# Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hourâ„¢
# Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
sub ShowWarning;
sub ShowError;
$noxScript = shift || 'C:\Nox\Game\nox.str';
$outFile = shift;
open(STR, $noxScript) || die "Can't open Nox string file: $!\n";
if ($outFile)
open(STDOUT, ">$outFile") || die "Can't open output file: $!\n";
select((select(STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]);
$state = 0;
$line = 0;
$strcount = 0;
$strMaxCount = 32;
$lastFileName = "";
$lastFileNameLine = 0;
$ignoreErrors = 0;
$errCount = 0;
%labels = ();
while ()
$strline = $_;
$strline =~ s/\/\/.*//g;
$strline =~ s/^\s*//g;
$strline =~ s/\s*$//g;
if (! ($strline eq ""))
if ($state == 0)
if (! ($strline =~ /^[^\"][^ :]*:[^ :]*[^\"]$/))
ShowError($line, $strline, "Expecting 'file:name'\n");
if (defined ($labels{$strline}))
ShowWarning($line, $strline, "Duplicate label at line $labels{$strline}\n");
$labels{$strline} = $line;
$lastFileName = $strline;
$lastFileNameLine = $line;
$strcount = 0;
$ignoreErrors = 0;
$state = 1;
elsif ($state == 1)
if (++$strcount >= $strMaxCount)
ShowError($line, $strline, "Too many strings ($strcount) - suspected missing END from section $lastFileName on line $lastFileNameLine\n");
elsif ($strline =~ /^END$/i)
$state = 0;
elsif ($strline =~ /\/n/i)
ShowWarning($line, $strline, "'/n'? This should probably be '\\n' instead\n");
elsif ($strline =~ /^\"[^\"]*[^\"]$/)
$state = 2;
$strline =~ s/\"\s*={0,1}\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*[^\"]$/\"/i;
if (! ($strline =~ /^\".*\"$/))
if ($strline =~ /^[^\"][^ :]*:[^ :]*[^\"]$/)
ShowError($line, $strline, "Missing quote - suspected missing END from section $lastFileName on line $lastFileNameLine\n");
ShowError($line, $strline, "Missing quote\n");
elsif ($state == 2)
$strline =~ s/\"\s*={0,1}\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*[^\"]$/\"/i;
if (++$strcount >= $strMaxCount)
ShowError($line, $strline, "Too many strings ($strcount) - suspected missing END from section $lastFileName on line $lastFileNameLine\n");
elsif ($strline =~ /\/n/i)
ShowWarning($line, $strline, "'/n'? This should probably be '\\n' instead\n");
elsif ($strline =~ /^[^\"].*\"$/)
$state = 1;
elsif (! ($strline =~ /^[^\"].*[^\"]$/))
ShowError($line, $strline, "Extra quote character found at start of line\n");
elsif ($strline =~ /^END$/i)
ShowWarning($line, $strline, "Suspiciously placed 'END'. Maybe missing an end-quote from previous section\n");
if ($state != 0)
ShowError($line, $strline, "Missing END\n");
print STDOUT "$line lines processed\n";
if ($errCount == 0)
open(RESULT, ">strcheck.err") || die "Can't open output file: $!\n";
print RESULT "OK";
close (RESULT);
sub ShowWarning
my ($errLine, $errString, $errDesc) = @_;
if (length($errString) > 32)
$errString = substr($errString, 0, 32) . "...";
if ($ignoreErrors == 0)
print STDOUT "$noxScript($errLine) : warning: '$errString' : $errDesc";
$state = 0;
$ignoreErrors = 1;
sub ShowError
my ($errLine, $errString, $errDesc) = @_;
if (length($errString) > 32)
$errString = substr($errString, 0, 32) . "...";
if ($ignoreErrors == 0)
print STDOUT "$noxScript($errLine) : error: '$errString' : $errDesc";
$state = 0;
$ignoreErrors = 1;