** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see .
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// View.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A "view", or window, into the World
// Author: Michael S. Booth, February 2001
#pragma once
#ifndef _VIEW_H_
#define _VIEW_H_
// INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "Common/GameType.h"
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
#include "Lib/BaseType.h"
#include "WW3D2/ColType.h" ///< we don't generally do this, but we need the W3D collision types
// FORWARD DECLARATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class Drawable;
class ViewLocation;
class Thing;
class Waypoint;
class LookAtTranslator;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum PickType
PICK_TYPE_MINES = COLLISION_TYPE_3, // mines aren't normally selectable, but workers/dozers need to
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The implementation of common view functionality. */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class View : public Snapshot
/// Add an impulse force to shake the camera
enum CameraShakeType
SHAKE_CINE_EXTREME, //Added for cinematics ONLY
SHAKE_CINE_INSANE, //Added for cinematics ONLY
View( void );
virtual ~View( void );
virtual void init( void );
virtual void reset( void );
virtual UnsignedInt getID( void ) { return m_id; }
virtual void setZoomLimited( Bool limit ) { m_zoomLimited = limit; } ///< limit the zoom height
virtual Bool isZoomLimited( void ) { return m_zoomLimited; } ///< get status of zoom limit
/// pick drawable given the screen pixel coords. If force attack, picks bridges as well.
virtual Drawable *pickDrawable( const ICoord2D *screen, Bool forceAttack, PickType pickType ) = 0;
/// all drawables in the 2D screen region will call the 'callback'
virtual Int iterateDrawablesInRegion( IRegion2D *screenRegion,
Bool (*callback)( Drawable *draw, void *userData ),
void *userData ) = 0;
/** project the 4 corners of this view into the world and return each point as a parameter,
the world points are at the requested Z */
virtual void getScreenCornerWorldPointsAtZ( Coord3D *topLeft, Coord3D *topRight,
Coord3D *bottomLeft, Coord3D *bottomRight,
Real z );
virtual void setWidth( Int width ) { m_width = width; }
virtual Int getWidth( void ) { return m_width; }
virtual void setHeight( Int height ) { m_height = height; }
virtual Int getHeight( void ) { return m_height; }
virtual void setOrigin( Int x, Int y) { m_originX=x; m_originY=y;} ///< Sets location of top-left view corner on display
virtual void getOrigin( Int *x, Int *y) { *x=m_originX; *y=m_originY;} ///< Return location of top-left view corner on display
virtual void forceRedraw() = 0;
virtual void lookAt( const Coord3D *o ); ///< Center the view on the given coordinate
virtual void initHeightForMap( void ) {}; ///< Init the camera height for the map at the current position.
virtual void scrollBy( Coord2D *delta ); ///< Shift the view by the given delta
virtual void moveCameraTo(const Coord3D *o, Int frames, Int shutter, Bool orient) { lookAt( o ); }
virtual void moveCameraAlongWaypointPath(Waypoint *way, Int frames, Int shutter, Bool orient) { }
virtual Bool isCameraMovementFinished( void ) { return TRUE; }
virtual void cameraModFinalZoom(Real finalZoom){}; ///< Final zoom for current camera movement.
virtual void cameraModRollingAverage(Int framesToAverage){}; ///< Number of frames to average movement for current camera movement.
virtual void cameraModFinalTimeMultiplier(Int finalMultiplier){}; ///< Final time multiplier for current camera movement.
virtual void cameraModFinalPitch(Real finalPitch){}; ///< Final pitch for current camera movement.
virtual void cameraModFreezeTime(void){ } ///< Freezes time during the next camera movement.
virtual void cameraModFreezeAngle(void){ } ///< Freezes time during the next camera movement.
virtual void cameraModLookToward(Coord3D *pLoc){} ///< Sets a look at point during camera movement.
virtual void cameraModFinalLookToward(Coord3D *pLoc){} ///< Sets a look at point during camera movement.
virtual void cameraModFinalMoveTo(Coord3D *pLoc){ }; ///< Sets a final move to.
virtual enum FilterModes getViewFilterMode(void) {return (enum FilterModes)0;} ///< Turns on viewport special effect (black & white mode)
virtual enum FilterTypes getViewFilterType(void) {return (enum FilterTypes)0;} ///< Turns on viewport special effect (black & white mode)
virtual Bool setViewFilterMode(enum FilterModes filterMode) { return FALSE; } ///< Turns on viewport special effect (black & white mode)
virtual void setViewFilterPos(const Coord3D *pos) { }; ///< Passes a position to the special effect filter.
