1011 lines
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1011 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: ControlBar.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Author: Colin Day, March 2002
// Desc: Context sensitive command interface
#pragma once
#ifndef __CONTROLBAR_H_
#define __CONTROLBAR_H_
// USER INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "Common/AudioEventRTS.h"
#include "Common/GameType.h"
#include "Common/Overridable.h"
#include "Common/Science.h"
#include "GameClient/Color.h"
// FORWARD REFERENCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class Drawable;
class GameWindow;
class Image;
class Object;
class ThingTemplate;
class WeaponTemplate;
class SpecialPowerTemplate;
class WindowVideoManager;
class WindowVideoManager;
class AnimateWindowManager;
class GameWindow;
class WindowLayout;
class Player;
class PlayerTemplate;
class AudioEventRTS;
class ControlBarSchemeManager;
class UpgradeTemplate;
class ControlBarResizer;
class GameWindowTransitionsHandler;
enum ProductionID;
enum CommandSourceType;
enum ProductionType;
enum GadgetGameMessage;
enum ScienceType;
enum TimeOfDay;
enum RadiusCursorType;
/** Command options */
enum CommandOption
NEED_TARGET_ENEMY_OBJECT = 0x00000001, // command now needs user to select enemy target
NEED_TARGET_NEUTRAL_OBJECT = 0x00000002, // command now needs user to select neutral target
NEED_TARGET_ALLY_OBJECT = 0x00000004, // command now needs user to select ally target
NEED_TARGET_PRISONER = 0x00000008, // needs user to now select prisoner object
ALLOW_SHRUBBERY_TARGET = 0x00000010, // allow neutral shrubbery as a target
NEED_TARGET_POS = 0x00000020, // command now needs user to select target position
NEED_UPGRADE = 0x00000040, // command requires upgrade to be enabled
NEED_SPECIAL_POWER_SCIENCE = 0x00000080, // command requires a science in the special power specified
OK_FOR_MULTI_SELECT = 0x00000100, // command is ok to show when multiple objects selected
CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND = 0x00000200, // a context sensitive command mode that requires code to determine whether cursor is valid or not.
CHECK_LIKE = 0x00000400, // dynamically change the UI element push button to be "check like"
ALLOW_MINE_TARGET = 0x00000800, // allow (land)mines as a target
ATTACK_OBJECTS_POSITION = 0x00001000, // for weapons that need an object target but attack the position indirectly (like burning trees)
OPTION_ONE = 0x00002000, // User data -- option 1
OPTION_TWO = 0x00004000, // User data -- option 2
OPTION_THREE = 0x00008000, // User data -- option 3
NOT_QUEUEABLE = 0x00010000, // Option not build queueable meaning you can only build it when queue is empty!
SINGLE_USE_COMMAND = 0x00020000, // Once used, it can never be used again!
COMMAND_FIRED_BY_SCRIPT = 0x00040000, // Used only by code to tell special powers that they have been fired by a script.
