/* ** Command & Conquer Generals(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ // FILE: ImagePacker.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Westwood Studios Pacific. // // Confidential Information // Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Project: ImagePacker // // File name: ImagePacker.h // // Created: Colin Day, August 2001 // // Desc: Image packer tool // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma once #ifndef __IMAGEPACKER_H_ #define __IMAGEPACKER_H_ // SYSTEM INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include // USER INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Lib/BaseType.h" #include "WWLib/Targa.h" #include "ImageDirectory.h" #include "ImageInfo.h" #include "TexturePage.h" // FORWARD REFERENCES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TYPE DEFINES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MAX_OUTPUT_FILE_LEN 128 #define DEFAULT_TARGET_SIZE 512 // ImagePacker ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Class interface for running the image packer */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImagePacker { public: enum { GAP_METHOD_EXTEND_RGB = 0x00000001, ///< extend RGB (no alpha) of image on all sides GAP_METHOD_GUTTER = 0x00000002, ///< put transparent gutter on right and bottom side of image }; public: ImagePacker( void ); virtual ~ImagePacker( void ); Bool init( void ); ///< initialize the system Bool process( void ); ///< run the process Bool getSettingsFromDialog( HWND dialog ); ///< get the options for exection void setWindowHandle( HWND hWnd ); ///< set window handle for 'dialog' app HWND getWindowHandle( void ); ///< get window handle for 'dialog' app ICoord2D *getTargetSize( void ); ///< get target size Int getTargetWidth( void ); ///< get target width Int getTargetHeight( void ); ///< bet target height void statusMessage( char *message ); ///< set a status message UnsignedInt getImageCount( void ); ///< get image count ImageInfo *getImage( Int index ); ///< get image TexturePage *getFirstTexturePage( void ); ///< get first texture page UnsignedInt getPageCount( void ); ///< get the count of texutre pages void setTargetPreviewPage( Int page ); ///< set the target preview page to view Int getTargetPreviewPage( void ); ///< get the target preview page to view void setGutter( UnsignedInt size ); ///< set gutter size in pixels UnsignedInt getGutter( void ); ///< get gutter size in pixels void setGapMethod( UnsignedInt methodBit ); ///< set gap method option void clearGapMethod( UnsignedInt methodBit ); ///< clear gap method option UnsignedInt getGapMethod( void ); ///< get gap method option void setOutputAlpha( Bool outputAlpha ); ///< set output alpha option Bool getOutputAlpha( void ); ///< get output alpha option void setPreviewWindow( HWND window ); ///< assign preview window handle HWND getPreviewWindow( void ); ///< get the preview window handle void setUseTexturePreview( Bool use ); ///< use the real image data in preview Bool getUseTexturePreview( void ); ///< get texture preview option void setINICreate( Bool create ); ///< set create INI file option Bool createINIFile( void ); ///< get create INI option char *getOutputFile( void ); ///< get output filename char *getOutputDirectory( void ); ///< get output directory void setCompressTextures( Bool compress ); ///< set compress textures option Bool getCompressTextures( void ); ///< get compress textures option protected: void setTargetSize( Int width, Int height ); ///< set the size of the output target image Bool checkOutputDirectory( void ); ///< verify output directory is OK void resetImageDirectoryList( void ); ///< clear the image directory list void resetImageList( void ); ///< clear the image list void resetPageList( void ); ///< clear the texture page list void addDirectory( char *path, Bool subDirs ); ///< add directory to directory list void addImagesInDirectory( char *dir ); ///< add all images from the specified directory void addImage( char *path ); ///< add image to image list Bool validateImages( void ); ///< validate that the loaded images can all be processed Bool packImages( void ); ///< do the packing void writeFinalTextures( void ); ///< write the packed textures