virtual Bool setViewFilter( enum FilterTypes filter) { return FALSE;} ///< Turns on viewport special effect (black & white mode)
virtual void setFadeParameters(Int fadeFrames, Int direction) { };
virtual void set3DWireFrameMode(Bool enable) { };
virtual void resetCamera(const Coord3D *location, Int frames) {}; ///< Move camera to location, and reset to default angle & zoom.
virtual void rotateCamera(Real rotations, Int frames) {}; ///< Rotate camera about current viewpoint.
virtual void rotateCameraTowardObject(ObjectID id, Int milliseconds, Int holdMilliseconds) {}; ///< Rotate camera to face an object, and hold on it
virtual void rotateCameraTowardPosition(const Coord3D *pLoc, Int milliseconds) {}; ///< Rotate camera to face a location.
virtual Bool isTimeFrozen(void){ return false;} ///< Freezes time during the next camera movement.
virtual Int getTimeMultiplier(void) {return 1;}; ///< Get the time multiplier.
virtual void setTimeMultiplier(Int multiple) {}; ///< Set the time multiplier.
virtual void setDefaultView(Real pitch, Real angle, Real maxHeight) {};
virtual void zoomCamera( Real finalZoom, Int milliseconds ) {};
virtual void pitchCamera( Real finalPitch, Int milliseconds ) {};
virtual void setAngle( Real angle ); ///< Rotate the view around the up axis to the given angle
virtual Real getAngle( void ) { return m_angle; }
virtual void setPitch( Real angle ); ///< Rotate the view around the horizontal axis to the given angle
virtual Real getPitch( void ) { return m_pitchAngle; } ///< Return current camera pitch
virtual void setAngleAndPitchToDefault( void ); ///< Set the view angle back to default
virtual void getPosition(Coord3D *pos) { *pos=m_pos;} ///< Returns position camera is looking at (z will be zero)
virtual const Coord3D& get3DCameraPosition() const = 0; ///< Returns the actual camera position
virtual Real getZoom() { return m_zoom; }
virtual void setZoom(Real z) { }
virtual Real getHeightAboveGround() { return m_heightAboveGround; }
virtual void setHeightAboveGround(Real z) { m_heightAboveGround = z; }
virtual void zoomIn( void ); ///< Zoom in, closer to the ground, limit to min
virtual void zoomOut( void ); ///< Zoom out, farther away from the ground, limit to max
virtual void setZoomToDefault( void ) { } ///< Set zoom to default value
virtual Real getMaxZoom( void ) { return m_maxZoom; } ///< return max zoom value
virtual void setOkToAdjustHeight( Bool val ) { m_okToAdjustHeight = val; } ///< Set this to adjust camera height
// for debugging
virtual Real getTerrainHeightUnderCamera() { return m_terrainHeightUnderCamera; }
virtual void setTerrainHeightUnderCamera(Real z) { m_terrainHeightUnderCamera = z; }
virtual Real getCurrentHeightAboveGround() { return m_currentHeightAboveGround; }
virtual void setCurrentHeightAboveGround(Real z) { m_currentHeightAboveGround = z; }
virtual void setFieldOfView( Real angle ) { m_FOV = angle; } ///< Set the horizontal field of view angle
virtual Real getFieldOfView( void ) { return m_FOV; } ///< Get the horizontal field of view angle
virtual Bool worldToScreen( const Coord3D *w, ICoord2D *s ) = 0; ///< Transform world coordinate "w" into screen coordinate "s"
virtual void screenToWorld( const ICoord2D *s, Coord3D *w ) = 0; ///< Transform screen coordinate "s" into world coordinate "w"
virtual void screenToTerrain( const ICoord2D *screen, Coord3D *world ) = 0; ///< transform screen coord to a point on the 3D terrain
virtual void screenToWorldAtZ( const ICoord2D *s, Coord3D *w, Real z ) = 0; ///< transform screen point to world point at the specified world Z value
virtual void getLocation ( ViewLocation *location ); ///< write the view's current location in to the view location object
virtual void setLocation ( const ViewLocation *location ); ///< set the view's current location from to the view location object
virtual void drawView( void ) = 0; ///< Render the world visible in this view.
virtual void updateView(void) = 0; ///