1315 lines
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1315 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: HierarchyView.cpp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: GUIEdit
// File name: HierarchyView.cpp
// Created: Colin Day, July 2001
// Desc: Manipulation the widows heirarchy through the tree
// SYSTEM INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <string.h>
// USER INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "Common/Debug.h"
#include "GameClient/Gadget.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "HierarchyView.h"
#include "WinMain.h"
#include "GUIEdit.h"
#include "EditWindow.h"
#include "GUIEditWindowManager.h"
#include "Properties.h"
// DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRIVATE TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRIVATE DATA ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static ICoord2D dialogPos;
static ICoord2D dialogSize;
// PUBLIC DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HierarchyView *TheHierarchyView = NULL; ///< the view singleton
// PRIVATE PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRIVATE FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// HierarchyView::dialogProc ==================================================
/** Windows dialog procedure for the control palette */
LRESULT CALLBACK HierarchyView::dialogProc( HWND hWndDialog, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch( message )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
case WM_MOVE:
// Int x = LOWORD( lParam );
// Int y = HIWORD( lParam );
// record our position
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect( hWndDialog, &rect );
p.x = rect.left;
p.y = rect.top;
ScreenToClient( TheEditor->getWindowHandle(), &p );
dialogPos.x = p.x;
dialogPos.y = p.y;
return 0;
} // end move
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
case WM_SIZE:
// Int sizeType = wParam; // resizing flag
Int width = LOWORD( lParam ); // width of client
Int height = HIWORD( lParam ); // height of client
// record the new height
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect( hWndDialog, &rect );
dialogSize.x = rect.right - rect.left;
dialogSize.y = rect.bottom - rect.top;
// resizing the dialog will cause us to resize the tree view control
if( TheHierarchyView )
HWND tree = TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle();
if( tree )
Int border = 10;
RECT treeRect;
GetWindowRect( tree, &treeRect );
p.x = treeRect.left;
p.y = treeRect.top;
ScreenToClient( hWndDialog, &p );
MoveWindow( tree, border, p.y,
width - (border * 2), (height - border) - p.y,
} // end if
} // end if
return 0;
} // end size
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int x = LOWORD( lParam );
Int y = HIWORD( lParam );
GameWindow *dragWindow = TheHierarchyView->getDragWindow();
// dragging a window then hilite any tree item we're over
if( dragWindow )
POINT treePoint;
// translate the mouse coords to the coords of the tree
treePoint.x = x;
treePoint.y = y;
ClientToScreen( hWndDialog, &treePoint );
ScreenToClient( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle(), &treePoint );
// get the tree item if any that we're over and select it if present
HTREEITEM overItem = TheHierarchyView->treePointToItem( treePoint.x, treePoint.y );
if( overItem )
GameWindow *target = TheHierarchyView->getWindowFromItem( overItem );
// set this window as the drag target, we use it to draw visual
// feeback in the edit window
TheHierarchyView->setDragTarget( target );
// select the item in the tree
TreeView_SelectItem( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle(), overItem );
// if this operation is legal set the cross cursor, otherwise
// use the "no" cursor
if( TheHierarchyView->validateDragDropOperation( dragWindow, target ) )
SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_CROSS ) );
SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_NO ) );
} // end if
} // end if
return 0;
} // end mouse move
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int x = LOWORD( lParam );
Int y = HIWORD( lParam );
GameWindow *dragWindow = TheHierarchyView->getDragWindow();
Bool clearDragWindow = TRUE;
if( dragWindow )
POINT treePoint;
// translate the mouse coords to the coords of the tree
treePoint.x = x;
treePoint.y = y;
ClientToScreen( hWndDialog, &treePoint );
ScreenToClient( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle(), &treePoint );
// get the tree item if any that we're over
HTREEITEM overItem = TheHierarchyView->treePointToItem( treePoint.x, treePoint.y );
if( overItem )
GameWindow *overWindow;
TVITEM overItemInfo;
// get the node info from the tree item we're over
overItemInfo.hItem = overItem;
overItemInfo.lParam = NULL;
overItemInfo.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
TreeView_GetItem( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle(), &overItemInfo );
overWindow = (GameWindow *)overItemInfo.lParam;
// this should always be true!
