**	Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
**	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
**	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**	(at your option) any later version.
**	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	GNU General Public License for more details.
**	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

//																																						//
//  (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc.																				//
//																																						//

#include "PreRTS.h"	// This must go first in EVERY cpp file in the GameEngine

#include "Common/ArchiveFileSystem.h"
#include "Common/CommandLine.h"
#include "Common/CRCDebug.h"
#include "Common/LocalFileSystem.h"
#include "Common/Version.h"
#include "GameClient/TerrainVisual.h" // for TERRAIN_LOD_MIN definition
#include "GameClient/GameText.h"

Bool TheDebugIgnoreSyncErrors = FALSE;
extern Int DX8Wrapper_PreserveFPU;

#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
Int TheCRCFirstFrameToLog = -1;
UnsignedInt TheCRCLastFrameToLog = 0xffffffff;
Bool g_keepCRCSaves = FALSE;
Bool g_crcModuleDataFromLogic = FALSE;
Bool g_crcModuleDataFromClient = FALSE;
Bool g_verifyClientCRC = FALSE; // verify that GameLogic CRC doesn't change from client
Bool g_clientDeepCRC = FALSE;
Bool g_logObjectCRCs = FALSE;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
extern Bool g_useStringFile;

// Retval is number of cmd-line args eaten
typedef Int (*FuncPtr)( char *args[], int num );

static const UnsignedByte F_NOCASE = 1; // Case-insensitive

struct CommandLineParam
	const char *name;
	FuncPtr func;

static void ConvertShortMapPathToLongMapPath(AsciiString &mapName)
	AsciiString path = mapName;
	AsciiString token;
	AsciiString actualpath;

	if ((path.find('\\') == NULL) && (path.find('/') == NULL))
		DEBUG_CRASH(("Invalid map name %s", mapName.str()));
	path.nextToken(&token, "\\/");
	while (!token.endsWithNoCase(".map") && (token.getLength() > 0))
		path.nextToken(&token, "\\/");

	if (!token.endsWithNoCase(".map"))
		DEBUG_CRASH(("Invalid map name %s", mapName.str()));
	// remove the .map from the end.


	mapName = actualpath;

Int parseNoLogOrCrash(char *args[], int)
	DEBUG_CRASH(("-NoLogOrCrash not supported in this build\n"));
	return 1;

Int parseWin(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_windowed = true;
	return 1;

Int parseNoMusic(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_musicOn = false;
	return 1;

Int parseNoVideo(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_videoOn = false;
	return 1;

Int parseFPUPreserve(char *args[], int argc)
	if (argc > 1)
		DX8Wrapper_PreserveFPU = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseUseCSF(char *args[], int)
	g_useStringFile = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseNoInputDisable(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableScriptedInputDisabling = true;
	return 1;

Int parseNoFade(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableCameraFade = true;
	return 1;

Int parseNoMilCap(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableMilitaryCaption = true;
	return 1;

Int parseDebugCRCFromFrame(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	if (argc > 1)
		TheCRCFirstFrameToLog = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseDebugCRCUntilFrame(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	if (argc > 1)
		TheCRCLastFrameToLog = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseKeepCRCSave(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	g_keepCRCSaves = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseCRCLogicModuleData(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	g_crcModuleDataFromLogic = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseCRCClientModuleData(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	g_crcModuleDataFromClient = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseClientDeepCRC(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	g_clientDeepCRC = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseVerifyClientCRC(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	g_verifyClientCRC = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseLogObjectCRCs(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	g_logObjectCRCs = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseNetCRCInterval(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	if (argc > 1)
		NET_CRC_INTERVAL = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseReplayCRCInterval(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	if (argc > 1)
		REPLAY_CRC_INTERVAL = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseNoDraw(char *args[], int argc)
#ifdef DEBUG_CRC
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_noDraw = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseLogToConsole(char *args[], int)
	DebugSetFlags(DebugGetFlags() | DEBUG_FLAG_LOG_TO_CONSOLE);
	return 1;

#endif // _DEBUG || _INTERNAL

Int parseNoAudio(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_audioOn = false;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_speechOn = false;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_soundsOn = false;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_musicOn = false;
	return 1;

Int parseNoWin(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_windowed = false;
	return 1;

Int parseFullVersion(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheVersion && num > 1)
		TheVersion->setShowFullVersion(atoi(args[1]) != 0);
	return 1;

Int parseNoShadows(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_useShadowVolumes = false;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_useShadowDecals = false;
	return 1;

Int parseMapName(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num == 2)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_mapName.set( args[ 1 ] );
	return 1;

