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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// Scripts.h
// Script data structures.
// Author: John Ahlquist, November 2001
#pragma once
#ifndef SCRIPTS_H
#define SCRIPTS_H
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
#include "GameNetwork/NetworkDefs.h"
#define THIS_TEAM "<This Team>"
#define ANY_TEAM "<Any Team>"
#define THIS_OBJECT "<This Object>"
#define ANY_OBJECT "<Any Object>"
#define THIS_PLAYER "<This Player>"
#define LOCAL_PLAYER "<Local Player>"
#define THIS_PLAYER_ENEMY "<This Player's Enemy>"
#define WATER_GRID "Water Grid"
// Skirmish waypoint names
#define SKIRMISH_CENTER "Center"
#define SKIRMISH_FLANK "Flank"
#define SKIRMISH_BACKDOOR "Backdoor"
#define SKIRMISH_SPECIAL "Special"
#if 0
// Skirmish Player names
// Skirmish Player Areas
// Skirmish trigger names.
#define MY_INNER_PERIMETER "[Skirmish]MyInnerPerimeter"
#define MY_OUTER_PERIMETER "[Skirmish]MyOuterPerimeter"
#define ENEMY_OUTER_PERIMETER "[Skirmish]EnemyOuterPerimeter"
#define ENEMY_INNER_PERIMETER "[Skirmish]EnemyInnerPerimeter"
#define INNER_PERIMETER "InnerPerimeter"
#define OUTER_PERIMETER "OuterPerimeter"
class Parameter;
class Script;
class OrCondition;
class Condition;
class DataChunkInput;
struct DataChunkInfo;
class DataChunkOutput;
// For now, we only actually allow the simple stuff to be chosen. However, as soon as I can get more
// time on the schedule, we need to extend these scripts to be more useful. To that end, I've
// created the parameters and such necessary for more complex behavior, but for now only the
// rudimentary support is enabled. jkmcd
// There is undoubtedly a more sophisticated way to do this, but for some reason my brain hurts.
// The corresponding UnsignedInt values that we pass around are:
// 1 means ground
// 2 means air
// 3 means air or ground
extern const char *Surfaces[];
// Shake intensities. Must be kept in sync with View::CameraShakeType
extern const char *ShakeIntensities[];
// ******************************** class ScriptGroup ***********************************************
class ScriptGroup : public MemoryPoolObject, public Snapshot
// This is a list of scripts that are grouped and named, with some
// additional properties.
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
Script *m_firstScript;
AsciiString m_groupName;
Bool m_isGroupActive;
Bool m_isGroupSubroutine;
ScriptGroup *m_nextGroup;
Bool m_hasWarnings; ///< Runtime flag used by the editor only.
ScriptGroup *duplicate(void) const; // note, duplicates just this node, not the full list.
ScriptGroup *duplicateAndQualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,
const AsciiString& playerTemplateName, const AsciiString& newPlayerName) const; // note, duplicates just this node, not the full list.
void setName(AsciiString name) { m_groupName = name;}
void setActive(Bool active) { m_isGroupActive = active;}
void setSubroutine(Bool subr) { m_isGroupSubroutine = subr;}
void setWarnings(Bool warnings) { m_hasWarnings = warnings;}
void setNextGroup(ScriptGroup *pGr) {m_nextGroup = pGr;}
AsciiString getName(void) const { return m_groupName;}
Bool isActive(void) const { return m_isGroupActive;}
Bool isSubroutine(void) const { return m_isGroupSubroutine;}
Bool hasWarnings(void) const { return m_hasWarnings;}
ScriptGroup *getNext(void) const {return m_nextGroup;};
Script *getScript(void) {return m_firstScript;};
void addScript(Script *pScr, Int ndx);
void deleteScript(Script *pScr);
static void WriteGroupDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, ScriptGroup *pGroup);
static Bool ParseGroupDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
// ******************************** class OrCondition ***********************************************
/// This is a linked list of or clauses, each containing a list of and clauses.
class OrCondition : public MemoryPoolObject
OrCondition *m_nextOr; // Next or clause.
Condition *m_firstAnd; // These are Anded.
/// Duplicate creates a "deep" copy. If it is head of a linked list, duplicates the entire list.
OrCondition *duplicate(void) const;
OrCondition *duplicateAndQualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,
const AsciiString& playerTemplateName, const AsciiString& newPlayerName) const;
void setNextOrCondition(OrCondition *pOr) {m_nextOr = pOr;}
void setFirstAndCondition(Condition *pAnd) {m_firstAnd = pAnd;}
OrCondition *getNextOrCondition(void) {return m_nextOr;}
Condition *getFirstAndCondition(void) {return m_firstAnd;}
Condition *removeCondition(Condition *pCond);
void deleteCondition(Condition *pCond);
static void WriteOrConditionDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, OrCondition *pCondition);
static Bool ParseOrConditionDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
// Utility for moving scripts upwards
Condition *findPreviousCondition( Condition *curCond );
// ******************************** class ScriptAction ***********************************************
/** This is an action that can be executed by a script. The Action Types
are defined by ActionTemplates created in the ScriptEngine::init method. */
enum {MAX_PARMS=12};
class ScriptAction : public MemoryPoolObject // This is the action class.
// friend bad for MPOs. (srj)
//friend class EditAction;
/// @todo Use a "symbol table" so we can re-order this enum without breaking old maps (MSB)
enum ScriptActionType
DEBUG_MESSAGE_BOX=0, ///< Show a message box.
SET_FLAG, ///< Set a flag true of false.
SET_COUNTER, ///< Set a counter to an integer.
VICTORY, ///< Announce victory.
DEFEAT, ///< Announce defeat.
NO_OP, ///< No op.
SET_TIMER, ///< Start a frame timer.
PLAY_SOUND_EFFECT, ///< Play sound.
ENABLE_SCRIPT, ///< Enable script.
DISABLE_SCRIPT, ///< Disable script.
CALL_SUBROUTINE, ///< Call a subroutine.
PLAY_SOUND_EFFECT_AT, ///< Play sound at location.
DAMAGE_MEMBERS_OF_TEAM, ///< Damage team members (boom.)
MOVE_TEAM_TO, ///< Move to.
MOVE_CAMERA_TO, ///< Move camera to.
INCREMENT_COUNTER, ///< Add to a counter.
DECREMENT_COUNTER, ///< subtract from a counter.
MOVE_CAMERA_ALONG_WAYPOINT_PATH, ///< Move camera along path.
ROTATE_CAMERA, ///< Rotate camera.
RESET_CAMERA, ///< Reset camera.
SET_MILLISECOND_TIMER, ///< Start a time based timer.
CAMERA_MOD_FREEZE_TIME, ///< Freeze time during a camera movement.
SET_VISUAL_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, ///< Drop frames so that time "goes" faster..
CREATE_OBJECT, ///< Create an object
SUSPEND_BACKGROUND_SOUNDS, ///< Stop backgropund music & sounds.
RESUME_BACKGROUND_SOUNDS, ///< Resume backgropund music & sounds.