assert( overWindow );
// do the drag drop if allowed
if( TheHierarchyView->validateDragDropOperation( dragWindow,
overWindow ) )
// if our target window is NOT a gadget we have the option
// of moving the drag window to this position OR making the
// drag window a child of the target overWindow. If that is
// the case we need a little popup menu to decide
if( TheEditor->windowIsGadget( overWindow ) == FALSE )
// bring up the popup menu, note that we must translate the
// local mouse pos to the screen
HMENU menu, subMenu;
POINT screen;
menu = LoadMenu( TheEditor->getInstance(), (LPCTSTR)HIERARCHY_DRAG_DROP_MENU );
subMenu = GetSubMenu( menu, 0 );
screen.x = x;
screen.y = y;
ClientToScreen( hWndDialog, &screen );
TrackPopupMenuEx( subMenu, 0, screen.x, screen.y, hWndDialog, NULL );
// do not reset the drag window, and set the target window as
// the popup target know which window to target after they
// select from the popup menu
clearDragWindow = FALSE;
TheHierarchyView->setPopupTarget( overWindow );
} // end if
// our only option is to move the window here
TheGUIEditWindowManager->moveAheadOf( dragWindow, overWindow );
} // end else
// we've made a change now
TheEditor->setUnsaved( TRUE );
} // end if
} // end if
// window has been dragged and operation complete
if( clearDragWindow )
TheHierarchyView->setDragWindow( NULL );
TheHierarchyView->setDragTarget( NULL );
} // end if
// release window capture
// set the cursor back to normal
SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ) );
} // end if, drag in progress
return 0;
} // end left button up
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Int x = LOWORD( lParam );
Int y = HIWORD( lParam );
POINT treePoint;
// translate the mouse coords to the coords of the tree
treePoint.x = x;
treePoint.y = y;
ClientToScreen( hWndDialog, &treePoint );
ScreenToClient( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle(), &treePoint );
// get the tree item if any that we're over
HTREEITEM overItem = TheHierarchyView->treePointToItem( treePoint.x, treePoint.y );
if( overItem )
GameWindow *overWindow;
// get the game window from the tree item
overWindow = TheHierarchyView->getWindowFromItem( overItem );
// unselect all windows in the editor
// select this one window
TheEditor->selectWindow( overWindow );
// set this window as the popup window target
TheHierarchyView->setPopupTarget( overWindow );
// bring up the popup menu, note that we must translate the
// local mouse pos to the screen
HMENU menu, subMenu;
POINT screen;
menu = LoadMenu( TheEditor->getInstance(), (LPCTSTR)HIERARCHY_POPUP_MENU );
subMenu = GetSubMenu( menu, 0 );
screen.x = x;
screen.y = y;
ClientToScreen( hWndDialog, &screen );
TrackPopupMenuEx( subMenu, 0, screen.x, screen.y, hWndDialog, NULL );
} // end if
return 0;
} // end right button up
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
UnsignedInt controlID = (Int)wParam;
LPNMHDR notifyMessageHandler = (LPNMHDR)lParam;
// switch on control
switch( controlID )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// switch on notify code for the tree
switch( notifyMessageHandler->code )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if( treeNotify->action != TVC_UNKNOWN )
TVITEM newItem;
// get the new item selected
newItem = treeNotify->itemNew;
// get the window data pointers
GameWindow *window = (GameWindow *)newItem.lParam;
// unselect everything else and select the new window
if( window )
TheEditor->selectWindow( window );
} // end if
} // end selection changed
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// get the selected tree item
HTREEITEM selected = TreeView_GetSelection( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle() );
if( selected )
GameWindow *overWindow;
// get the game window from the tree item
overWindow = TheHierarchyView->getWindowFromItem( selected );
// unselect all windows in the editor
// select this one window
TheEditor->selectWindow( overWindow );
// set this window as the popup window target
TheHierarchyView->setPopupTarget( overWindow );
// bring up the popup menu, note that we must translate the
