**	Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
**	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
**	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**	(at your option) any later version.
**	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	GNU General Public License for more details.
**	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

//																																						//
//  (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc.																				//
//																																						//

// View.cpp ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A "view", or window, into the World
// Author: Michael S. Booth, February 2001

#include "PreRTS.h"	// This must go first in EVERY cpp file int the GameEngine

#include "Common/GameEngine.h"
#include "Common/Xfer.h"
#include "GameClient/View.h"
#include "GameClient/Drawable.h"

UnsignedInt View::m_idNext = 1;

// the tactical view singleton
View *TheTacticalView = NULL;

View::View( void )
	//Added By Sadullah Nader
	//Initialization(s) inserted
	m_currentHeightAboveGround = 0.0f;
	m_defaultAngle = 0.0f;
	m_defaultPitchAngle = 0.0f;
	m_heightAboveGround = 0.0f;
	m_lockDist = 0.0f;
	m_maxHeightAboveGround = 0.0f;
	m_maxZoom = 0.0f;
	m_minHeightAboveGround = 0.0f;
	m_minZoom = 0.0f;
	m_next = NULL;
	m_okToAdjustHeight = TRUE;
	m_originX = 0;
	m_originY = 0;
	m_snapImmediate = FALSE;
	m_terrainHeightUnderCamera = 0.0f;
	m_zoom = 0.0f;
	m_pos.x = 0;
	m_pos.y = 0;
	m_width = 0;
	m_height = 0;
	m_angle = 0.0f;
	m_pitchAngle = 0.0f;
	m_cameraLock = INVALID_ID;
	m_cameraLockDrawable = NULL;
	m_zoomLimited = TRUE;

	// create unique view ID
	m_id = m_idNext++;

	// default field of view
	m_FOV = 50.0f * PI/180.0f;
	m_mouseLocked = FALSE;
	m_guardBandBias.x = 0.0f;
	m_guardBandBias.y = 0.0f;


void View::init( void )
	m_pos.x = 0;
	m_pos.y = 0;
	m_angle = 0.0f;
	m_cameraLock = INVALID_ID;
	m_cameraLockDrawable = NULL;
	m_zoomLimited = TRUE;
	m_maxZoom = 1.3f;
	m_minZoom = 0.2f;
	m_zoom = m_maxZoom;
	m_maxHeightAboveGround = TheGlobalData->m_maxCameraHeight;
	m_minHeightAboveGround = TheGlobalData->m_minCameraHeight;
	m_okToAdjustHeight = FALSE;

	m_defaultAngle = 0.0f;
	m_defaultPitchAngle = 0.0f;

void View::reset( void )
	// Only fixing the reported bug.  Who knows what side effects resetting the rest could have.
	m_zoomLimited = TRUE;

 * Prepend this view to the given list, return the new list.
View *View::prependViewToList( View *list )
	m_next = list;
	return this;

void View::zoomIn( void )
	setHeightAboveGround(getHeightAboveGround() - 10.0f);

void View::zoomOut( void )
	setHeightAboveGround(getHeightAboveGround() + 10.0f);

 * Center the view on the given coordinate.
void View::lookAt( const Coord3D *o ) 

	/// @todo this needs to be changed to be 3D, this is still old 2D stuff
	Coord3D pos = *getPosition();
	pos.x = o->x - m_width * 0.5f; 
	pos.y = o->y - m_height * 0.5f; 

 * Shift the view by the given delta.
void View::scrollBy( Coord2D *delta ) 
	// update view's world position
	m_pos.x += delta->x;
	m_pos.y += delta->y;

 * Rotate the view around the up axis by the given angle.
void View::setAngle( Real angle )
	m_angle = angle; 

 * Rotate the view around the horizontal (X) axis to the given angle.
void View::setPitch( Real angle )
	m_pitchAngle = angle;

	Real limit = PI/5.0f;

	if (m_pitchAngle < -limit)
		m_pitchAngle = -limit;
	else if (m_pitchAngle > limit)
		m_pitchAngle = limit;

 * Set the view angle back to default
void View::setAngleAndPitchToDefault( void )
	m_angle = m_defaultAngle;
	m_pitchAngle = m_defaultPitchAngle;

 * write the view's current location in to the view location object
void View::getLocation( ViewLocation *location )

	const Coord3D *pos = getPosition();
	location->init( pos->x, pos->y, pos->z, getAngle(), getPitch(), getZoom() );


 * set the view's current location from to the view location object
void View::setLocation( const ViewLocation *location )
	if ( location->m_valid )


/** project the 4 corners of this view into the world and return each point as a parameter,
		the world points are at the requested Z */
void View::getScreenCornerWorldPointsAtZ( Coord3D *topLeft, Coord3D *topRight,
																					Coord3D *bottomLeft, Coord3D *bottomRight,
																					Real z )
	ICoord2D screenTopLeft, screenTopRight, screenBottomLeft, screenBottomRight;
	ICoord2D origin;
	Int viewWidth = getWidth();
	Int viewHeight = getHeight();

	// sanity
	if( topLeft == NULL || topRight == NULL || bottomLeft == NULL || bottomRight == NULL )

	// setup the screen coords for the 4 corners of the viewable display
	getOrigin( &origin.x, &origin.y );
	screenTopLeft.x     = origin.x;								// upper left
	screenTopLeft.y     = origin.y;								// upper left
	screenTopRight.x    = origin.x + viewWidth;		// upper right
	screenTopRight.y    = origin.y;								// upper right
	screenBottomLeft.x  = origin.x + viewWidth;		// lower right
	screenBottomLeft.y  = origin.y + viewHeight;  // lower right
	screenBottomRight.x = origin.x;								// lower left
	screenBottomRight.y = origin.y + viewHeight;	// lower left

	// project
	screenToWorldAtZ( &screenTopLeft, topLeft, z );
	screenToWorldAtZ( &screenTopRight, topRight, z );
	screenToWorldAtZ( &screenBottomLeft, bottomLeft, z );
	screenToWorldAtZ( &screenBottomRight, bottomRight, z );

}  // end getScreenCornerWorldPointsAtZ

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Xfer method for a view */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void View::xfer( Xfer *xfer )

	// version
	XferVersion currentVersion = 1;
	XferVersion version = currentVersion;
	xfer->xferVersion( &version, currentVersion );

	// camera angle
	Real angle = getAngle();
	xfer->xferReal( &angle );
	setAngle( angle );

	// view position
	Coord3D viewPos;
	getPosition( &viewPos );
	xfer->xferReal( &viewPos.x );
	xfer->xferReal( &viewPos.y );
	xfer->xferReal( &viewPos.z );
	lookAt( &viewPos );

}  // end xfer