CAMERA_MOD_SET_FINAL_ZOOM, ///< Sets the final zoom for a camera movement
CAMERA_MOD_SET_FINAL_PITCH, ///< Sets the final pitch for a camera movement
CAMERA_MOD_FREEZE_ANGLE, ///< Freeze camera angle during a camera movement.
CAMERA_MOD_SET_FINAL_SPEED_MULTIPLIER,///< Sets the final time multiplier for a camera movement.
CAMERA_MOD_SET_ROLLING_AVERAGE, ///< Sets the number of frames to average changes (angle, positoin) to smooth out a camera movement.
CAMERA_MOD_FINAL_LOOK_TOWARD, ///< Sets the look toward point for the end of a camera movement.
CAMERA_MOD_LOOK_TOWARD, ///< Sets the look toward point during a camera movement.
TEAM_ATTACK_TEAM, ///< Tell team to attack other team
CREATE_REINFORCEMENT_TEAM, ///< Create a team of reinforcements.
MOVE_CAMERA_TO_SELECTION, ///< Move the target to the selected item.
TEAM_FOLLOW_WAYPOINTS, ///< Tell the team to begin following a path, starting at given waypoint
TEAM_SET_STATE, ///< Set a team to a particular state.
MOVE_NAMED_UNIT_TO, ///< Move a named unit to a position
NAMED_ATTACK_NAMED, ///< Make a named unit attack another named unit
CREATE_NAMED_ON_TEAM_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Create a named unit on a team at a waypoint
CREATE_UNNAMED_ON_TEAM_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Create a unnamed unit on a team at a waypoint
NAMED_APPLY_ATTACK_PRIORITY_SET, ///< Applies an attack priority set to a named unit
TEAM_APPLY_ATTACK_PRIORITY_SET, ///< Applies an attack priority set to a team
NAMED_ATTACK_AREA, ///< Set a unit to attack an area
TEAM_ATTACK_AREA, ///< Set a team to attack an area
TEAM_ATTACK_NAMED, ///< Set a team to attack a unit
TEAM_LOAD_TRANSPORTS, ///< Set a team to auto-load transports
NAMED_ENTER_NAMED, ///< Set a unit to enter a transport
TEAM_ENTER_NAMED, ///< Set a team to enter a transport
NAMED_EXIT_ALL, ///< Set a unit to exit its transport
TEAM_EXIT_ALL, ///< Set a team to exit all transports
NAMED_FOLLOW_WAYPOINTS, ///< Set a unit to follow a waypoint path
NAMED_GUARD, ///< Set a unit to guard it's current location.
TEAM_GUARD, ///< Set a team to guard it's current location.
NAMED_HUNT, ///< Set a unit to hunt
TEAM_HUNT, ///< Set a team to hunt
PLAYER_SELL_EVERYTHING, ///< Set a player to sell everything
PLAYER_DISABLE_BASE_CONSTRUCTION, ///< Disallow a player from building anymore base buildings
PLAYER_DISABLE_FACTORIES, ///< Disallow a player from building from factories
PLAYER_DISABLE_UNIT_CONSTRUCTION, ///< Disallow a player from building units
PLAYER_ENABLE_BASE_CONSTRUCTION, ///< Allow a player to build bases
PLAYER_ENABLE_FACTORIES, ///< Allow a player to build from his factories
PLAYER_ENABLE_UNIT_CONSTRUCTION, ///< Allow a player to build units
BUILD_TEAM, ///< Build a team from a teamtemplate
NAMED_DAMAGE, ///< Damage a unit
NAMED_DELETE, ///< Delete a unit
TEAM_DELETE, ///< Delete a team
NAMED_KILL, ///< Kill a unit
TEAM_KILL, ///< Kill a team
PLAYER_KILL, ///< Kill a player
DISPLAY_TEXT, ///< Display a localized string
CAMEO_FLASH, ///< Flashes a command button
NAMED_FLASH, ///< Flashes a specific unit
TEAM_FLASH, ///< Flashes a specific team
MOVIE_PLAY_FULLSCREEN, ///< Play a movie in fullscreen
MOVIE_PLAY_RADAR, ///< Play a movie in the radar
SOUND_PLAY_NAMED, ///< Play a sound as though it comes from a unit
SPEECH_PLAY, ///< Play a speech
PLAYER_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP_PLAYER, ///< Transfer ownership of all units to another player
NAMED_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP_PLAYER, ///< Transfer ownership of a single unit to another player
PLAYER_RELATES_PLAYER, ///< Update player-player relations
RADAR_DISABLE, ///< Disable the radar
RADAR_ENABLE, ///< Enable the radar
MAP_REVEAL_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Reveal the map within a radius of waypoint.
TEAM_MERGE_INTO_TEAM, ///< Merge a team into another team
DISABLE_INPUT, ///< Disable user input
ENABLE_INPUT, ///< Re-enable user input
PLAYER_HUNT, ///< Set an entire player's team to hunt
SOUND_AMBIENT_PAUSE, ///< Pause all ambient sounds
SOUND_AMBIENT_RESUME, ///< Resume all ambient sounds
MUSIC_SET_TRACK, ///< Set the current music track, allowing for fade-in and fade-out
SET_TREE_SWAY, ///< Set the trees' sway
DEBUG_STRING, ///< Output a debug string without stopping.
MAP_REVEAL_ALL, ///< Reveal the entire map
TEAM_GARRISON_SPECIFIC_BUILDING, ///< Garrison a specific building
EXIT_SPECIFIC_BUILDING, ///< Empty a specific building
TEAM_GARRISON_NEAREST_BUILDING, ///< Garrison a nearby building
TEAM_EXIT_ALL_BUILDINGS, ///< Empty all buildings of units
NAMED_GARRISON_SPECIFIC_BUILDING, ///< Send a unit to garrison a specific building
NAMED_GARRISON_NEAREST_BUILDING, ///< Send a unit to garrison the nearest building
NAMED_EXIT_BUILDING, ///< Tell a unit to exit the building its currently in
PLAYER_GARRISON_ALL_BUILDINGS, ///< Garrison as many buildings as possible (filling each one up)
PLAYER_EXIT_ALL_BUILDINGS, ///< Tell all buildings to empty themselves for this player.
TEAM_WANDER, ///< Tell a team to wander.
TEAM_PANIC, ///< Tell a team to panic.
SETUP_CAMERA, ///< Set up an initial camera position.
CAMERA_LETTERBOX_BEGIN, ///< Set the camera into letterbox mode
CAMERA_LETTERBOX_END, ///< End the Letterbox mode.
ZOOM_CAMERA, ///< Set camera zoom.
PITCH_CAMERA, ///< Set camera pitch.
CAMERA_FOLLOW_NAMED, ///< Camera follow named.
OVERSIZE_TERRAIN, // Oversize the drawn terrain for effect.
CAMERA_FADE_ADD, ///< Fade using an add blend
CAMERA_FADE_SUBTRACT, ///< Fade using a subtract blend
CAMERA_FADE_SATURATE, ///< Fade using a saturate blend
CAMERA_FADE_MULTIPLY, ///< Fade using a multiply blend
CAMERA_BW_MODE_BEGIN, ///< switch camera to black & white mode.
CAMERA_BW_MODE_END, ///< switch camera back to color mode.