// local mouse pos to the screen
HMENU menu, subMenu;
POINT screen;
menu = LoadMenu( TheEditor->getInstance(), (LPCTSTR)HIERARCHY_POPUP_MENU );
subMenu = GetSubMenu( menu, 0 );
GetCursorPos( &screen );
TrackPopupMenuEx( subMenu, 0, screen.x, screen.y, hWndDialog, NULL );
} // end if
} // end double click
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
TVITEM newItem;
// get the item being dragged
newItem = treeNotify->itemNew;
// save the window being dragged
TheHierarchyView->setDragWindow( (GameWindow *)newItem.lParam );
TheHierarchyView->setDragTarget( NULL );
// capture the mouse
SetCapture( TheHierarchyView->getHierarchyHandle() );
} // end begin left mouse drag
} // end switch
} // end hierarchy
} // end switch
return 0;
} // end notify
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Int notifyCode = HIWORD( wParam );
Int controlID = LOWORD( wParam );
// HWND hWndControl = (HWND)lParam;
switch( controlID )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
GameWindow *drag = TheHierarchyView->getDragWindow();
GameWindow *target = TheHierarchyView->getPopupTarget();
// do the logic if after a sanity check on the targets
if( TheHierarchyView->validateDragDropOperation( drag, target ) )
TheGUIEditWindowManager->moveAheadOf( drag, target );
// we're done with the drag and popup ops now
TheHierarchyView->setDragWindow( NULL );
TheHierarchyView->setDragTarget( NULL );
TheHierarchyView->setPopupTarget( NULL );
} // end hierarchy move window in heirarchy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
GameWindow *drag = TheHierarchyView->getDragWindow();
GameWindow *target = TheHierarchyView->getPopupTarget();
// do the logic if after a sanity check on the targets
if( TheHierarchyView->validateDragDropOperation( drag, target ) )
TheGUIEditWindowManager->makeChildOf( drag, target );
// we're done with the drag and popup ops now
TheHierarchyView->setDragWindow( NULL );
TheHierarchyView->setDragTarget( NULL );
TheHierarchyView->setPopupTarget( NULL );
} // end hierarchy, make child of
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
GameWindow *target = TheHierarchyView->getPopupTarget();
// sanity
if( target == NULL )
// just to be safe, unselect all other windows, select this
// one, and go into move mode
TheEditor->selectWindow( target );
TheEditor->setMode( MODE_DRAG_MOVE );
// set the locatoin of the move to the window position for now
ICoord2D pos;
target->winGetScreenPosition( &pos.x, &pos.y );
TheEditWindow->setDragMoveDest( &pos );
TheEditWindow->setDragMoveOrigin( &pos );
} // end move
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
GameWindow *target = TheHierarchyView->getPopupTarget();
if( target )
TheEditor->deleteWindow( target );
} // end delete
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
GameWindow *target = TheHierarchyView->getPopupTarget();
if( target )
GetCursorPos( &p );
ScreenToClient( TheEditWindow->getWindowHandle(), &p );
InitPropertiesDialog( target, p.x, p.y );
} // end if
} // end properties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
case IDOK:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
} // end switch( LOWORD( wParam ) )
return 0;
} // end of WM_COMMAND
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
return 0;
} // end of switch
} // end dialogProc
// HierarchyView::findItemEntry ===============================================
/** Workhorse to find the tree item anywhere in the tree with the
* matching data pointer of this game window */
HTREEITEM HierarchyView::findItemEntry( HTREEITEM node, GameWindow *window )
// end of recursion
if( node == NULL || window == NULL )
return NULL;
return m_treeHash[window];
// is it in this node
TVITEM item;
item.hItem = node;
item.lParam = NULL;
TreeView_GetItem( m_tree, &item );
if( (GameWindow *)item.lParam == window )
return node;
// not there, check our children
for( child = TreeView_GetNextItem( m_tree, node, TVGN_CHILD );
child = TreeView_GetNextItem( m_tree, child, TVGN_NEXT ) )
found = findItemEntry( child, window );
if( found )
return found;
} // end if
// not there, check the siblings