SCRIPT_ONLY = 0x00080000, // Only a script can use this command (not by users)
IGNORES_UNDERPOWERED = 0x00100000, // this button isn't disabled if its object is merely underpowered
USES_MINE_CLEARING_WEAPONSET= 0x00200000, // uses the special mine-clearing weaponset, even if not current
NUM_COMMAND_OPTIONS // keep this last
static const char *TheCommandOptionNames[] =
// convenient bit masks to group some command options together
/** These are the list of commands that can be assigned to buttons that will appear
* in the context sensitive GUI for a selected unit. Not all commands are available
* on all units, in fact, many commands are for a particular single command. It will
* be up to the command GUI to translate the command assigned to a button into the
* appropriate game command and get it across the network to the game logic to perform the
* actual command logic
* IMPORTANT: Make sure the GUICommandType enum and the TheGuiCommandNames[] have the same
* entries in the same order */
enum GUICommandType
GUI_COMMAND_NONE = 0, ///< invalid command
GUI_COMMAND_DOZER_CONSTRUCT, ///< dozer construct
GUI_COMMAND_DOZER_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL, ///< cancel a dozer construction process
GUI_COMMAND_UNIT_BUILD, ///< build a unit
GUI_COMMAND_CANCEL_UNIT_BUILD, ///< cancel a unit build
GUI_COMMAND_PLAYER_UPGRADE, ///< put an upgrade that applies to the player in the queue
GUI_COMMAND_OBJECT_UPGRADE, ///< put an object upgrade in the queue
GUI_COMMAND_CANCEL_UPGRADE, ///< cancel an upgrade
GUI_COMMAND_ATTACK_MOVE, ///< attack move command
GUI_COMMAND_GUARD, ///< guard command
GUI_COMMAND_GUARD_WITHOUT_PURSUIT, ///< guard command, no pursuit out of guard area
GUI_COMMAND_GUARD_FLYING_UNITS_ONLY, ///< guard command, ignore nonflyers
GUI_COMMAND_STOP, ///< stop moving
GUI_COMMAND_WAYPOINTS, ///< create a set of waypoints for this unit
GUI_COMMAND_EXIT_CONTAINER, ///< an inventory box for a container like a structure or transport
GUI_COMMAND_EVACUATE, ///< dump all our contents
GUI_COMMAND_EXECUTE_RAILED_TRANSPORT, ///< execute railed transport sequence
GUI_COMMAND_BEACON_DELETE, ///< delete a beacon
GUI_COMMAND_SET_RALLY_POINT, ///< set rally point for a structure
GUI_COMMAND_SELL, ///< sell a structure
GUI_COMMAND_FIRE_WEAPON, ///< fire a weapon
GUI_COMMAND_SPECIAL_POWER, ///< do a special power
GUI_COMMAND_PURCHASE_SCIENCE, ///< purchase science
GUI_COMMAND_HACK_INTERNET, ///< Hey author, write me!
GUI_COMMAND_TOGGLE_OVERCHARGE, ///< Overcharge command for power plants
GUI_COMMAND_POW_RETURN_TO_PRISON, ///< POW Truck, return to prison
GUI_COMMAND_COMBATDROP, ///< rappel contents to ground or bldg
GUI_COMMAND_SWITCH_WEAPON, ///< switch weapon use
//Context senstive command modes
GUICOMMANDMODE_PICK_UP_PRISONER, ///< POW Truck assigned to pick up a specific prisoner
// context-insensitive command mode(s)
GUI_COMMAND_SPECIAL_POWER_FROM_COMMAND_CENTER, ///< do a special power from localPlayer's command center, regardless of selection
// add more commands here, don't forget to update the string command list below too ...
GUI_COMMAND_NUM_COMMANDS // keep this last
static const char *TheGuiCommandNames[] =
enum CommandButtonMappedBorderType
static const LookupListRec CommandButtonMappedBorderTypeNames[] =
{ NULL, 0 }// keep this last!
/** Command buttons are used to load the buttons we place on throughout the command bar
* interface in different context sensitive windows depending on the situation and
* type of the object selected */
class CommandButton : public Overridable
CommandButton( void );
// virtual destructor prototype provided by MemoryPoolObject
/// INI parsing
const FieldParse *getFieldParse() const { return s_commandButtonFieldParseTable; }
static const FieldParse s_commandButtonFieldParseTable[]; ///< the parse table
static void parseCommand( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void *userData );
Bool isContextCommand() const; ///< determines if this is a context sensitive command.
Bool isValidRelationshipTarget(Relationship r) const;
Bool isValidObjectTarget(const Player* sourcePlayer, const Object* targetObj) const;
Bool isValidObjectTarget(const Object* sourceObj, const Object* targetObj) const;
Bool isValidObjectTarget(const Drawable* source, const Drawable* target) const;
// Note: It is perfectly valid for either (or both!) of targetObj and targetLocation to be NULL.