DRAW_SKYBOX_BEGIN, ///< draw skybox
DRAW_SKYBOX_END, ///< stop skybox
SET_ATTACK_PRIORITY_THING, ///< Sets the attack priority for a single thing in a set.
SET_ATTACK_PRIORITY_KIND_OF, ///< Sets the attack priority for all of a kind in a set.
SET_DEFAULT_ATTACK_PRIORITY, ///< Sets the default attack priority for a set.
CAMERA_STOP_FOLLOW, ///< Ends a camera follow named.
CAMERA_MOTION_BLUR, ///< Starts a camera motion blur zoom
CAMERA_MOTION_BLUR_JUMP, ///< Starts a camera motion blur in & out with jump.
CAMERA_MOTION_BLUR_FOLLOW, ///< Starts a motion blur follow scrolling effect.
CAMERA_MOTION_BLUR_END_FOLLOW, ///< Ends a motion blur follow scrolling effect.
FREEZE_TIME, ///< Freeze time.
UNFREEZE_TIME, ///< Unfreeze time.
SHOW_MILITARY_CAPTION, ///< Display military-style briefing text
CAMERA_SET_AUDIBLE_DISTANCE, ///< Sets the range for the audible distance
SET_STOPPING_DISTANCE, ///< Sets the stopping distance for a team
NAMED_SET_STOPPING_DISTANCE, ///< Sets the stopping distance for a named object
SET_FPS_LIMIT, ///< Sets the max frames-per-second
MUSIC_SET_VOLUME, ///< Adjust the track volume
MAP_SHROUD_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Shroud the map at this waypoint
MAP_SHROUD_ALL, ///< Shroud the entire map
SET_RANDOM_TIMER, ///< Start a random frame based timer.
SET_RANDOM_MSEC_TIMER, ///< Start a random time based timer.
STOP_TIMER, ///< Stop a timer. Remembers time stopped.
RESTART_TIMER, ///< Restarts a stopped timer. Remembers time stopped.
ADD_TO_MSEC_TIMER, ///< Adds time to a timer.
SUB_FROM_MSEC_TIMER, ///< Subtracts time from a timer.
TEAM_TRANSFER_TO_PLAYER, ///< Transfers a team to a player, maintaining team-ness
PLAYER_SET_MONEY, ///< Set a player's cash reserves to a specific value.
PLAYER_GIVE_MONEY, ///< // Add/subtract cash from a player's reserves.
DISABLE_SPECIAL_POWER_DISPLAY, ///< hides the special power countdown display
ENABLE_SPECIAL_POWER_DISPLAY, ///< shows the special power countdown display
NAMED_HIDE_SPECIAL_POWER_DISPLAY, ///< hides the special power countdown display for an object
NAMED_SHOW_SPECIAL_POWER_DISPLAY, ///< shows the special power countdown display for an object
DISPLAY_COUNTDOWN_TIMER, ///< shows a countdown timer
HIDE_COUNTDOWN_TIMER, ///< hides a countdown timer
ENABLE_COUNTDOWN_TIMER_DISPLAY, ///< enables countdown timer display
DISABLE_COUNTDOWN_TIMER_DISPLAY, ///< disables countdown timer display
NAMED_STOP_SPECIAL_POWER_COUNTDOWN, ///< pauses the countdown for a special power
NAMED_START_SPECIAL_POWER_COUNTDOWN,///< resumes the countdown for a special power
NAMED_SET_SPECIAL_POWER_COUNTDOWN, ///< set special power countdown for an object
NAMED_ADD_SPECIAL_POWER_COUNTDOWN, ///< add/subtract time from a special power countdown
NAMED_FIRE_SPECIAL_POWER_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< fire a special power
NAMED_FIRE_SPECIAL_POWER_AT_NAMED, ///< fire a special power
REFRESH_RADAR, ///< Force the radar to recalculate the terrain
CAMERA_TETHER_NAMED, ///< Tether the camera location to a named unit
CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT, ///< Set default angle, pitch, zoom, etc for camera
NAMED_STOP, ///< Make a named unit stop (go idle)
TEAM_STOP, ///< Make a team stop (go idle)
TEAM_STOP_AND_DISBAND, ///< Make a team stop and be merged into the default player team. Also, mark the whole team recruitable
RECRUIT_TEAM, ///< Recruit a team?
TEAM_SET_OVERRIDE_RELATION_TO_TEAM, ///< override a team's relation to another team
TEAM_REMOVE_OVERRIDE_RELATION_TO_TEAM, ///< remove that override
TEAM_REMOVE_ALL_OVERRIDE_RELATIONS,///< remove all overrides
CAMERA_LOOK_TOWARD_OBJECT, ///< Rotate the camera to be pointing toward a unit
NAMED_FIRE_WEAPON_FOLLOWING_WAYPOINT_PATH, ///< Fires a specific weapon that follows waypoint path and detonates at the final waypoint.
TEAM_SET_OVERRIDE_RELATION_TO_PLAYER, ///< override a team's relation to another player
PLAYER_SET_OVERRIDE_RELATION_TO_TEAM, ///< override a Player's relation to another team
UNIT_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT, ///< Make a unit execute a script sequentially
UNIT_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT_LOOPING, ///< Make a unit execute a script sequentially (forever)
UNIT_STOP_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT, ///< Make a unit stop executing its sequential scripts
TEAM_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT, ///< Make a team execute a script sequentially
TEAM_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT_LOOPING, ///< Make a team execute a script sequentially (forever)
TEAM_STOP_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT, ///< Make a team stop executing its sequential scripts
UNIT_GUARD_FOR_FRAMECOUNT, ///< Make a specific unit guard for a framecount
UNIT_IDLE_FOR_FRAMECOUNT, ///< Make a specific unit stop idle for a framecount
TEAM_GUARD_FOR_FRAMECOUNT, ///< Make a team guard for a framecount
TEAM_IDLE_FOR_FRAMECOUNT, ///< Make a team stop idle for a framecount
WATER_CHANGE_HEIGHT, ///< Adjust the water level
NAMED_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY_ON_NAMED, ///< Make a unit use an ability on another unit.
NAMED_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Make a unit use an ability on a waypoint.
WATER_CHANGE_HEIGHT_OVER_TIME, ///< Adjust the water level over a period of time.
MAP_SWITCH_BORDER, ///< Switch to border color <Blah>
OBJECT_FORCE_SELECT, ///< Force selection of the first object type on the player's team
CAMERA_LOOK_TOWARD_WAYPOINT, ///< Rotate the camera to be pointing toward a waypoint
UNIT_DESTROY_ALL_CONTAINED, ///< Destroy all units contained by the named unit
RADAR_FORCE_ENABLE, ///< Force the radar to be on regardless of player status
RADAR_REVERT_TO_NORMAL, ///< Undo forcing the radar to be on
SCREEN_SHAKE, ///< Shake the entire screen
TECHTREE_MODIFY_BUILDABILITY_OBJECT, ///< Modify how "buildable" something is.
WAREHOUSE_SET_VALUE, ///< Set a Warehouse to have this much money.