return findItemEntry( TreeView_GetNextItem( m_tree, node, TVGN_NEXT ),
window );
} // end findItemEntry
// HierarchyView::findTreeEntry ===============================================
/** Find the game window entry in the hierarchy tree, if found the
* item in the tree will be returned containing the window */
HTREEITEM HierarchyView::findTreeEntry( GameWindow *window )
// no-op
if( window == NULL )
return NULL;
// get root and search from there
return findItemEntry( TreeView_GetRoot( m_tree ), window );
} // end findTreeEntry
// HierarchyView::addWindowToTree =============================================
/** Add a single window to the hierarchy tree */
void HierarchyView::addWindowToTree( GameWindow *window,
HTREEITEM treeParent,
HierarchyOption option,
Bool addChildren,
Bool addSiblings )
// end of recursion
if( window == NULL )
// add only if not in tree already
newItem = findTreeEntry( window );
if( newItem == NULL )
// setup insert struct
insert.hParent = treeParent;
if( option == HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_TOP )
insert.hInsertAfter = TVI_FIRST;
insert.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
insert.itemex.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
insert.itemex.lParam = (LPARAM)window; // attach window to this item in lParam
// if the window has a name use it in the tree view, otherwise use a
// name based on the type of the window
insert.itemex.pszText = getWindowTreeName( window );
// add the item
newItem = TreeView_InsertItem( m_tree, &insert );
// sanity
if( newItem == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "Error adding window to tree\n" ));
assert( 0 );
} // end if
m_treeHash[window] = newItem;
} // end if, not in already
// add children if requested, but not on gadgets no matter what becuase
// they are "atomic units", except for tab controls.
if( addChildren && TheEditor->windowIsGadget( window ) == FALSE || (window->winGetStyle() & GWS_TAB_CONTROL) )
GameWindow *child;
for( child = window->winGetChild(); child; child = child->winGetNext() )
addWindowToTree( child, newItem, HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_BOTTOM, TRUE, TRUE );
} // end if
// add siblings if requested
if( addSiblings )
addWindowToTree( window->winGetNext(), treeParent, option,
addChildren, addSiblings );
} // end addWindowToTree
// PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// HierarchyView::HierarchyView ===============================================
/** */
HierarchyView::HierarchyView( void )
m_dialog = NULL;
m_tree = NULL;
dialogPos.x = dialogPos.y = 0;
dialogSize.x = dialogSize.y = 0;
m_dragWindow = NULL;
m_dragTarget = NULL;
m_popupTarget = NULL;
} // end HierarchyView
// HierarchyView::~HierarchyView ==============================================
/** */
HierarchyView::~HierarchyView( void )
// call the shutdown
} // end ~HierarchyView
// HierarchyView::init =========================================================
/** Create the control palette */
void HierarchyView::init( void )
RECT dialogRect;
RECT appRect;
// create the modless dialog box
m_dialog = CreateDialog( TheEditor->getInstance(),
(DLGPROC)dialogProc );
// display the dialog
ShowWindow( m_dialog, SW_SHOW );
// get the size of the control palette
GetWindowRect( m_dialog, &dialogRect );
dialogSize.x = dialogRect.right - dialogRect.left;
dialogSize.y = dialogRect.bottom - dialogRect.top;
p.x = dialogRect.left;
p.y = dialogRect.top;
ScreenToClient( TheEditor->getWindowHandle(), &p );
dialogPos.x = p.x;
dialogPos.y = p.y;
// get the rect of the app window
GetClientRect( TheEditor->getWindowHandle(), &appRect );
// place control palette at the top right of client area in edit window
MoveWindow( m_dialog,
appRect.right - dialogSize.x, 0,
dialogSize.x, dialogSize.y,
// keep a handle to the tree
m_tree = GetDlgItem( m_dialog, TREE_HIERARCHY );
} // end init
// HierarchyView::reset =======================================================
/** Reset everything about our hierarchy view */
void HierarchyView::reset( void )
// reset the tree control