// This is a convenience function to make several calls to other functions.
Bool isValidToUseOn(const Object *sourceObj, const Object *targetObj, const Coord3D *targetLocation, CommandSourceType commandSource) const;
Bool isReady(const Object *sourceObj) const;
const AsciiString& getName() const { return m_name; }
const AsciiString& getCursorName() const { return m_cursorName; }
const AsciiString& getInvalidCursorName() const { return m_invalidCursorName; }
const AsciiString& getTextLabel() const { return m_textLabel; }
const AsciiString& getDescriptionLabel() const { return m_descriptionLabel; }
const AsciiString& getPurchasedLabel() const { return m_purchasedLabel; }
const AsciiString& getConflictingLabel() const { return m_conflictingLabel; }
const AudioEventRTS* getUnitSpecificSound() const { return &m_unitSpecificSound; }
GUICommandType getCommandType() const { return m_command; }
UnsignedInt getOptions() const { return m_options; }
OVERRIDE<ThingTemplate> getThingTemplate() const { return m_thingTemplate; }
const UpgradeTemplate* getUpgradeTemplate() const { return m_upgradeTemplate; }
const SpecialPowerTemplate* getSpecialPowerTemplate() const { return m_specialPower; }
RadiusCursorType getRadiusCursorType() const { return m_radiusCursor; }
WeaponSlotType getWeaponSlot() const { return m_weaponSlot; }
Int getMaxShotsToFire() const { return m_maxShotsToFire; }
const ScienceVec& getScienceVec() const { return m_science; }
CommandButtonMappedBorderType getCommandButtonMappedBorderType() const { return m_commandButtonBorder; }
const Image* getButtonImage() const { return m_buttonImage; }
void cacheButtonImage();
GameWindow* getWindow() const { return m_window; }
Int getFlashCount() const { return m_flashCount; }
const CommandButton* getNext() const { return m_next; }
void setName(const AsciiString& n) { m_name = n; }
void setButtonImage( const Image *image ) { m_buttonImage = image; }
// bleah. shouldn't be const, but is. sue me. (srj)
void copyImagesFrom( const CommandButton *button, Bool markUIDirtyIfChanged ) const;
// bleah. shouldn't be const, but is. sue me. (srj)
void setFlashCount(Int c) const { m_flashCount = c; }
// only for ControlBar!
void friend_addToList(CommandButton** list) { m_next = *list; *list = this; }
CommandButton* friend_getNext() { return m_next; }
AsciiString m_name; ///< template name
GUICommandType m_command; ///< type of command this button
CommandButton* m_next;
UnsignedInt m_options; ///< command options (see CommandOption enum)
const ThingTemplate* m_thingTemplate; ///< for commands that use thing templates in command data
const UpgradeTemplate* m_upgradeTemplate; ///< for commands that use upgrade templates in command data
const SpecialPowerTemplate* m_specialPower; ///< actual special power template
RadiusCursorType m_radiusCursor; ///< radius cursor, if any
AsciiString m_cursorName; ///< cursor name for placement (NEED_TARGET_POS) or valid version (CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND)
AsciiString m_invalidCursorName; ///< cursor name for invalid version
AsciiString m_textLabel; ///< string manager text label
AsciiString m_descriptionLabel; ///< The description of the current command, read in from the ini
AsciiString m_purchasedLabel; ///< Description for the current command if it has already been purchased.
AsciiString m_conflictingLabel; ///< Description for the current command if it can't be selected due to multually-exclusive choice.
WeaponSlotType m_weaponSlot; ///< for commands that refer to a weapon slot
Int m_maxShotsToFire; ///< for commands that fire weapons
ScienceVec m_science; ///< actual science
CommandButtonMappedBorderType m_commandButtonBorder;
AsciiString m_buttonImageName;
GameWindow* m_window; ///< used during the run-time assignment of a button to a gadget button window
AudioEventRTS m_unitSpecificSound; ///< Unit sound played whenever button is clicked.