OBJECT_CREATE_RADAR_EVENT, ///< Create a radar event at this object
TEAM_CREATE_RADAR_EVENT, ///< Create a radar event at this team
DISPLAY_CINEMATIC_TEXT, ///< Displays a string in the bottom letterbox
DEBUG_CRASH_BOX, ///< Debug/Internal builds only: do a crash box
INGAME_POPUP_MESSAGE, ///< Popup an ingame popup message box
SET_CAVE_INDEX, ///< Set the index of which set of caves a cave is connected to.
NAMED_SET_HELD, ///< Sets a named object to be "held" in place or not
NAMED_SET_TOPPLE_DIRECTION, ///< Set the topple direction of the specified direction
UNIT_MOVE_TOWARDS_NEAREST_OBJECT_TYPE, ///< Move a named unit towards the nearest object of type type
TEAM_MOVE_TOWARDS_NEAREST_OBJECT_TYPE, ///< For each member of the team, move towards the nearest object of type
NAMED_SET_REPULSOR, ///< Set a unit as a repulsor (scares) civilians.
TEAM_SET_REPULSOR, ///< Set a team as a repulsor (scares) civilians.
TEAM_WANDER_IN_PLACE, ///< Set a team to wander around their current position.
TEAM_INCREASE_PRIORITY, ///< Increment a team's ai priority by it's success amount.
TEAM_DECREASE_PRIORITY, ///< Decrease a team's ai prioiryt by it's failure amount.
DISPLAY_COUNTER, ///< shows a counter
HIDE_COUNTER, ///< hides a counter
TEAM_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY_ON_NAMED, ///< Make a team use an ability on another unit.
TEAM_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Make a team use an ability on a waypoint.
NAMED_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY, ///< Make a unit use an ability.
TEAM_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY, ///< Make a team use an ability.
NAMED_FLASH_WHITE, ///< Flashes a specific unit
TEAM_FLASH_WHITE, ///< Flashes a specific team
SKIRMISH_BUILD_BUILDING, ///< Start building a building.
SKIRMISH_FOLLOW_APPROACH_PATH, ///< Follow a particular route to the enemy.
IDLE_ALL_UNITS, ///< cancel any current actions for one player (or all players)
RESUME_SUPPLY_TRUCKING, ///< Re-enable supply trucking for *idle* trucks for one player (or all players)
NAMED_CUSTOM_COLOR, ///< set a specific unit to use a special indicator color (not his controlling player's)
SKIRMISH_MOVE_TO_APPROACH_PATH, ///< Follow a particular route to the enemy.
SKIRMISH_BUILD_BASE_DEFENSE_FRONT, ///< Build some base defense on the front.
SKIRMISH_FIRE_SPECIAL_POWER_AT_MOST_COST, ///< Fire a power or superweapon at the enemy's most costly concentration of structures & units..
NAMED_RECEIVE_UPGRADE, ///< Unit receives an upgrade
PLAYER_REPAIR_NAMED_STRUCTURE, ///< Send a dozer to repair a structure.
SKIRMISH_BUILD_BASE_DEFENSE_FLANK, ///< Build some base defense on the flank.
SKIRMISH_BUILD_STRUCTURE_FRONT, ///< Build some structure on the front.
SKIRMISH_BUILD_STRUCTURE_FLANK, ///< Build some structure on the flank.
SKIRMISH_ATTACK_NEAREST_GROUP_WITH_VALUE, ///< Send a team to attack the nearest group with value comparison
SKIRMISH_PERFORM_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_MOST_VALUABLE_OBJECT, ///< Send a single unit/ all available to perform a command button action on the most valuable target
SKIRMISH_WAIT_FOR_COMMANDBUTTON_AVAILABLE_ALL, ///< In a sequential script, stay on this step until the specified command button is ready for all units.
SKIRMISH_WAIT_FOR_COMMANDBUTTON_AVAILABLE_PARTIAL,///< In a sequential script, stay on this step until the specified command button is ready for one unit on the team.
TEAM_SPIN_FOR_FRAMECOUNT, ///< Tell the team to continue its current task without advancing for this number of frames
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NAMED, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on a named enemy
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NEAREST_ENEMY_UNIT, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on the nearest enemy unit
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NEAREST_GARRISONED_BUILDING, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on the nearest enemy garrisoned building
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NEAREST_KINDOF, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on the nearest enemy that has kindof set
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NEAREST_ENEMY_BUILDING, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on the nearest enemy building
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NEAREST_ENEMY_BUILDING_CLASS, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on the nearest enemy building class
TEAM_ALL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON_ON_NEAREST_OBJECTTYPE, ///< Tell the team to use the commandbutton on the nearest enemy object of type
TEAM_PARTIAL_USE_COMMANDBUTTON, ///< Tell some percentage of the team to use the commandbutton on
TEAM_CAPTURE_NEAREST_UNOWNED_FACTION_UNIT,///< Tell the team to capture the nearest unowned faction unit (unit whose pilot has been killed by Jarmen Kell)
PLAYER_CREATE_TEAM_FROM_CAPTURED_UNITS, ///< Tell the player to create a new named team from all the units who have been captured.
PLAYER_ADD_SKILLPOINTS, ///< add/subtract skill points to the player.
PLAYER_ADD_RANKLEVEL, ///< add/subtract ranklevel for the player.
PLAYER_SET_RANKLEVEL, ///< set the player's ranklevel to an explicit level.
PLAYER_SET_RANKLEVELLIMIT, ///< set the RankLevelLimit for the current map.
PLAYER_GRANT_SCIENCE, ///< grant a Science to the player, regardless of prereqs, etc
PLAYER_PURCHASE_SCIENCE, ///< the Player purchases the specified Science (if he has enough points, prereqs, etc)
TEAM_HUNT_WITH_COMMAND_BUTTON, ///< Hunt using a command button ability.
TEAM_WAIT_FOR_NOT_CONTAINED_ALL, ///< In a sequential script, stay on this step until the entire team is no longer contained
TEAM_WAIT_FOR_NOT_CONTAINED_PARTIAL, ///< In a sequential script, stay on this step until at least one member of the team is no longer contained
TEAM_FOLLOW_WAYPOINTS_EXACT, ///< Follows waypoints exactly.
NAMED_FOLLOW_WAYPOINTS_EXACT, ///< Follows waypoints exactly.
TEAM_SET_EMOTICON, ///< Adds specified emoticon to each unit in team (-1 permanent, 0 get rid of, 1+ duration in ms)
NAMED_SET_EMOTICON, ///< Adds specified emoticon to named unit (-1 permanent, 0 get rid of, 1+ duration in ms)
AI_PLAYER_BUILD_SUPPLY_CENTER, ///< Tell the ai player to build a supply center.
AI_PLAYER_BUILD_UPGRADE, ///< Tell the ai player to build an upgrade.
OBJECTLIST_ADDOBJECTTYPE, ///< Add the associated object to the named list
OBJECTLIST_REMOVEOBJECTTYPE, ///< Remove the associated object to the named list
MAP_REVEAL_PERMANENTLY_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Reveal an area at a waypoint
MAP_UNDO_REVEAL_PERMANENTLY_AT_WAYPOINT, ///< Undo a previous permanent reveal
NAMED_SET_STEALTH_ENABLED, ///< Enables/disables stealth capability for a specific unit.
