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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: AcademyStats.h ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Electronic Arts Los Angeles
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2003 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: RTS3
// File name: AcademyStats.h
// Created: Kris Morness, July 2003
// Desc: Keeps track of various statistics in order to provide advice to
// the player about how to improve playing.
#pragma once
#include "Lib/BaseType.h"
#include "Common/Debug.h"
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
#include "Common/UnicodeString.h"
class Object;
class Player;
class SpecialPowerTemplate;
class UpgradeTemplate;
class CommandSet;
class ThingTemplate;
struct AcademyAdviceInfo
UnicodeString advice[ MAX_ADVICE_TIPS ];
UnsignedInt numTips;
enum AcademyClassificationType
//Don't forget to update the strings too!
extern const char *TheAcademyClassificationTypeNames[]; //Change above, change this!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AcademyStats : public Snapshot
void init( const Player *player );
void update();
Bool isFirstUpdate() const { return m_firstUpdate; }
void setFirstUpdate( Bool set ) { m_firstUpdate = set; }
void recordProduction( const Object *obj, const Object *constructer );
void recordUpgrade( const UpgradeTemplate *upgrade, Bool granted );
void recordSpecialPowerUsed( const SpecialPowerTemplate *spTemplate );
void recordIncome();
void recordBuildingCapture() { m_structuresCaptured++; }
void recordGeneralsPointsSpent( Int points ) { m_generalsPointsSpent += points; }
void recordBuildingGarrisoned() { m_structuresGarrisoned++; }
void recordDragSelection() { m_dragSelectUnits++; }
void recordStrategyCenter() { m_hadAStrategyCenter = TRUE; }
void recordBattlePlanSelected() { m_choseAStrategyForCenter = TRUE; }
void recordUnitEnteredTunnelNetwork() { m_unitsEnteredTunnelNetwork++; }
void recordControlGroupsUsed() { m_controlGroupsUsed++; }
void recordClearedGarrisonedBuilding() { m_clearedGarrisonedBuildings++; }
void recordVehicleDisguised() { m_vehiclesDisguised++; }
void recordFirestormCreated() { m_firestormsCreated++; }
void recordGuardAbilityUsed() { m_guardAbilityUsedCount++; }
void recordSalvageCollected() { m_salvageCollected++;}
void recordDoubleClickAttackMoveOrderGiven() { m_doubleClickAttackMoveOrdersGiven++; }
void recordMineCleared() { m_minesCleared++; }
//Returns the natural command center template (you may capture others in a game...)
const ThingTemplate* getCommandCenterTemplate() const { return m_commandCenterTemplate; }
//Use these functions for the Neutral player only!
void recordVehicleSniped() { m_vehiclesSniped++; }
UnsignedInt getVehiclesSniped() const { return m_vehiclesSniped; }
void recordMine() { m_mines++; }
UnsignedInt getMines() const { return m_mines; }
const Player *getPlayer() { return m_player; }
Bool hadASupplyCenter() const { return m_supplyCentersBuilt > 0; }
Bool calculateAcademyAdvice( AcademyAdviceInfo *info );
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
void evaluateTier1Advice( AcademyAdviceInfo *info, Int numAvailableTips = -1 );
void evaluateTier2Advice( AcademyAdviceInfo *info, Int numAvailableTips = -1 );
void evaluateTier3Advice( AcademyAdviceInfo *info, Int numAvailableTips = -1 );
const Player *m_player;
UnsignedInt m_nextUpdateFrame;
Bool m_firstUpdate;
const CommandSet *m_dozerCommandSet;
Bool m_unknownSide;
const ThingTemplate *m_commandCenterTemplate;
//| Tier 1 (Basic advice) |
//1) Did player build at least one of each structure type available?
//2) Did player run out of money before building a supply center?