Int parseXRes(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_xResolution = atoi(args[1]);
		return 2;
	return 1;

Int parseYRes(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_yResolution = atoi(args[1]);
		return 2;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseLatencyAverage(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_latencyAverage = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseLatencyAmplitude(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_latencyAmplitude = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseLatencyPeriod(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_latencyPeriod = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseLatencyNoise(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_latencyNoise = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parsePacketLoss(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_packetLoss = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseLowDetail(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_terrainLOD = TERRAIN_LOD_MIN;
	return 1;

Int parseNoDynamicLOD(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_enableDynamicLOD = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseNoStaticLOD(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_enableStaticLOD = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseUseWaveEditor(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_usingWaterTrackEditor = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseFPSLimit(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_framesPerSecondLimit = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseNoViewLimit(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_useCameraConstraints = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseWireframe(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_wireframe = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseShowCollision(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_showCollisionExtents = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseNoShowClientPhysics(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_showClientPhysics = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseShowTerrainNormals(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_showTerrainNormals = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseStateMachineDebug(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_stateMachineDebug = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseJabber(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_jabberOn = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseMunkee(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_munkeeOn = TRUE;
	return 1;
#endif // defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)

Int parseScriptDebug(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_scriptDebug = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_winCursors = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseParticleEdit(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_particleEdit = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_winCursors = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_windowed = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseBuildMapCache(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_buildMapCache = true;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseDisplayDebug(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_displayDebug = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseFile(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_initialFile = args[1];
	return 2;

Int parsePreload( char *args[], int num )
	if( TheWritableGlobalData )
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_preloadAssets = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parsePreloadEverything( char *args[], int num )
	if( TheWritableGlobalData )
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_preloadAssets = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_preloadEverything = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseLogAssets( char *args[], int num )
	if( TheWritableGlobalData )
		FILE *logfile=fopen("PreloadedAssets.txt","w");
		if (logfile)	//clear the file
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_preloadReport = TRUE;
	return 1;

/// begin stuff for VTUNE
Int parseVTune ( char *args[], int num )
	if( TheWritableGlobalData )
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_vTune = TRUE;
	return 1;
/// end stuff for VTUNE

#endif // defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)


Int parseNoFX(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_useFX = FALSE;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseNoShroud(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_shroudOn = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseForceBenchmark(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_forceBenchmark = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseNoMoveCamera(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableCameraMovement = true;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseNoCinematic(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableCameraMovement = true;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableMilitaryCaption = true;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableCameraFade = true;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_disableScriptedInputDisabling = true;
	return 1;

Int parseSync(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheDebugIgnoreSyncErrors = true;
	return 1;

Int parseNoShellMap(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_shellMapOn = FALSE;
	return 1;

#if !defined(_PLAYTEST) || (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL))
Int parseNoLogo(char *args[], int)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_playIntro = FALSE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_afterIntro = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseShellMap(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_shellMapName = args[1];
	return 2;

Int parseNoWindowAnimation(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_animateWindows = FALSE;
	return 1;

Int parseWinCursors(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_winCursors = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseQuickStart( char *args[], int num )
  parseNoLogo( args, num );
	parseNoShellMap( args, num );
	parseNoWindowAnimation( args, num );
	return 1;

Int parseConstantDebug( char *args[], int num )
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_constantDebugUpdate = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseShowTeamDot( char *args[], int num )
	if( TheWritableGlobalData )
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_showTeamDot = TRUE;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseSelectAll( char *args[], int num )
	if( TheWritableGlobalData )
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_allowUnselectableSelection = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseRunAhead( char *args[], Int num )
	if (num > 2)
		MIN_RUNAHEAD = atoi(args[1]);
		MAX_FRAMES_AHEAD = atoi(args[2]);
	return 3;

Int parseSeed(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_fixedSeed = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseIncrAGPBuf(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_incrementalAGPBuf = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseNetMinPlayers(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_netMinPlayers = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parsePlayStats(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData  && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_playStats  = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

Int parseDemoLoadScreen(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_loadScreenDemo = TRUE;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseSaveStats(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData  && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_saveStats = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_baseStatsDir = args[1];
	return 2;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseSaveAllStats(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData  && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_saveStats = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_baseStatsDir = args[1];
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_saveAllStats = TRUE;
	return 2;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseLocalMOTD(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData  && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_useLocalMOTD = TRUE;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_MOTDPath = args[1];
	return 2;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseCameraDebug(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_debugCamera = TRUE;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseBenchmark(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_benchmarkTimer = atoi(args[1]);
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_playStats  = atoi(args[1]);
	return 2;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseIgnoreAsserts(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 0)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_debugIgnoreAsserts = true;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseIgnoreStackTrace(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 0)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_debugIgnoreStackTrace = true;
	return 1;