HTREEITEM parentItem = TreeView_GetRoot( m_tree );
SendMessage( m_tree, TVM_EXPAND, TVE_COLLAPSERESET, (LPARAM)parentItem );
} // end reset
// HierarchyView::shutdown ====================================================
/** Destroy the control palette and all data associated with it */
void HierarchyView::shutdown( void )
// destroy the control palette window
DestroyWindow( m_dialog );
m_dialog = NULL;
m_tree = NULL;
} // end shutdown
// HierarchyView::getWindowTreeName ===========================================
/** Given a window, return a string representation for that window in
* the hierarchy view */
char *HierarchyView::getWindowTreeName( GameWindow *window )
static char buffer[ 256 ];
// init buffer to return to nothing
strcpy( buffer, "" );
// sanity
if( window == NULL )
return buffer;
// no name available, construct one based on type
Int style = window->winGetStyle();
if( BitTest( style, GWS_PUSH_BUTTON ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Button" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_RADIO_BUTTON ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Radio Button" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_TAB_CONTROL ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Tab Control" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_CHECK_BOX ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Check Box" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_HORZ_SLIDER ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Horizontal Slider" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_VERT_SLIDER ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Vertical Slider" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_STATIC_TEXT ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Static Text" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_ENTRY_FIELD ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Text Entry" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_SCROLL_LISTBOX ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Listbox" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_PROGRESS_BAR ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Progress Bar" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_USER_WINDOW ) )
strcpy( buffer, "User Window" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_TAB_PANE ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Tab Pane" );
else if( BitTest( style, GWS_COMBO_BOX ) )
strcpy( buffer, "Combo Box" );
strcpy( buffer, "Undefined" );
// if window has a name, concatenate it on the end
WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
if( !instData->m_decoratedNameString.isEmpty() )
strcat( buffer, ": " );
strcat( buffer, instData->m_decoratedNameString.str() );
} // end if
return buffer;
} // end getWindowTreeName
// HierarchyView::addWindow ===================================================
/** Add a window to the hierarchy view AND any of it's children */
void HierarchyView::addWindow( GameWindow *window, HierarchyOption option )
// sanity
if( window == NULL || m_dialog == NULL )
// do not add again if already in the tree
if( findTreeEntry( window ) != NULL )
// get the parent tree entry to this window, NULL if no parent
GameWindow *parent = window->winGetParent();
HTREEITEM parentItem = findTreeEntry( parent );
// add this window
addWindowToTree( window, parentItem, option, TRUE, FALSE );
// force the tree control to redraw, it seems to have problems updating
// the plus signs, lame ass Microsoft
InvalidateRect( m_tree, NULL, TRUE );
} // end addWindow
// HierarchyView::removeWindow ================================================
/** Remove the window from the hierarchy tree view */
void HierarchyView::removeWindow( GameWindow *window )
// sanity
if( window == NULL )
// if this window is the drag window clean that mode up
if( window == m_dragWindow )
m_dragWindow = NULL;
// clean up drag target
if( window == m_dragTarget )
m_dragTarget = NULL;
// if this window is the popup target remove it
if( window == m_popupTarget )
m_popupTarget = NULL;
// find this entry in the tree
item = findTreeEntry( window );