TEAM_SET_STEALTH_ENABLED, ///< Enables/disables stealth capability for a team.
EVA_SET_ENABLED_DISABLED, ///< Sets EVA to continue to evaluate messages or not.
OPTIONS_SET_OCCLUSION_MODE, ///< Enables behind building functionality.
LOCALDEFEAT, ///< Announce local player's defeat.
OPTIONS_SET_DRAWICON_UI_MODE, ///< Enables/disables all emoticons.
OPTIONS_SET_PARTICLE_CAP_MODE, ///< Enables/disables particle cap.
PLAYER_SCIENCE_AVAILABILITY, ///< Determines the availability of a specific science.
UNIT_AFFECT_OBJECT_PANEL_FLAGS, ///< Affects the various flags on the object panel for an individual unit
TEAM_AFFECT_OBJECT_PANEL_FLAGS, ///< Affects the various flags on the object panel for all units on a team
PLAYER_SELECT_SKILLSET, ///< Select the skillset for an AI player.
SCRIPTING_OVERRIDE_HULK_LIFETIME, ///< Overrides the lifetime of hulks (for cinematic purposes).
NAMED_FACE_NAMED, ///< Orders unit to face the position of the other named object.
NAMED_FACE_WAYPOINT, ///< Orders unit to face a waypoint.
TEAM_FACE_NAMED, ///< Orders all members of a team to face a specific unit.
TEAM_FACE_WAYPOINT, ///< Orders all members of a team to face a waypoint.
COMMANDBAR_REMOVE_BUTTON_OBJECTTYPE, ///< Remove a button from a command bar for an objecttype
COMMANDBAR_ADD_BUTTON_OBJECTTYPE_SLOT, ///< Add a button to the command bar for an objecttype, in a specific slot
UNIT_SPAWN_NAMED_LOCATION_ORIENTATION, ///< Create a named unit at the specified location, altitude, and orientation
PLAYER_AFFECT_RECEIVING_EXPERIENCE, ///< Adjust whether or not a player is receieving experience for kills
PLAYER_EXCLUDE_FROM_SCORE_SCREEN, ///< This player should be listed in the score screen. Should only be used in campaign games.
TEAM_GUARD_SUPPLY_CENTER, ///< Have an ai team guard the nearest available supply center..
ENABLE_SCORING, ///< Turn on scoring of kills, units destroyed, etc.
DISABLE_SCORING, ///< Turn off scoring of kills, units destroyed, etc.
SOUND_SET_VOLUME, ///< Adjust the volume of the sounds
SPEECH_SET_VOLUME, ///< Adjust the volume of the speech
DISABLE_BORDER_SHROUD, ///< Clear the shroud that draws off the map border
ENABLE_BORDER_SHROUD, ///< Restore the shroud that draws off the map border (normally on)
OBJECT_ALLOW_BONUSES, ///< Change whether or not the bonuses are applied to objects.
SOUND_REMOVE_ALL_DISABLED, ///< Remove any and all disabled sounds from the sound channels.
SOUND_REMOVE_TYPE, ///< Remove sound of type.
TEAM_GUARD_IN_TUNNEL_NETWORK, ///< Team enters nearest tunnel network & guards.
QUICKVICTORY, ///< End map in victory immediately.
SET_INFANTRY_LIGHTING_OVERRIDE, ///< Overrides the natural lighting on infantry for closeups
RESET_INFANTRY_LIGHTING_OVERRIDE, ///< And then goes back to the GlobalData defaults
TEAM_DELETE_LIVING, ///< Delete only the living members of this team
RESIZE_VIEW_GUARDBAND, ///< Allow bigger objects to be perceived as onscreen near the edge
DELETE_ALL_UNMANNED, ///< Delete all unmanned (sniped) vehicles
CHOOSE_VICTIM_ALWAYS_USES_NORMAL, ///< choose victim always uses normal AI behavior, ignoring game difficulty
// add new items here, please
ScriptAction(ScriptActionType type);
ScriptAction *duplicate(void) const;
ScriptAction *duplicateAndQualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,
const AsciiString& playerTemplateName, const AsciiString& newPlayerName) const;
ScriptAction(); ///< Protected constructor for read.
ScriptActionType m_actionType;
Int m_numParms;
Parameter * m_parms[MAX_PARMS];
ScriptAction * m_nextAction;
Bool m_hasWarnings; ///< Runtime flag used by the editor only.
void setActionType(ScriptActionType type);
void setNextAction(ScriptAction *pAct) {m_nextAction = pAct;}
void setWarnings(Bool warnings) { m_hasWarnings = warnings;}
ScriptActionType getActionType(void) {return m_actionType;}
ScriptAction * getNext(void) {return m_nextAction;}
AsciiString getUiText(void);
Parameter *getParameter(Int ndx)
if (ndx>=0 && ndx<m_numParms)
return m_parms[ndx];
return NULL;
Bool hasWarnings(void) const { return m_hasWarnings;}
Int getNumParameters(void) {return m_numParms;}
Int getUiStrings(AsciiString strings[MAX_PARMS]);
static void WriteActionDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, ScriptAction *pAct);
static Bool ParseActionDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
static void WriteActionFalseDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, ScriptAction *pAct);
static Bool ParseActionFalseDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
// ******************************** class Script ***********************************************
/** This is a script, in a linked list of scripts. The m_condition list is evaluated, and if one of the
or clauses is true, the m_action list is executed. . */
class Script : public MemoryPoolObject, public Snapshot
protected: // Note - If you add any member vars, you must take them into account in duplicate() and updateFrom(), as well as file read/write.
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
AsciiString m_scriptName; ///<Short name.
AsciiString m_comment; ///< Long comment.
AsciiString m_conditionComment; ///< Long comment about conditions.
AsciiString m_actionComment; ///< Long comment about actions.
Int m_delayEvaluationSeconds; ///< Number of seconds to delay evaluation.
Bool m_isActive; ///< If true, script is enabled. If false, disabled.
Bool m_isOneShot; ///< If true, script is made not active after executing the m_action actions.
Bool m_isSubroutine; ///< If true, script is a subroutine.
Bool m_easy; ///< Applies to easy campaign.
Bool m_normal; ///< Applies to normal campaign.
Bool m_hard; ///< Applies to Hard campaign.
OrCondition *m_condition; ///< First in a list of ORed clauses.
ScriptAction *m_action; ///< First in a list of actions executed if the conditions are true.
ScriptAction *m_actionFalse;///< First in a list of actions executed if the conditions are false.
Script *m_nextScript; ///< Next in the list of scripts.
// Runtime fields - not saved or read.
UnsignedInt m_frameToEvaluateAt; ///< When to evaluate the conditions next, if m_delayEvaluationSeconds>0.
Bool m_hasWarnings; ///< Runtime flag used by the editor only.
AsciiString m_conditionTeamName; ///< Runtime name used by ScriptEngine only.
Real m_conditionTime; ///< Amount of time (cum) to evaluate conditions.
Real m_curTime; ///< Amount of time (cum) to evaluate conditions.
Int m_conditionExecutedCount; ///< Number of times conditions evaluated.
