerReadyBold;
Color m_namedTimerReadyColor;
// Drawable caption data
AsciiString m_drawableCaptionFont;
Int m_drawableCaptionPointSize;
Bool m_drawableCaptionBold;
Color m_drawableCaptionColor;
UnsignedInt m_tooltipsDisabledUntil;
// Military Subtitle data
MilitarySubtitleData * m_militarySubtitle; ///< The pointer to subtitle class, if it's present then draw it.
Bool m_isScrolling;
Bool m_isSelecting;
MouseMode m_mouseMode;
Int m_mouseModeCursor;
DrawableID m_mousedOverDrawableID;
Coord2D m_scrollAmt;
Bool m_isQuitMenuVisible;
Bool m_messagesOn;
Color m_messageColor1;
Color m_messageColor2;
ICoord2D m_messagePosition;
AsciiString m_messageFont;
Int m_messagePointSize;
Bool m_messageBold;
Int m_messageDelayMS;
RGBAColorInt m_militaryCaptionColor; ///< color for the military-style caption
ICoord2D m_militaryCaptionPosition; ///< position for the military-style caption
AsciiString m_militaryCaptionTitleFont;
Int m_militaryCaptionTitlePointSize;
Bool m_militaryCaptionTitleBold;
AsciiString m_militaryCaptionFont;
Int m_militaryCaptionPointSize;
Bool m_militaryCaptionBold;
Bool m_militaryCaptionRandomizeTyping;
Int m_militaryCaptionDelayMS;
Int m_militaryCaptionSpeed;
RadiusDecalTemplate m_radiusCursors[RADIUSCURSOR_COUNT];
RadiusDecal m_curRadiusCursor;
RadiusCursorType m_curRcType;
//Floating Text Data
FloatingTextList m_floatingTextList; ///< Our list of floating text
UnsignedInt m_floatingTextTimeOut; ///< Ini value of our floating text timeout
Real m_floatingTextMoveUpSpeed; ///< INI value of our Move up speed
Real m_floatingTextMoveVanishRate; ///< INI value of our move vanish rate
PopupMessageData * m_popupMessageData;
Color m_popupMessageColor;
Bool m_waypointMode; ///< are we in waypoint plotting mode?
Bool m_forceAttackMode; ///< are we in force attack mode?
Bool m_forceMoveToMode; ///< are we in force move mode?
Bool m_attackMoveToMode; ///< are we in attack move mode?
Bool m_preferSelection; ///< the shift key has been depressed.
Bool m_cameraRotatingLeft;
Bool m_cameraRotatingRight;
Bool m_cameraZoomingIn;
Bool m_cameraZoomingOut;
Bool m_drawRMBScrollAnchor;
Bool m_moveRMBScrollAnchor;
Bool m_clientQuiet; ///< When the user clicks exit,restart, etc. this is set true
///< to skip some client sounds/fx during shutdown
// World Animation Data
WorldAnimationList m_worldAnimationList; ///< the list of world animations
// Idle worker animation
ObjectList m_idleWorkers[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
GameWindow * m_idleWorkerWin;
Int m_currentIdleWorkerDisplay;
DrawableID m_soloNexusSelectedDrawableID; ///< The drawable of the nexus, if only one angry mob is selected, otherwise, null
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STATIC Protected Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const FieldParse s_fieldParseTable[];
// the singleton
extern InGameUI *TheInGameUI;
#endif // _IN_GAME_UI_H_