// bleah. shouldn't be mutable, but is. sue me. (srj)
mutable const Image* m_buttonImage; ///< button image
// bleah. shouldn't be mutable, but is. sue me. (srj)
mutable Int m_flashCount; ///< the number of times a cameo is supposed to flash
/** Command sets are collections of configurable command buttons. They are used in the
* command context sensitive window in the battle user interface */
enum { MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SET = 12 }; // user interface max button limit for commands
enum {
enum { MAX_STRUCTURE_INVENTORY_BUTTONS = 10 }; // there are this many physical buttons in "inventory" windows for structures
enum { MAX_BUILD_QUEUE_BUTTONS = 9 };// physical button count for the build queue
class CommandSet : public Overridable
CommandSet( const AsciiString& name );
// virtual destructor prototype provided by MemoryPoolObject
const AsciiString& getName() const { return m_name; }
const CommandButton* getCommandButton(Int i) const;
// only for the control bar.
CommandSet* friend_getNext() { return m_next; }
const FieldParse* friend_getFieldParse() const { return m_commandSetFieldParseTable; }
void friend_addToList(CommandSet** listHead);
static const FieldParse m_commandSetFieldParseTable[]; ///< the parse table
static void parseCommandButton( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void *userData );
AsciiString m_name; ///< name of this command set
const CommandButton *m_command[ MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SET ]; ///< the set of command buttons that make this set
CommandSet *m_next;
/** The Side selece window data is used to animate on the proper generals select */
class SideSelectWindowData
//Added By Sadullah Nader
generalSpeak = NULL;
m_currColor = 0;
m_gereralsNameWin = NULL;
m_lastTime = 0;
m_pTemplate = NULL;
m_sideNameWin = NULL;
m_startTime = 0;
m_state = 0;
m_upgradeImage1 = NULL;
m_upgradeImage1Win = NULL;
m_upgradeImage2 = NULL;
m_upgradeImage2Win = NULL;
m_upgradeImage3 = NULL;
m_upgradeImage3Win = NULL;
m_upgradeImage4 = NULL;
m_upgradeImage4Win = NULL;
m_upgradeImageSize.x = m_upgradeImageSize.y = 0;
m_upgradeLabel1Win = NULL;
m_upgradeLabel2Win = NULL;
m_upgradeLabel3Win = NULL;
m_upgradeLabel4Win = NULL;
sideWindow = NULL;
void init( ScienceType science, GameWindow *control );
void reset( void );
void update( void );
void draw( void );
GameWindow *sideWindow;
GameWindow *m_animWindowWin;
AudioEventRTS *generalSpeak;
const PlayerTemplate *m_pTemplate;
GameWindow *m_gereralsNameWin;
GameWindow *m_sideNameWin;
GameWindow *m_upgradeLabel1Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeLabel2Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeLabel3Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeLabel4Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeImage1Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeImage2Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeImage3Win;
GameWindow *m_upgradeImage4Win;
Image *m_upgradeImage1;
Image *m_upgradeImage2;
Image *m_upgradeImage3;
Image *m_upgradeImage4;
IRegion2D m_leftLineFromButton;
IRegion2D m_rightLineFromButton;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine1a;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine2a;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine3a;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine4a;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine1;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine2;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine3;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine4;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine1MidReg;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine2MidReg;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine3MidReg;
IRegion2D m_upgradeLine4MidReg;
IRegion2D m_upgrade1Clip;
IRegion2D m_upgrade2Clip;
IRegion2D m_upgrade3Clip;
IRegion2D m_upgrade4Clip;
Color m_currColor;
ICoord2D m_line1End;