Int parseNoFPSLimit(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_useFpsLimit = false;
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_framesPerSecondLimit = 30000;
	return 1;

Int parseDumpAssetUsage(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_dumpAssetUsage = true;
	return 1;

Int parseJumpToFrame(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		parseNoFPSLimit(args, num);
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_noDraw = atoi(args[1]);
		return 2;
	return 1;

Int parseUpdateImages(char *args[], int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData)
		TheWritableGlobalData->m_shouldUpdateTGAToDDS = TRUE;
	return 1;

Int parseMod(char *args[], Int num)
	if (TheWritableGlobalData && num > 1)
		AsciiString modPath = args[1];
		if (strchr(modPath.str(), ':') || modPath.startsWith("/") || modPath.startsWith("\\"))
			// full path passed in.  Don't append base path.
			modPath.format("%s%s", TheGlobalData->getPath_UserData().str(), args[1]);
		DEBUG_LOG(("Looking for mod '%s'\n", modPath.str()));

		if (!TheLocalFileSystem->doesFileExist(modPath.str()))
			DEBUG_LOG(("Mod does not exist.\n"));
			return 2; // no such file/dir.

		// now check for dir-ness
		struct stat statBuf;
		if (stat(modPath.str(), &statBuf) != 0)
			DEBUG_LOG(("Could not _stat() mod.\n"));
			return 2; // could not stat the file/dir.

		if (statBuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
			if (!modPath.endsWith("\\") && !modPath.endsWith("/"))
			DEBUG_LOG(("Mod dir is '%s'.\n", modPath.str()));
			TheWritableGlobalData->m_modDir = modPath;
			DEBUG_LOG(("Mod file is '%s'.\n", modPath.str()));
			TheWritableGlobalData->m_modBIG = modPath;

		return 2;
	return 1;

#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Int parseSetDebugLevel(char *args[], int num)
	if (num > 1)
		AsciiString val = args[1];
		for (Int i=0; i<DEBUG_LEVEL_MAX; ++i)
			if (val == TheDebugLevels[i])
				DebugLevelMask |= 1<<i;
	return 2;

Int parseClearDebugLevel(char *args[], int num)
	if (num > 1)
		AsciiString val = args[1];
		for (Int i=0; i<DEBUG_LEVEL_MAX; ++i)
			if (val == TheDebugLevels[i])
				DebugLevelMask &= ~(1<<i);
	return 2;