// if not in tree nothing to do
if( item == NULL )
// remove it from the tree
TreeView_DeleteItem( m_tree, item );
TreeHash::iterator find = m_treeHash.find(window);
if (find != m_treeHash.end())
} // end removeWindow
// HierarchyView::bringWindowToTop ============================================
/** Bring the window to the top of its parent list in the hierarchy
* view, if no parent is present to the top of the hierarchy then */
void HierarchyView::bringWindowToTop( GameWindow *window )
// sanity
if( window == NULL )
// find this window entry
HTREEITEM item = findTreeEntry( window );
if( item == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "Cannot bring window to top, no entry in tree!\n" ));
assert( 0 );
} // end if
// remove the entry from the tree
removeWindow( window );
// find the parent tree entry
HTREEITEM itemParent = findTreeEntry( window->winGetParent() );
// add the window as a child of the parent entry at the top of it's list
addWindowToTree( window, itemParent, HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_TOP, TRUE, FALSE );
} // end bringWindowToTop
// HierarchyView::updateWindowName ============================================
/** A window name may have been updated, reconstruct its hierarchy
* tree entry cause we like to show names when we have them */
void HierarchyView::updateWindowName( GameWindow *window )
// sanity
if( window == NULL )
// get the tree entry
HTREEITEM item = findTreeEntry( window );
if( item == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "updateWindowName: No hierarchy entry for window!\n" ));
assert( 0 );
} // end if
// setup the item to modify in the tree
TVITEM modify;
modify.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_TEXT;
modify.hItem = item;
modify.pszText = getWindowTreeName( window );
// modify the item
TreeView_SetItem( m_tree, &modify );
} // end updateWindowName
// HierarchyView::getDialogPos ================================================
/** Get the dialog position as recorded from the static */
void HierarchyView::getDialogPos( ICoord2D *pos )
// sanity
if( pos == NULL )
*pos = dialogPos;
} // end getDialogPos
// HierarchyView::getDialogSize ===============================================
/** Get the dialog size as recorded from the static */
void HierarchyView::getDialogSize( ICoord2D *size )
// sanity
if( size == NULL )
*size = dialogSize;
} // end getDialogSize
// HierarchyView::setDialogPos ================================================
/** */
void HierarchyView::setDialogPos( ICoord2D *pos )
// sanity
if( pos )
dialogPos = *pos;
MoveWindow( m_dialog, dialogPos.x, dialogPos.y,
dialogSize.x, dialogSize.y, TRUE );
} // end setDialogPos
// HierarchyView::setDialogSize ===============================================
/** */
void HierarchyView::setDialogSize( ICoord2D *size )
// sanity
if( size )
dialogSize = *size;
MoveWindow( m_dialog, dialogPos.x, dialogPos.y,
dialogSize.x, dialogSize.y, TRUE );
} // end setDialogSize
// HierarchyView::moveWindowAheadOf ===========================================
/** Move the window hierarchy representation to be just ahead of the
* hierarchy entry of 'aheadOf' */
void HierarchyView::moveWindowAheadOf( GameWindow *window,
GameWindow *aheadOf )
// sanity
if( window == NULL )
// get the window hierarchy entry
removeWindow( window );
// we'll say and aheadOf of NULL means put at the top
if( aheadOf == NULL )
addWindow( window, HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_TOP );
} // end if
// get the hierarchy item of the aheadOf window
HTREEITEM aheadOfItem = findTreeEntry( aheadOf );
if( aheadOfItem == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "moveWindowAheadOf: aheadOf has no hierarchy entry!\n" ));
assert( 0 );
} // end iof
// get the parent item we will be inserting the new entry at, a parent
// of NULL is OK and will put it at the root of the tree
HTREEITEM parentItem = TreeView_GetNextItem( m_tree, aheadOfItem, TVGN_PARENT );
// get the item that we will be inserting after (just previous to
// 'aheadOfItem' ... this can also be NULL for putting at the head