ICoord2D m_line2End;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine1Mid;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine2Mid;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine3Mid;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine4Mid;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine1End;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine2End;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine3End;
ICoord2D m_upgradeLine4End;
ICoord2D m_upgradeImagePos1;
ICoord2D m_upgradeImagePos2;
ICoord2D m_upgradeImagePos3;
ICoord2D m_upgradeImagePos4;
ICoord2D m_upgradeImageSize;
Int m_state;
UnsignedInt m_lastTime;
UnsignedInt m_startTime;
/** A command bar context is a window or set of windows that make up a context sensitive
* display of commands and information to the user based on what objects are selected
* and their capabilities */
enum ControlBarContext
CB_CONTEXT_NONE, ///< default view for center bar and portrait window
CB_CONTEXT_COMMAND, ///< set of commands (attack-move,stop,deploy etc)
CB_CONTEXT_STRUCTURE_INVENTORY, ///< garrisonable building inventory interface
CB_CONTEXT_BEACON, ///< beacon interface
CB_CONTEXT_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION, ///< building under construction
CB_CONTEXT_MULTI_SELECT, ///< for when we have multiple objects selected
CB_CONTEXT_OBSERVER_INFO, ///< for when we want to populate the player info
CB_CONTEXT_OBSERVER_LIST, ///< for when we want to update the observer list
CB_CONTEXT_OCL_TIMER, ///< Countdown for OCL spewers
/** Context parents, are parent windows in the control bar interface that are the key
* parts we care about to make the whole interface a context sensitive one. We will
* hide and un-hide these windows and their interface controls in order to make
* the control bar context sensitive to the object that is selected */
enum ContextParent
CP_MASTER, ///< *The* control bar window as a whole
CP_COMMAND, ///< configurable command buttons parent
CP_BUILD_QUEUE, ///< build queue parent
CP_BEACON, ///< beacon parent
CP_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION, ///< building under construction parent
CP_OBSERVER_INFO, ///< Observer Info window parent
CP_OBSERVER_LIST, ///< Observer player list parent
CP_OCL_TIMER, ///< Countdown for OCL spewers
enum CBCommandStatus
CBC_COMMAND_NOT_USED = 0, ///< gui control message was *not* used
CBC_COMMAND_USED ///< gui control message was used
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Command availability is used during the context update so that we can set the
* GUI button to be enabled/disabled/checked/unchecked to represent the current
* state of that command availability */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum CommandAvailability
enum ControlBarStages
CONTROL_BAR_STAGE_DEFAULT = 0, ///< full view for the world to see
CONTROL_BAR_STAGE_SQUISHED, ///< squished just for expeirenced players
CONTROL_BAR_STAGE_LOW, ///< control bar a la minimalist
CONTROL_BAR_STAGE_HIDDEN, ///< yo, where be da control bar at?
class ControlBar : public SubsystemInterface
ControlBar( void );
virtual ~ControlBar( void );
virtual void init( void ); ///< from subsystem interface
virtual void reset( void ); ///< from subsystem interface
virtual void update( void ); ///< from subsystem interface
/// mark the UI as dirty so the context of everything is re-evaluated
void markUIDirty( void ) { m_UIDirty = TRUE; }
/// a drawable has just become selected
void onDrawableSelected( Drawable *draw );
/// a drawable has just become de-selected
void onDrawableDeselected( Drawable *draw );
void onPlayerRankChanged(const Player *p);
void onPlayerSciencePurchasePointsChanged(const Player *p);
/** if this button is part of the context sensitive command system, process a button click
the gadgetMessage is either a GBM_SELECTED or GBM_SELECTED_RIGHT */
CBCommandStatus processContextSensitiveButtonClick( GameWindow *button,
GadgetGameMessage gadgetMessage );
/** if this button is part of the context sensitive command system, process the Transition
gadgetMessage is either a GBM_MOUSE_LEAVING or GBM_MOUSE_ENTERING */
CBCommandStatus processContextSensitiveButtonTransition( GameWindow *button,
GadgetGameMessage gadgetMessage );
/// is the drawable the currently selected drawable for the context sensitive UI?