static CommandLineParam params[] =
	{ "-noshellmap", parseNoShellMap },
	{ "-win", parseWin },
	{ "-xres", parseXRes },
	{ "-yres", parseYRes },
	{ "-fullscreen", parseNoWin },
	{ "-fullVersion", parseFullVersion },
	{	"-particleEdit", parseParticleEdit },
	{ "-scriptDebug", parseScriptDebug },
	{ "-playStats", parsePlayStats },
	{ "-mod", parseMod },
#if !defined(_PLAYTEST) || (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL))
	{ "-noaudio", parseNoAudio },
	{ "-map", parseMapName },
	{ "-nomusic", parseNoMusic },
	{ "-novideo", parseNoVideo },
	{ "-noLogOrCrash", parseNoLogOrCrash },
	{ "-FPUPreserve", parseFPUPreserve },
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
	{ "-benchmark", parseBenchmark },
	{ "-saveStats", parseSaveStats },
	{ "-localMOTD", parseLocalMOTD },
	{ "-UseCSF", parseUseCSF },
	{ "-NoInputDisable", parseNoInputDisable },
	{ "-DebugCRCFromFrame", parseDebugCRCFromFrame },
	{ "-DebugCRCUntilFrame", parseDebugCRCUntilFrame },
	{ "-KeepCRCSaves", parseKeepCRCSave },
	{ "-CRCLogicModuleData", parseCRCLogicModuleData },
	{ "-CRCClientModuleData", parseCRCClientModuleData },
	{ "-ClientDeepCRC", parseClientDeepCRC },
	{ "-VerifyClientCRC", parseVerifyClientCRC },
	{ "-LogObjectCRCs", parseLogObjectCRCs },
	{ "-saveAllStats", parseSaveAllStats },
	{ "-NetCRCInterval", parseNetCRCInterval },
	{ "-ReplayCRCInterval", parseReplayCRCInterval },
	{ "-noDraw", parseNoDraw },
	{ "-nomilcap", parseNoMilCap },
	{ "-nofade", parseNoFade },
	{ "-nomovecamera", parseNoMoveCamera },
	{ "-nocinematic", parseNoCinematic },
	{ "-packetloss", parsePacketLoss },
	{ "-latAvg", parseLatencyAverage },
	{ "-latAmp", parseLatencyAmplitude },
	{ "-latPeriod", parseLatencyPeriod },
	{ "-latNoise", parseLatencyNoise },
	{ "-noViewLimit", parseNoViewLimit },
	{ "-lowDetail", parseLowDetail },
	{ "-noDynamicLOD", parseNoDynamicLOD },
	{ "-noStaticLOD", parseNoStaticLOD },
	{ "-useWaveEditor", parseUseWaveEditor },
	{ "-fps", parseFPSLimit },
	{ "-wireframe", parseWireframe },
	{ "-showCollision", parseShowCollision },
	{ "-noShowClientPhysics", parseNoShowClientPhysics },
	{ "-showTerrainNormals", parseShowTerrainNormals },
	{ "-stateMachineDebug", parseStateMachineDebug },
	{ "-jabber", parseJabber },
	{ "-munkee", parseMunkee },
	{ "-displayDebug", parseDisplayDebug },
	{ "-file", parseFile },
	{ "-preload", parsePreload },
	{ "-preloadEverything", parsePreloadEverything },
	{ "-logAssets", parseLogAssets },
	{ "-netMinPlayers", parseNetMinPlayers },
	{ "-DemoLoadScreen", parseDemoLoadScreen },
	{ "-cameraDebug", parseCameraDebug },
	{ "-ignoreAsserts", parseIgnoreAsserts },
	{ "-ignoreStackTrace", parseIgnoreStackTrace },
	{ "-logToCon", parseLogToConsole },
	{ "-vTune", parseVTune },
	{ "-selectTheUnselectable", parseSelectAll },
	{ "-RunAhead", parseRunAhead },
	{ "-noshroud", parseNoShroud },
	{ "-setDebugLevel", parseSetDebugLevel },
	{ "-clearDebugLevel", parseClearDebugLevel },
	{ "-forceBenchmark", parseForceBenchmark },
	{ "-buildmapcache", parseBuildMapCache },
	{ "-noshadowvolumes", parseNoShadows },
	{ "-nofx", parseNoFX },
	{ "-ignoresync", parseSync },
	{ "-nologo", parseNoLogo },
	{ "-shellmap", parseShellMap },
	{ "-noShellAnim", parseNoWindowAnimation },
	{ "-winCursors", parseWinCursors },
	{ "-constantDebug", parseConstantDebug },
	{ "-quickstart", parseQuickStart },
	{ "-seed", parseSeed },
	{ "-noagpfix", parseIncrAGPBuf },
	{ "-noFPSLimit", parseNoFPSLimit },
	{ "-dumpAssetUsage", parseDumpAssetUsage },
	{ "-jumpToFrame", parseJumpToFrame },
	{ "-updateImages", parseUpdateImages },
	{ "-showTeamDot", parseShowTeamDot },

// parseCommandLine ===========================================================
/** Parse command-line parameters. */
void parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
	// To parse command-line parameters, we loop through a table holding arguments
	// and functions to handle them.  Comparisons can be case-(in)sensitive, and
	// can check the entire string (for testing the presence of a flag) or check
	// just the start (for a key=val argument).  The handling function can also
	// look at the next argument(s), to accomodate multi-arg parameters, e.g. "-p 1234".
	int arg=1, param;
	Bool found;

	DEBUG_LOG(("Command-line args:"));
	int debugFlags = DebugGetFlags();
	DebugSetFlags(debugFlags & ~DEBUG_FLAG_PREPEND_TIME); // turn off timestamps
	for (arg=1; arg<argc; arg++)
		DEBUG_LOG((" %s", argv[arg]));
	DebugSetFlags(debugFlags); // turn timestamps back on iff they were on before
	arg = 1;

	while (arg<argc)
		// Look at arg #i
		found = false;
		for (param=0; !found && param<sizeof(params)/sizeof(params[0]); ++param)
			int len = strlen(params[param].name);
			int len2 = strlen(argv[arg]);
			if (len2 != len)
			if (!strnicmp(argv[arg], params[param].name, len))
				arg += params[param].func(argv+arg, argc-arg);
				found = true;
		}	// for
		if (!found)