Script *duplicate(void) const; // note, duplicates just this node, not the full list.
Script *duplicateAndQualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,
const AsciiString& playerTemplateName, const AsciiString& newPlayerName) const;
void setName(AsciiString name) { m_scriptName = name;}
void setWarnings(Bool warnings) { m_hasWarnings = warnings;}
void setComment(AsciiString comment) { m_comment = comment;}
void setActionComment(AsciiString comment) { m_actionComment = comment;}
void setConditionComment(AsciiString comment) { m_conditionComment = comment;}
void setActive(Bool active) { m_isActive = active;}
void setOneShot(Bool one) { m_isOneShot = one;}
void setEasy(Bool easy) { m_easy = easy;}
void setNormal(Bool normal) { m_normal = normal;}
void setHard(Bool hard) { m_hard = hard;}
void setSubroutine(Bool subr) { m_isSubroutine = subr;}
void setNextScript(Script *pScr) {m_nextScript = pScr;}
void setOrCondition(OrCondition *pCond) {m_condition = pCond;}
void setAction(ScriptAction *pAction) {m_action = pAction;}
void setFalseAction(ScriptAction *pAction) {m_actionFalse = pAction;}
void updateFrom(Script *pSrc); ///< Updates this from pSrc. pSrc IS MODIFIED - it's guts are removed. jba.
void setFrameToEvaluate(UnsignedInt frame) {m_frameToEvaluateAt=frame;}
void incrementConditionCount(void) {m_conditionExecutedCount++;}
void addToConditionTime(Real time) {m_conditionTime += time;}
void setCurTime(Real time) {m_curTime = time;}
void setDelayEvalSeconds(Int delay) {m_delayEvaluationSeconds = delay;}
UnsignedInt getFrameToEvaluate(void) {return m_frameToEvaluateAt;}
Int getConditionCount(void) {return m_conditionExecutedCount;}
Real getConditionTime(void) {return m_conditionTime;}
Real getCurTime(void) {return m_curTime;}
Int getDelayEvalSeconds(void) {return m_delayEvaluationSeconds;}
AsciiString getName(void) const { return m_scriptName;}
AsciiString getComment(void) const {return m_comment;}
AsciiString getActionComment(void) const {return m_actionComment;}
AsciiString getConditionComment(void) const {return m_conditionComment;}
Bool hasWarnings(void) const { return m_hasWarnings;}
Bool isActive(void) const { return m_isActive;}
Bool isOneShot(void) const { return m_isOneShot;}
Bool isEasy(void) const { return m_easy;}
Bool isNormal(void) const { return m_normal;}
Bool isHard(void) const { return m_hard;}
Bool isSubroutine(void) const { return m_isSubroutine;}
Script *getNext(void) const {return m_nextScript;}
OrCondition *getOrCondition(void) const {return m_condition;}
ScriptAction *getAction(void) const {return m_action;}
ScriptAction *getFalseAction(void) const {return m_actionFalse;}
AsciiString getUiText(void);
void deleteOrCondition(OrCondition *pCond);
void deleteAction(ScriptAction *pAct);
void deleteFalseAction(ScriptAction *pAct);
static void WriteScriptDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, Script *pScript);
static Script *ParseScript(DataChunkInput &file, unsigned short version);
static Bool ParseScriptFromListDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
static Bool ParseScriptFromGroupDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
// Support routines for moving conditions around
OrCondition *findPreviousOrCondition( OrCondition *curOr );
// Support routines for ScriptEngine -
AsciiString getConditionTeamName(void) {return m_conditionTeamName;}
void setConditionTeamName(AsciiString teamName) {m_conditionTeamName = teamName;}
// ******************************** class Parameter ***********************************************
/** This is a parameter, in either a condition or an action. */
class Parameter : public MemoryPoolObject
// friend bad for MPOs. (srj)
//friend class EditParameter;
//friend class EditCoordParameter;
//friend class EditObjectParameter;
//friend class ScriptEngine;
//friend class ScriptConditions;
enum ParameterType
INT=0, // Int.
REAL, // Real.
SCRIPT, // String. Any script.
TEAM, // String.
COUNTER, // String, int index into counters array at runtime.
FLAG, // String, int index into flags array at runtime.
COMPARISON, // Int, see comparison types below.
WAYPOINT, // String.
BOOLEAN, // Int 0 or 1 for flags.
TRIGGER_AREA, // String.
TEXT_STRING, // String.
SIDE, // String.
SOUND, // String.
SCRIPT_SUBROUTINE, // String. Script that is a subroutine.
UNIT, // String. Name of a unit.
OBJECT_TYPE, // String. Name of a thing template.
COORD3D, // String. (x,y,z), ie (2.0,7,5). Use getCoord()
ANGLE, // Real. Radians.
TEAM_STATE, // String. Name of a state that a team is in.
RELATION, // Int. Specifies the relation towards a team
AI_MOOD, // Int. Specifies the aggressiveness towards a team.
DIALOG, // String, specifies string usable with getSpeech(...)
MUSIC, // String, specifies string usable with getTrack(...)
MOVIE, // String, specifies string usable with open(...) or load(...)
WAYPOINT_PATH, // String, waypoint path label.
LOCALIZED_TEXT, // String, must be looked up from the localized text file.
BRIDGE, // String, Named bridge.
KIND_OF_PARAM, // Integer, KindOfType enum.
ATTACK_PRIORITY_SET,// String, name of an attack priority set.
RADAR_EVENT_TYPE, // Int. Specifies the radar Event type
SPECIAL_POWER, // String, specifies superweapon types
SCIENCE, // String, specifies a science/general/faction/buzzword-of-the-week
UPGRADE, // String, specifies a type of upgrade
COMMANDBUTTON_ABILITY, // Int, refers to the appropriate 1-12 commandbutton that is used for an object.
BOUNDARY, // Int, specifies a boundary index.
BUILDABLE, // Int, specifies buildability of a specific object.
SURFACES_ALLOWED, // Int, specifies whether the check should consider Air, Ground, or Air and Ground
SHAKE_INTENSITY, // Int, specifies which Intensity to use (Intensity in 10 cities!)
FONT_NAME, // String, the name of the desired font
OBJECT_STATUS, // String, specifies ObjectStatusBits name. However, translated to an int on read.
COMMANDBUTTON_ALL_ABILITIES, // String, refers to all command buttons
SKIRMISH_WAYPOINT_PATH, // String, name of a predefined skirmish waypoint path.
COLOR, // color (as int) in ARGB format.
EMOTICON, // List of all possible emoticons.
OBJECT_PANEL_FLAG, // String, specifies a flag name available on the options panel.
FACTION_NAME, // The name of the faction (GLA, America, Munkee, China, etc)
OBJECT_TYPE_LIST, // String, Special case of Object Type.
REVEALNAME, // String, the name of the look taking place.
