/* ** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "PreRTS.h" #include "GameLogic/Damage.h" #include "GameLogic/Module/ContainModule.h" #include "Common/ActionManager.h" #include "Common/ThingTemplate.h" #include "Common/PlayerList.h" #include "Common/Player.h" #include "GameClient/SelectionInfo.h" #include "GameClient/CommandXlat.h" #include "GameClient/ControlBar.h" #include "GameClient/GameClient.h" #include "GameClient/Drawable.h" #include "GameClient/KeyDefs.h" #ifdef _INTERNAL // for occasional debugging... //#pragma optimize("", off) //#pragma MESSAGE("************************************** WARNING, optimization disabled for debugging purposes") #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SelectionInfo::SelectionInfo() : currentCountEnemies(0), currentCountCivilians(0), currentCountMine(0), currentCountMineInfantry(0), currentCountMineBuildings(0), currentCountFriends(0), newCountEnemies(0), newCountCivilians(0), newCountCrates(0), newCountMine(0), newCountMineBuildings(0), newCountFriends(0), newCountGarrisonableBuildings(0), selectEnemies(FALSE), selectCivilians(FALSE), selectMine(FALSE), selectMineBuildings(FALSE), selectFriends(FALSE) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PickDrawableStruct::PickDrawableStruct() : drawableListToFill(NULL) { //Added By Sadullah Nader //Initializations inserted drawableListToFill = FALSE; // forceAttackMode = TheInGameUI->isInForceAttackMode(); UnsignedInt pickType = getPickTypesForContext(forceAttackMode); translatePickTypesToKindof(pickType, kindofsToMatch); if (!forceAttackMode) { kindofsToMatch.set(KINDOF_ALWAYS_SELECTABLE); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Given a list of currently selected things and a list of things that are currently under * the selection (pointer or drag), generate some useful information about each. */ extern Bool contextCommandForNewSelection(const DrawableList *currentlySelectedDrawables, const DrawableList *newlySelectedDrawables, SelectionInfo *outSelectionInfo, Bool selectionIsPoint) { if (!(currentlySelectedDrawables && newlySelectedDrawables && outSelectionInfo)) return FALSE; Bool forceFire = TheInGameUI->isInForceAttackMode(); Bool forceMove = TheInGameUI->isInForceMoveToMode(); if (forceFire || forceMove) { return FALSE; } Player *localPlayer = ThePlayerList->getLocalPlayer(); DrawableListCIt it; for (it = currentlySelectedDrawables->begin(); it != currentlySelectedDrawables->end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)) { continue; } Object *obj = (*it)->getObject(); if (!obj) { continue; } if (obj->isLocallyControlled()) { ++outSelectionInfo->currentCountMine; if (obj->isKindOf(KINDOF_INFANTRY)) { ++outSelectionInfo->currentCountMineInfantry; } else if (obj->isKindOf(KINDOF_STRUCTURE)) { ++outSelectionInfo->currentCountMineBuildings; } } else { Relationship rel = localPlayer->getRelationship(obj->getTeam()); if (rel == ALLIES) { ++outSelectionInfo->currentCountFriends; } else if (rel == ENEMIES) { ++outSelectionInfo->currentCountEnemies; } else if (rel == NEUTRAL) { ++outSelectionInfo->currentCountCivilians; } } } Drawable *newMine = NULL; Drawable *newFriendly = NULL; Drawable *newEnemy = NULL; Drawable *newCivilian = NULL; for (it = newlySelectedDrawables->begin(); it != newlySelectedDrawables->end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)) { continue; } Object *obj = (*it)->getObject(); if (!obj) { continue; } if (TheActionManager->canPlayerGarrison(localPlayer, obj, CMD_FROM_PLAYER)) { ++outSelectionInfo->newCountGarrisonableBuildings; } if (obj->isKindOf(KINDOF_CRATE)) { ++outSelectionInfo->newCountCrates; } if (obj->isLocallyControlled()) { ++outSelectionInfo->newCountMine; newMine = *it; if (obj->isKindOf(KINDOF_STRUCTURE)) { ++outSelectionInfo->newCountMineBuildings; } } else { Relationship rel = localPlayer->getRelationship(obj->getTeam()); if (rel == ALLIES) { newFriendly = *it; ++outSelectionInfo->newCountFriends; } else if (rel == ENEMIES) { newEnemy = *it; ++outSelectionInfo->newCountEnemies; } else if (rel == NEUTRAL) { newCivilian = *it; ++outSelectionInfo->newCountCivilians; } } } DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(outSelectionInfo->currentCountEnemies <= 1, ("Selection bug. jkmcd")); DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(outSelectionInfo->currentCountFriends <= 1, ("Selection bug. jkmcd")); DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(outSelectionInfo->currentCountCivilians <= 1, ("Selection bug. jkmcd")); if (outSelectionInfo->currentCountEnemies > 0) { // If we have an enemy selected, there are no context sensitive commands return FALSE; } if (outSelectionInfo->currentCountFriends > 0) { return FALSE; } if (outSelectionInfo->currentCountCivilians > 0) { return FALSE; } if (TheGlobalData->m_useAlternateMouse) { // context sensitive commands never apply when selecting in alternate mouse mode return FALSE; } if (outSelectionInfo->currentCountMine > 0) { if (outSelectionInfo->newCountEnemies > 0) { if (outSelectionInfo->newCountEnemies == 1 && selectionIsPoint) { return TheGameClient->evaluateContextCommand(newEnemy, newEnemy->getPosition(), CommandTranslator::EVALUATE_ONLY) != GameMessage::MSG_INVALID; } return selectionIsPoint; } if (outSelectionInfo->newCountMine > 0) { if (outSelectionInfo->newCountMine == 1 && selectionIsPoint && !TheInGameUI->isInPreferSelectionMode()) { return TheGameClient->evaluateContextCommand(newMine, newMine->getPosition(), CommandTranslator::EVALUATE_ONLY) != GameMessage::MSG_INVALID; } return FALSE; } if (outSelectionInfo->newCountFriends > 0) { if (outSelectionInfo->newCountFriends == 1 && selectionIsPoint) { return TheGameClient->evaluateContextCommand(newFriendly, newFriendly->getPosition(), CommandTranslator::EVALUATE_ONLY) != GameMessage::MSG_INVALID; } return FALSE; } if (outSelectionInfo->currentCountMineInfantry > 0 && outSelectionInfo->newCountGarrisonableBuildings == 1) { return TRUE; } if (outSelectionInfo->newCountCivilians > 0) { if (outSelectionInfo->newCountCivilians == 1 && selectionIsPoint) { return TheGameClient->evaluateContextCommand(newCivilian, newCivilian->getPosition(), CommandTranslator::EVALUATE_ONLY) != GameMessage::MSG_INVALID; } return FALSE; } if (outSelectionInfo->newCountCrates > 0) { return (outSelectionInfo->newCountCrates == 1 && selectionIsPoint); } } if (outSelectionInfo->currentCountMine == 0) { return FALSE; } return selectionIsPoint; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnsignedInt getPickTypesForContext( Bool forceAttackMode ) { UnsignedInt types = PICK_TYPE_SELECTABLE; if (forceAttackMode) types |= PICK_TYPE_FORCEATTACKABLE; // // if we have a gui context command that allows for a shrubbery target then we want to // pick that type too (generally shrubbery aren't pickable cause it would get in // the way with movement and general selection) // const CommandButton *command = TheInGameUI->getGUICommand(); if (command != NULL) { if (BitTest( command->getOptions(), ALLOW_MINE_TARGET)) { types |= PICK_TYPE_MINES; } if (BitTest( command->getOptions(), ALLOW_SHRUBBERY_TARGET ) ) { types |= PICK_TYPE_SHRUBBERY; } } else { types |= getPickTypesForCurrentSelection(forceAttackMode); } return types; } // end getPickTypesForContext //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnsignedInt getPickTypesForCurrentSelection( Bool forceAttackMode ) { UnsignedInt retVal = 0; if (!TheInGameUI->areSelectedObjectsControllable()) { return retVal; } const DrawableList *allSelectedDrawables = TheInGameUI->getAllSelectedDrawables(); for (DrawableListCIt cit = allSelectedDrawables->begin(); cit != allSelectedDrawables->end(); ++cit) { Drawable *draw = *cit; if (!draw) { continue; } Object *obj = draw->getObject(); if (!obj) { continue; } // srj sez: thanks to new, area-effect disarming, we NO LONGER want to do this... // if (obj->hasWeaponToDealDamageType(DAMAGE_DISARM)) { // retVal |= PICK_TYPE_MINES; // } if (obj->hasWeaponToDealDamageType(DAMAGE_FLAME) && forceAttackMode ) { retVal |= PICK_TYPE_SHRUBBERY; } // For efficiency. if (BitTest(retVal, PICK_TYPE_MINES | PICK_TYPE_SHRUBBERY)) { break; } } return retVal; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void translatePickTypesToKindof(UnsignedInt pickTypes, KindOfMaskType& outMask) { if (BitTest(pickTypes, PICK_TYPE_SELECTABLE)) { outMask.set(KINDOF_SELECTABLE); } if (BitTest(pickTypes, PICK_TYPE_SHRUBBERY)) { outMask.set(KINDOF_SHRUBBERY); } if (BitTest(pickTypes, PICK_TYPE_MINES)) { outMask.set(KINDOF_MINE); } if (BitTest(pickTypes, PICK_TYPE_FORCEATTACKABLE)) { outMask.set(KINDOF_FORCEATTACKABLE); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given a drawable, add it to an stl list specified by userData. // Useful for iterateDrawablesInRegion. Bool addDrawableToList( Drawable *draw, void *userData ) { PickDrawableStruct *pds = (PickDrawableStruct *) userData; #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL) if (TheGlobalData->m_allowUnselectableSelection) { pds->drawableListToFill->push_back(draw); return TRUE; } #endif if (!pds->drawableListToFill) return FALSE; if (!draw->getTemplate()->isAnyKindOf(pds->kindofsToMatch)) return FALSE; if (!draw->isSelectable()) { const Object *obj = draw->getObject(); if ( obj && obj->getContainedBy() )//hmm, interesting... he is not selectable but he is contained {// What we are after here is to propagate the selection the selection ti the container // if the cobtainer is non-enclosing... see also selectionxlat, in the left_click case ContainModuleInterface *contain = obj->getContainedBy()->getContain(); Drawable *containDraw = obj->getContainedBy()->getDrawable(); if (contain && ! contain->isEnclosingContainerFor( obj ) && containDraw ) return addDrawableToList( containDraw, userData ); } else return FALSE; } //Kris: Aug 9, 2003!!! Wow, this bug has been around a LONG time!! //Basically, it was possible to drag select a single enemy/neutral unit even if you couldn't see it //including stealthed units. const Object *obj = draw->getObject(); if( obj ) { const Player *player = ThePlayerList->getLocalPlayer(); Relationship rel = player->getRelationship( obj->getTeam() ); if( rel == NEUTRAL || rel == ENEMIES ) { if( obj->getShroudedStatus( player->getPlayerIndex() ) >= OBJECTSHROUD_FOGGED ) { return FALSE; } //If stealthed, no way! if( obj->testStatus( OBJECT_STATUS_STEALTHED ) && !obj->testStatus( OBJECT_STATUS_DETECTED ) ) { return FALSE; } } } pds->drawableListToFill->push_back(draw); return TRUE; }