HTREEITEM prevItem = TreeView_GetNextItem( m_tree, aheadOfItem, TVGN_PREVIOUS );
// setup insert struct
insert.itemex.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
insert.hParent = parentItem;
if( prevItem == NULL )
insert.hInsertAfter = TVI_FIRST;
insert.hInsertAfter = prevItem;
insert.itemex.lParam = (LPARAM)window; // attach window to this item in lParam
insert.itemex.pszText = getWindowTreeName( window );
// add the item
HTREEITEM newItem = TreeView_InsertItem( m_tree, &insert );
// sanity
if( newItem == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "moveWindowAheadOf: Error adding window to tree\n" ));
assert( 0 );
} // end if
// add ALL the children of this window as well, do not worry about
// gadget children
if( TheEditor->windowIsGadget( window ) == FALSE )
GameWindow *child = window->winGetChild();
addWindowToTree( child, newItem, HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_BOTTOM, TRUE, TRUE );
} // end if
} // end moveWindowAheadOf
// HierarchyView::moveWindowChildOf ===========================================
/** Move the hierarchy entry for window so that it is now the first
* child in the list under parent */
void HierarchyView::moveWindowChildOf( GameWindow *window, GameWindow *parent )
// sanity
if( window == NULL )
// remvoe the window from the hierarchy
removeWindow( window );
// if parent is NULL we'll put at top of list
if( parent == NULL )
addWindow( window, HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_TOP );
} // end if
// find the entry of the parent
HTREEITEM parentItem = findTreeEntry( parent );
if( parentItem == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "moveWindowChildOf: No parent entry\n" ));
assert( 0 );
} // end if
// add the window as child of the parent at the top, dont forget to
// also add the children of the window too!
addWindowToTree( window, parentItem, HIERARCHY_ADD_AT_TOP, TRUE, FALSE );
} // end moveWindowChildOf
// HierarchyView::treePointToItem =============================================
/** Given the location (x,y) in TREE COORDINATES, correlate that to
* a tree item, if any */
HTREEITEM HierarchyView::treePointToItem( Int x, Int y )
// which tree item are we now over
hitTest.pt.x = x;
hitTest.pt.y = y;
hitTest.hItem = NULL;
hitTest.flags = TVHT_ONITEM;
return TreeView_HitTest( TheHierarchyView->getTreeHandle(), &hitTest );
} // end treePointToItem
// HierarchyView::getWindowFromItem ===========================================
/** Get the game window we stored as the user data lParam in the tree
* item */
GameWindow *HierarchyView::getWindowFromItem( HTREEITEM treeItem )
// sanity
if( treeItem == NULL )
return NULL;
// get the node info from the tree item we're over
TVITEM itemInfo;
GameWindow *window;
itemInfo.hItem = treeItem;
itemInfo.lParam = NULL;
itemInfo.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
TreeView_GetItem( m_tree, &itemInfo );
window = (GameWindow *)itemInfo.lParam;
assert( window );
return window;
} // end getWindowFromItem
// HierarchyView::selectWindow ================================================
/** Select the tree item */
void HierarchyView::selectWindow( GameWindow *window )
// get the item associated with the window
if( window )
item = findTreeEntry( window );
// select the item, or no item NULL will select nothing
TreeView_SelectItem( m_tree, item );
TreeView_Expand( m_tree, item, 0 );
} // end selectWindow
// HierarchyView::validateDragDropOperation ===================================
/** Return TRUE if the drag drop operation of source onto target
* is logically OK. It's not OK if target is a child of source because
* you cannot move a parent window into it's own child list. */
Bool HierarchyView::validateDragDropOperation( GameWindow *source,
GameWindow *target )
// sanity
if( source == NULL || target == NULL )
return FALSE;
// if target is the source or is a child of source in any way this is illegal
GameWindow *other = target;
while( other )
if( source == other )
return FALSE;
other = other->winGetParent();
} // end while
// everything is ok
return TRUE;
} // end validateDragDropOperation