SCIENCE_AVAILABILITY, // String, the name of the different science availabilities.
enum { // Comparison types. Stored in Int value.
enum { // Relation types. Stored in Int value. (Values from GameCommon.h)
Parameter(ParameterType type, int val = 0) :
ParameterType m_paramType;
Bool m_initialized;
Int m_int;
Real m_real;
AsciiString m_string;
Coord3D m_coord;
void setInt(Int i) {m_int = i;}
void setReal(Real r) {m_real = r;}
void setCoord3D(const Coord3D *pLoc);
void setString(AsciiString s) {m_string = s;}
Int getInt(void) const {return m_int;}
Real getReal(void) const {return m_real;}
void getCoord3D(Coord3D *pLoc) const;
ParameterType getParameterType(void) const {return m_paramType;}
void friend_setInt(Int i) {m_int = i;}
void friend_setReal(Real r) {m_real = r;}
void friend_setCoord3D(const Coord3D *pLoc) { setCoord3D(pLoc); }
void friend_setString(AsciiString s) {m_string = s;}
void qualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,const AsciiString& playerTemplateName,const AsciiString& newPlayerName);
const AsciiString& getString(void) const {return m_string;}
AsciiString getUiText(void) const;
void WriteParameter(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter);
static Parameter *ReadParameter(DataChunkInput &file);
extern const char* TheObjectFlagsNames[];
// ******************************** class Condition ***********************************************
/** This is a condition. The parameters for a ConditionType are set up in
ConditionTemplates created in ScriptEngine::init.
// SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT Skirmish Scripts: Please note that ALL Skirmish conditions should first pass a pSkirmishPlayerParm to
// prevet the necessity of having to write additional scripts for other players / skirmish types later.
class Condition : public MemoryPoolObject // This is the conditional class.
// friend bad for MPOs. (srj)
//friend class EditCondition;
enum ConditionType
CONDITION_FALSE=0, // Always evaluates to false.
FLAG, // FLAG BOOLEAN compares flag to value.
CONDITION_TRUE, // Always evaluates to true.
TIMER_EXPIRED, // If a timer expired.
PLAYER_ALL_DESTROYED, // If a side (player) is totally destroyed.
PLAYER_ALL_BUILDFACILITIES_DESTROYED, // If a side (player) has all build facilities destroyed.
TEAM_INSIDE_AREA_PARTIALLY, // If a player has units from a team entering an area.
TEAM_DESTROYED, // If a team has been destroyed.
CAMERA_MOVEMENT_FINISHED, // If the camera has completed it's current movement.
TEAM_HAS_UNITS, // If a team has units.
TEAM_STATE_IS, // If a team is in a particular state.
TEAM_STATE_IS_NOT, // If a team is not in a particular state.
NAMED_INSIDE_AREA, // If a player has units inside an area.
NAMED_OUTSIDE_AREA, // If a player has units outside an area.
NAMED_DESTROYED, // If a unit is destroyed
NAMED_NOT_DESTROYED, // If a unit is destroyed
TEAM_INSIDE_AREA_ENTIRELY, // If a team is entirely inside an area.
TEAM_OUTSIDE_AREA_ENTIRELY, // If a team is entirely outside an area.
NAMED_ATTACKED_BY_OBJECTTYPE, // If a unit has been attacked by an object of type objecttype
TEAM_ATTACKED_BY_OBJECTTYPE, // If a team has been attacked by an object of type objecttype
NAMED_ATTACKED_BY_PLAYER, // If a unit has been attacked by a unit controlled by player
TEAM_ATTACKED_BY_PLAYER, // If a team has been attacked by a unit controlled by player
BUILT_BY_PLAYER, // If a unit of type objecttype has been built by player
NAMED_CREATED, // If a unit is currently in existence
TEAM_CREATED, // If a team is currently in existence
PLAYER_HAS_CREDITS, // If X [Less Than | Equal | More than] Players credits
NAMED_DISCOVERED, // If a named unit is currently "seen" by a player.
TEAM_DISCOVERED, // If a unit in a team is currently "seen" by a player.
NAMED_OWNED_BY_PLAYER, // If a unit is currently owned by a player
TEAM_OWNED_BY_PLAYER, // If a team is currently owned by a player
PLAYER_HAS_N_OR_FEWER_BUILDINGS, // If a player has count or fewer buildings
PLAYER_HAS_POWER, // If a player currently has power to his facilities
NAMED_REACHED_WAYPOINTS_END, // If a unit has reached the end of the path that contains Waypoint
TEAM_REACHED_WAYPOINTS_END, // If a team has reached the end of the path that contains Waypoint
NAMED_SELECTED, // If a unit is selected
NAMED_ENTERED_AREA, // If a unit enters an area
NAMED_EXITED_AREA, // If a unit exits an area
TEAM_ENTERED_AREA_ENTIRELY, // If a team has entirely entered an area
TEAM_ENTERED_AREA_PARTIALLY, // If a team has exactly one unit entering an area
TEAM_EXITED_AREA_ENTIRELY, // If a team has entirely exited an area
TEAM_EXITED_AREA_PARTIALLY, // If a team has exactly one unit exiting an area
MULTIPLAYER_ALLIED_VICTORY, // If a single group of allies has vanquished everyone else
MULTIPLAYER_ALLIED_DEFEAT, // If a single group of allies has been vanquished
MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_DEFEAT, // If a player (but not necessarily his allies) has been defeated
PLAYER_HAS_NO_POWER, // If a player doesn't have power
HAS_FINISHED_VIDEO, // If a video has completed playing
HAS_FINISHED_SPEECH, // If a speech has completed playing
HAS_FINISHED_AUDIO, // If an audio piece has completed playing
BUILDING_ENTERED_BY_PLAYER, // If a player has garrisoned a building.
ENEMY_SIGHTED, // If a unit sees any type of unit/building belonging to a player.
UNIT_HEALTH, // Compares the unit health
BRIDGE_REPAIRED, // If a bridge has been repaired.
BRIDGE_BROKEN, // If a bridge has been broken.
NAMED_DYING, // A unit has been killed, but is in the process of dying (using slow death state)
NAMED_TOTALLY_DEAD, // A unit is done dying.
PLAYER_HAS_OBJECT_COMPARISON, // Does a player have more/less than X number of units of type object
OBSOLETE_SCRIPT_1, // Obsolete!
OBSOLETE_SCRIPT_2, // Obsolete!
PLAYER_TRIGGERED_SPECIAL_POWER, // has a player triggered a specific special power type
PLAYER_COMPLETED_SPECIAL_POWER, // has a player's special power completed?
PLAYER_MIDWAY_SPECIAL_POWER, // If the special power is midway through activation
PLAYER_TRIGGERED_SPECIAL_POWER_FROM_NAMED, // has a player triggered a specific special power type
PLAYER_COMPLETED_SPECIAL_POWER_FROM_NAMED, // has a player's special power completed?
PLAYER_MIDWAY_SPECIAL_POWER_FROM_NAMED, // If the special power is midway through activation
PLAYER_BUILT_UPGRADE, // If a player built a specific upgrade
PLAYER_BUILT_UPGRADE_FROM_NAMED, // If a player built a specific upgrade from a specific building
PLAYER_DESTROYED_N_BUILDINGS_PLAYER, // If a player has destroyed N or more buildings of a specific player
UNIT_COMPLETED_SEQUENTIAL_EXECUTION, // If a unit has completed sequential execution
TEAM_COMPLETED_SEQUENTIAL_EXECUTION, // If a team has completed sequential execution
PLAYER_HAS_COMPARISON_UNIT_TYPE_IN_TRIGGER_AREA, // If player has a specific unit or building type...