Bool m_spentCashBeforeBuildingSupplyCenter;
UnsignedInt m_supplyCentersBuilt;
const ThingTemplate *m_supplyCenterTemplate;
UnsignedInt m_supplyCenterCost;
//3) Did player build radar (if applicable)?
Bool m_researchedRadar;
//4) Did player build any dozers/workers?
UnsignedInt m_peonsBuilt;
//5) Did player ever capture a structure?
UnsignedInt m_structuresCaptured;
//6) Did player spend any generals points?
UnsignedInt m_generalsPointsSpent;
//7) Did player ever use a generals power or superweapon?
UnsignedInt m_specialPowersUsed;
//8) Did player garrison any structures?
UnsignedInt m_structuresGarrisoned;
//9) How idle was the player in building military units?
UnsignedInt m_idleBuildingUnitsMaxFrames;
UnsignedInt m_lastUnitBuiltFrame;
//10) Did player drag select units?
UnsignedInt m_dragSelectUnits;
//11) Did player upgrade anything?
UnsignedInt m_upgradesPurchased;
//12) Was player out of power for more than 10 minutes?
UnsignedInt m_powerOutMaxFrames;
UnsignedInt m_oldestPowerOutFrame;
Bool m_hadPowerLastCheck;
//13) Extra gathers built?
UnsignedInt m_gatherersBuilt;
//14) Heros built?
UnsignedInt m_heroesBuilt;
//| Tier 2 (Intermediate advice) |
//15) Selected a strategy center battle plan?
Bool m_hadAStrategyCenter;
Bool m_choseAStrategyForCenter;
//16) Placed units inside tunnel network?
UnsignedInt m_unitsEnteredTunnelNetwork;
Bool m_hadATunnelNetwork;
//17) Player used control groups?
UnsignedInt m_controlGroupsUsed;
//18) Built secondary income unit (hacker, dropzone, blackmarket)?
UnsignedInt m_secondaryIncomeUnitsBuilt;
//19) Cleared out garrisoned buildings?
UnsignedInt m_clearedGarrisonedBuildings;
//20) Did the Player pick up salvage (as GLA)?
UnsignedInt m_salvageCollected;
//21) Did the player ever use the "Guard" ability?
UnsignedInt m_guardAbilityUsedCount;
//22) Did the player build more than one Supply Center (that is, did he expand out)?
//Uses m_supplyCentersBuilt!
//23) Did the player ever garrison a vehicle?
//24) Did the player ever use the hotkey to grab all of one unit type (change to use any hotkeys)?
//| Tier 3 (Advanced advice) |
//25) Did the player use the new alternate interface in the options?
//Uses TheGlobalData->m_useAlternateMouse
//26) Player did not use the new "double click location attack move/guard"
UnsignedInt m_doubleClickAttackMoveOrdersGiven;
//27) Built barracks within 5 minutes?
Bool m_builtBarracksWithinFiveMinutes;
//28) Built war factory within 10 minutes?
Bool m_builtWarFactoryWithinTenMinutes;
//29) Built tech structure within 15 minutes?
Bool m_builtTechStructureWithinFifteenMinutes;
//30) No income for 2 minutes?
UnsignedInt m_lastIncomeFrame;
UnsignedInt m_maxFramesBetweenIncome;
//31) Did the Player ever use Dozers/Workers to clear out traps/mines/booby traps?
UnsignedInt m_mines; //Neutral player stat
UnsignedInt m_minesCleared;
//32) Captured any sniped vehicles?
UnsignedInt m_vehiclesRecovered;
UnsignedInt m_vehiclesSniped;
//33) Did the player ever build a "disguisable" unit and never used the disguise ability?
UnsignedInt m_disguisableVehiclesBuilt;
UnsignedInt m_vehiclesDisguised;
//34) Did the player never build a "stealth" upgrade?
//35) Did the player ever create a "Firestorm" with his MiGs or Inferno Cannons?
UnsignedInt m_firestormsCreated;
#endif // __ACADEMY_STATS_H