/* ** Command & Conquer Generals(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///MiscAudio.h///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This file is for miscellaneous sound hooks that don't have another happy home. #pragma once #ifndef _MISCAUDIO_H_ #define _MISCAUDIO_H_ #include "Common/AudioEventRTS.h" struct MiscAudio { static const FieldParse m_fieldParseTable[]; AudioEventRTS m_radarUnitUnderAttackSound; ///< radar sounds to play when unit under attack AudioEventRTS m_radarHarvesterUnderAttackSound; ///< radar sounds to play when harvester under attack AudioEventRTS m_radarStructureUnderAttackSound; ///< radar sounds to play when structure under attack AudioEventRTS m_radarUnderAttackSound; ///< radar sounds to play when ? under attack AudioEventRTS m_radarInfiltrationSound; ///< radar sounds to play when something is infiltrated AudioEventRTS m_radarOnlineSound; ///< radar sounds to play when radar goes online AudioEventRTS m_radarOfflineSound; ///< radar sounds to play when radar goes offline AudioEventRTS m_defectorTimerTickSound; ///< snd to play during transient invulnerability while defecting // lorenzen AudioEventRTS m_defectorTimerDingSound; ///< snd to play when you become vulnerable again // lorenzen AudioEventRTS m_lockonTickSound; ///< snd to play during stealth-fighter-lockon period AudioEventRTS m_allCheerSound; ///< snd to play when user presses 'cheer' key AudioEventRTS m_battleCrySound; ///< snd to play when user presses 'battlecry' key AudioEventRTS m_guiClickSound; ///< snd to play when user presses button in GUI AudioEventRTS m_noCanDoSound; ///< Global "No Can Do" sound AudioEventRTS m_stealthDiscoveredSound; ///< I have just discovered an enemy stealth unit AudioEventRTS m_stealthNeutralizedSound; ///< One of my stealthed units has just been discovered by the enemy AudioEventRTS m_moneyDepositSound; ///< Money was deposited in my bank AudioEventRTS m_moneyWithdrawSound; ///< Money was withdrawn from my bank AudioEventRTS m_buildingDisabled; ///< Building has lost power, been hit with an EMP, or disable hacked. AudioEventRTS m_buildingReenabled; ///< Building has recovered from being disabled. AudioEventRTS m_vehicleDisabled; ///< Vehicle has been disabled via EMP or hacker attack. AudioEventRTS m_vehicleReenabled; ///< Vehicle has recovered from being disabled. AudioEventRTS m_splatterVehiclePilotsBrain; ///< Pilot has been sniped by Jarmen Kell. AudioEventRTS m_terroristInCarMoveVoice; ///< Terrorist issues a move order while in a car. AudioEventRTS m_terroristInCarAttackVoice; ///< Terrorist issues attack order while in a car. AudioEventRTS m_terroristInCarSelectVoice; ///< Terrorist is selected while in a car. AudioEventRTS m_crateHeal; ///< When heal crate is picked up. AudioEventRTS m_crateShroud; ///< When shroud crate is picked up. AudioEventRTS m_crateSalvage; ///< When salvage crate is picked up. AudioEventRTS m_crateFreeUnit; ///< When free unit crate is picked up. AudioEventRTS m_crateMoney; ///< When money crate is picked up. AudioEventRTS m_unitPromoted; ///< Unit is promoted. AudioEventRTS m_repairSparks; ///< Battle drone repairs unit. AudioEventRTS m_aircraftWheelScreech; ///< When a jet lands on a runway. }; #endif /* _MISCAUDIO_H_ */