PLAYER_HAS_COMPARISON_UNIT_KIND_IN_TRIGGER_AREA, // If player has a kindof in a trigger area.
UNIT_EMPTIED, // True if a unit has just emptied its cargo
TYPE_SIGHTED, // True if a specific unit has just seen a type of unit belonging to a specific player
NAMED_BUILDING_IS_EMPTY, // True if a specific building is empty
PLAYER_HAS_N_OR_FEWER_FACTION_BUILDINGS, // If a player has count or fewer faction buildings
UNIT_HAS_OBJECT_STATUS, // True if an object has that object status bit set to true
TEAM_ALL_HAS_OBJECT_STATUS, // True if all objects on a team have that object status bit set to true
TEAM_SOME_HAVE_OBJECT_STATUS, // True if an object on the team has that object status bit set to true
PLAYER_POWER_COMPARE_PERCENT, // True if a player's power ratio compares to a percentage.
PLAYER_EXCESS_POWER_COMPARE_VALUE, // True if a player has comparison power in kilowatts.
SKIRMISH_SPECIAL_POWER_READY, // True if the special power is ready to fire.
SKIRMISH_VALUE_IN_AREA, // True if the units in an area are worth comparison to a value
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_FACTION, // True if player is a specific faction
SKIRMISH_SUPPLIES_VALUE_WITHIN_DISTANCE,// True if there are supplies within distance of the perimeter
SKIRMISH_TECH_BUILDING_WITHIN_DISTANCE, // True if there is a tech building within distance of the perimeter
SKIRMISH_UNOWNED_FACTION_UNIT_EXISTS, // True if there are comparison to unowned faction unit on the map.
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_HAS_PREREQUISITE_TO_BUILD, // True if we can build this thing (we have prerequisites)
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_HAS_COMPARISON_GARRISONED, // True if there are comparison to garrisoned buildings (by player) on the map
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_HAS_COMPARISON_CAPTURED_UNITS, // True if there are comparison to captured units
SKIRMISH_NAMED_AREA_EXIST, // True if a named area exists
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_HAS_UNITS_IN_AREA, // True if a player has units in an area
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_HAS_BEEN_ATTACKED_BY_PLAYER, // True if the player has been attacked by a player
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_IS_OUTSIDE_AREA, // True if player doesn't have any units in an area
SKIRMISH_PLAYER_HAS_DISCOVERED_PLAYER, // True if a player has discovered another player
PLAYER_ACQUIRED_SCIENCE, // True if the player has acquired the specified Science.
PLAYER_HAS_SCIENCEPURCHASEPOINTS, // True if the player has at least N SciencePurchasePoints.
PLAYER_CAN_PURCHASE_SCIENCE, // True is player can purchase the given science (has all prereqs & points needed)
MUSIC_TRACK_HAS_COMPLETED, // True if the specified track has completed at least N times
PLAYER_LOST_OBJECT_TYPE, // True if a player has lost a specific unit type
SUPPLY_SOURCE_SAFE, // True if the nearest available supply source is not under enemy influence.
SUPPLY_SOURCE_ATTACKED, // True if our supply depot or dozer near depot was attacked.
START_POSITION_IS, // True if our start position matches.
NUM_ITEMS // Always the last condition.
Condition(enum ConditionType type);
Condition *duplicate(void) const;
Condition *duplicateAndQualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,
const AsciiString& playerTemplateName, const AsciiString& newPlayerName) const;
Condition(); ///< Protected constructor for read.
enum ConditionType m_conditionType;
Int m_numParms;
Parameter *m_parms[MAX_PARMS];
Condition *m_nextAndCondition;
Int m_hasWarnings; ///< Runtime flag used by the editor only.
Int m_customData;
void setConditionType(enum ConditionType type);
void setNextCondition(Condition *pScr) {m_nextAndCondition = pScr;}
void setWarnings(Bool warnings) { m_hasWarnings = warnings;}
enum ConditionType getConditionType(void) {return m_conditionType;}
Condition * getNext(void) {return m_nextAndCondition;}
AsciiString getUiText(void);
Parameter *getParameter(Int ndx)
if (ndx>=0 && ndx<m_numParms)
return m_parms[ndx];
return NULL;
Int getNumParameters(void) {return m_numParms;}
Int getUiStrings(AsciiString strings[MAX_PARMS]);
Bool hasWarnings(void) const { return m_hasWarnings;}
Int getCustomData(void) const {return m_customData;}
void setCustomData(Int val) { m_customData = val;}
static void WriteConditionDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, Condition *pCond);
static Bool ParseConditionDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
// ******************************** class Template ***********************************************
/** The template defines the parameters and ui strings used to display a
condition or action. */
class Template : public MemoryPoolObject
// friend bad for MPOs. (srj)
//friend class ScriptEngine;
AsciiString m_name;
Int m_numUiStrings;
AsciiString m_uiStrings[MAX_PARMS];
Int m_numParameters;
enum Parameter::ParameterType m_parameters[MAX_PARMS];
AsciiString getName(void) const {return m_name;}
Int getUiStrings(AsciiString strings[MAX_PARMS]) const;
Int getNumParameters(void) const {return m_numParameters;}
enum Parameter::ParameterType getParameterType(Int ndx) const;
// ******************************** class ConditionTemplate ***********************************************
/// Template for condition.
class ConditionTemplate : public Template{};
// ******************************** class ActionTemplate ***********************************************
/// Template for action.
class ActionTemplate : public Template{};
// ******************************** class ScriptList ***********************************************
/// List of scripts. May have one level of hierarchy in the ScriptGroup list.
class ScriptList : public MemoryPoolObject, public Snapshot
// A script list belongs to a Player. It contains the heads of the
// the top level scripts, and the script groups.
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
ScriptGroup *m_firstGroup;
Script *m_firstScript;
static Int m_curId;
static ScriptList *s_readLists[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
static Int s_numInReadList;
static void updateDefaults(void);
static void reset(void);
static Int getNextID(void) {m_curId++; return m_curId;};
ScriptGroup *getScriptGroup(void) {return m_firstGroup;};
Script *getScript(void) {return m_firstScript;};
void WriteScriptListDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter);
static Bool ParseScriptListDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
void addGroup(ScriptGroup *pGrp, Int ndx);
void addScript(Script *pScr, Int ndx);
void deleteScript(Script *pScr);
void deleteGroup(ScriptGroup *pGrp);
void discard(void);
ScriptList *duplicate(void) const;
ScriptList *duplicateAndQualify(const AsciiString& qualifier,
const AsciiString& playerTemplateName, const AsciiString& newPlayerName ) const;
/// Reads a set of scripts into m_readScripts. Use getReadScripts to access.
static Bool ParseScriptsDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
/// Writes sides (including build list info.)
static void WriteScriptsDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter, ScriptList *scriptLists[], Int numLists);
/// Returns array of script list pointers. This can only be called once after scripts
/// are read, and the caller is responsible for deleting the scripts.
static Int getReadScripts(ScriptList *scriptLists[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT]);