Bool generateINIFile( void ); ///< generate the INI file for this image set TexturePage *createNewTexturePage( void ); ///< create a new texture page void sortImageList( void ); ///< sort the image list HWND m_hWnd; ///< window handle for app ICoord2D m_targetSize; ///< the target size Bool m_useSubFolders; ///< use subfolders option char m_outputFile[ MAX_OUTPUT_FILE_LEN ]; ///< output filename char m_outputDirectory[ _MAX_PATH ]; ///< destination for texture files ImageDirectory *m_dirList; ///< the directory list UnsignedInt m_dirCount; ///< length of dirList UnsignedInt m_imagesInDirs; ///< number of images in all directories ImageInfo **m_imageList; ///< the image list UnsignedInt m_imageCount; ///< length of imageList char m_statusBuffer[ 1024 ]; ///< for printing status messages TexturePage *m_pageTail; ///< end of the texture page list TexturePage *m_pageList; ///< the final images generated from the packer UnsignedInt m_pageCount; ///< length of page list UnsignedInt m_gapMethod; ///< gap method option bits UnsignedInt m_gutterSize; ///< gutter gaps between images in pixels Bool m_outputAlpha; ///< final image files will have an alpha channel Bool m_createINI; ///< create the INI file from compressed image data Int m_targetPreviewPage; ///< preview page we're looking at HWND m_hWndPreview; ///< the preview window Bool m_showTextureInPreview; ///< show actual texture in preview window Targa *m_targa; ///< targa for loading file headers Bool m_compressTextures; ///< compress the final textures }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INLINING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline void ImagePacker::setTargetSize( Int width, Int height ) { m_targetSize.x = width; m_targetSize.y = height; } inline ICoord2D *ImagePacker::getTargetSize( void ) { return &m_targetSize; } inline Int ImagePacker::getTargetWidth( void ) { return m_targetSize.x; } inline Int ImagePacker::getTargetHeight( void ) { return m_targetSize.y; } inline void ImagePacker::setWindowHandle( HWND hWnd ) { m_hWnd = hWnd; } inline HWND ImagePacker::getWindowHandle( void ) { return m_hWnd; } inline UnsignedInt ImagePacker::getImageCount( void ) { return m_imageCount; } inline ImageInfo *ImagePacker::getImage( Int index ) { return m_imageList[ index ]; } inline void ImagePacker::setTargetPreviewPage( Int page ) { m_targetPreviewPage = page; } inline Int ImagePacker::getTargetPreviewPage( void ) { return m_targetPreviewPage; } inline UnsignedInt ImagePacker::getPageCount( void ) { return m_pageCount; } inline void ImagePacker::setPreviewWindow( HWND window ) { m_hWndPreview = window; } inline HWND ImagePacker::getPreviewWindow( void ) { return m_hWndPreview; } inline void ImagePacker::setGutter( UnsignedInt size ) { m_gutterSize = size; } inline UnsignedInt ImagePacker::getGutter( void ) { return m_gutterSize; } inline void ImagePacker::setOutputAlpha( Bool outputAlpha ) { m_outputAlpha = outputAlpha; } inline Bool ImagePacker::getOutputAlpha( void ) { return m_outputAlpha; } inline TexturePage *ImagePacker::getFirstTexturePage( void ) { return m_pageList; } inline void ImagePacker::setUseTexturePreview( Bool use ) { m_showTextureInPreview = use; } inline Bool ImagePacker::getUseTexturePreview( void ) { return m_showTextureInPreview; } inline void ImagePacker::setINICreate( Bool create ) { m_createINI = create; }; inline Bool ImagePacker::createINIFile( void ) { return m_createINI; } inline char *ImagePacker::getOutputFile( void ) { return m_outputFile; } inline char *ImagePacker::getOutputDirectory( void ) { return m_outputDirectory; } inline void ImagePacker::setCompressTextures( Bool compress ) { m_compressTextures = compress; } inline Bool ImagePacker::getCompressTextures( void ) { return m_compressTextures; } inline void ImagePacker::setGapMethod( UnsignedInt methodBit ) { BitSet( m_gapMethod, methodBit ); } inline void ImagePacker::clearGapMethod( UnsignedInt methodBit ) { BitClear( m_gapMethod, methodBit ); } inline UnsignedInt ImagePacker::getGapMethod( void ) { return m_gapMethod; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EXTERNALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern ImagePacker *TheImagePacker; #endif // __IMAGEPACKER_H_