Bool isDrivingContextUI( Drawable *draw ) const { return draw == m_currentSelectedDrawable; }
// the remaining methods are used to construct the command buttons and command sets for
// the command bar
/// find existing command button if present
const CommandButton *findCommandButton( const AsciiString& name );
/// find existing command set
const CommandSet *findCommandSet( const AsciiString& name );
void showPurchaseScience( void );
void hidePurchaseScience( void );
void togglePurchaseScience( void );
void showSpecialPowerShortcut( void );
void hideSpecialPowerShortcut( void );
void animateSpecialPowerShortcut( Bool isOn );
/// set the control bar to the proper scheme based off a player template that's passed in
ControlBarSchemeManager *getControlBarSchemeManager( void ) { return m_controlBarSchemeManager; }
void setControlBarSchemeByPlayer(Player *p);
void setControlBarSchemeByName(const AsciiString& name);
void setControlBarSchemeByPlayerTemplate(const PlayerTemplate *pt);
/// We need to sometime change what the images look like depending on what scheme we're using
void updateBuildQueueDisabledImages( const Image *image );
/// We need to sometime change what the images look like depending on what scheme we're using
void updateRightHUDImage( const Image *image );
/// We need to be able to update the command marker image based on which scheme we're using.
void updateCommandMarkerImage( const Image *image );
void updateSlotExitImage( const Image *image);
void updateUpDownImages( const Image *toggleButtonUpIn, const Image *toggleButtonUpOn, const Image *toggleButtonUpPushed, const Image *toggleButtonDownIn, const Image *toggleButtonDownOn, const Image *toggleButtonDownPushed,const Image *generalButtonEnable, const Image *generalButtonHighlight );
void preloadAssets( TimeOfDay timeOfDay ); ///< preload the assets
/// We want to be able to have the control bar scheme set the color of the build up clock
void updateBuildUpClockColor( Color color);
WindowVideoManager *m_videoManager; ///< Video manager to take care of all animations on screen.
AnimateWindowManager *m_animateWindowManager; ///< The animate window manager
AnimateWindowManager *m_animateWindowManagerForGenShortcuts; ///< The animate window manager
void updatePurchaseScience( void );
AnimateWindowManager *m_generalsScreenAnimate; ///< The animate window manager
// Initialize the Observer controls Must be called after we've already loaded the window
void initObserverControls( void );
void setObserverLookAtPlayer (Player *p) { m_observerLookAtPlayer = p;}
Player *getObserverLookAtPlayer (void ) { return m_observerLookAtPlayer;}
void populateObserverInfoWindow ( void );
void populateObserverList( void );
Bool isObserverControlBarOn( void ) { return m_isObserverCommandBar;}
// ControlBarResizer *getControlBarResizer( void ) {return m_controlBarResizer;}
// Functions for repositioning/resizing the control bar
void switchControlBarStage( ControlBarStages stage );
void toggleControlBarStage( void );
const Image *getStarImage( void );
Color getBorderColor( void ){return m_commandBarBorderColor;}
void updateBorderColor( Color color) {m_commandBarBorderColor = color; }
/// set the command data into the button
void setControlCommand( GameWindow *button, const CommandButton *commandButton );
void getForegroundMarkerPos(Int *x, Int *y);
void getBackgroundMarkerPos(Int *x, Int *y);
static void parseCommandSetDefinition( INI *ini );
static void parseCommandButtonDefinition( INI *ini );
void drawTransitionHandler( void );
const Image *getArrowImage( void ){ return m_genArrow; }
void setArrowImage( const Image *arrowImage ){ m_genArrow = arrowImage; }
void initSpecialPowershortcutBar( Player *player);
void triggerRadarAttackGlow( void );
void updateRadarAttackGlow ( void );
void setDefaultControlBarConfig( void );
void setSquishedControlBarConfig( void );
void setLowControlBarConfig( void );
void setHiddenControlBar( void );
/// find existing command button if present
CommandButton* findNonConstCommandButton( const AsciiString& name );
/// allocate a new command button, link to list, initialize to default, and return
CommandButton *newCommandButton( const AsciiString& name );
CommandButton *newCommandButtonOverride( CommandButton *buttonToOverride );
/// allocate a new command set, link to list, initialize to default, and return it
CommandSet *newCommandSet( const AsciiString& name );
CommandSet *newCommandSetOverride( CommandSet *setToOverride );
/// evaluate what the user should see based on what selected drawables we have in our UI
void evaluateContextUI( void );
/// add the common commands of this drawable to the common command set
void addCommonCommands( Drawable *draw, Bool firstDrawable );
/// switch the interface context to the new mode and populate as needed
void switchToContext( ControlBarContext context, Drawable *draw );
/// set the command data into the button
void setControlCommand( const AsciiString& buttonWindowName, GameWindow *parent,
const CommandButton *commandButton );
/// show/hide the portrait window image using the image pointer to set
void setPortraitByImage( const Image *image );
/// show/hide the portrait window image using the image from the object
void setPortraitByObject( Object *obj );
/// show rally point at world location, a NULL location will hide any visible rally point marker
void showRallyPoint( const Coord3D *loc );
/// post process step, after all commands and command sets are loaded
void postProcessCommands( void );
// the following methods are for resetting data for vaious contexts
void resetCommonCommandData( void ); /// reset shared command data
void resetContainData( void ); /// reset container data we use to tie controls to objects IDs for containment
void resetBuildQueueData( void ); /// reset the build queue data we use to die queue entires to control
// the following methods are for populating the context GUI controls for a particular context
static void populateButtonProc( Object *obj, void *userData );
void populatePurchaseScience(Player* player);
void populateCommand( Object *obj );
void populateMultiSelect( void );
void populateBuildQueue( Object *producer );
void populateStructureInventory( Object *building );
void populateBeacon( Object *beacon );
void populateUnderConstruction( Object *objectUnderConstruction );
void populateOCLTimer( Object *creatorObject );
void doTransportInventoryUI( Object *transport, const CommandSet *commandSet );
static void populateInvDataCallback( Object *obj, void *userData );
// the following methods are for updating the currently showing context
CommandAvailability getCommandAvailability( const CommandButton *command, Object *obj, GameWindow *win, Bool forceDisabledEvaluation = FALSE ) const;
void updateContextMultiSelect( void );
void updateContextPurchaseScience( void );
void updateContextCommand( void );
void updateContextStructureInventory( void );
void updateContextBeacon( void );
void updateContextUnderConstruction( void );
void updateContextOCLTimer( void );
// the following methods are for the special power shortcut window
void populateSpecialPowerShortcut( Player *player);
void updateSpecialPowerShortcut( void );
static const Image* calculateVeterancyOverlayForThing( const ThingTemplate *thingTemplate );
static const Image* calculateVeterancyOverlayForObject( const Object *obj );
// the following methods do command processing for GUI selections
CBCommandStatus processCommandUI( GameWindow *control, GadgetGameMessage gadgetMessage );
CBCommandStatus processCommandTransitionUI( GameWindow *control, GadgetGameMessage gadgetMessage );
// methods to help out with each context
void updateConstructionTextDisplay( Object *obj );
void updateOCLTimerTextDisplay( UnsignedInt totalSeconds, Real percent );
void setUpDownImages( void );
// methods for flashing cameos
void setFlash( Bool b ) { m_flash = b; }
// get method for list of commandbuttons
const CommandButton *getCommandButtons( void ) { return m_commandButtons; }
ICoord2D m_defaultControlBarPosition; ///< Stored the original position of the control bar on the screen
ControlBarStages m_currentControlBarStage;
Bool m_UIDirty; ///< the context UI must be re-evaluated
CommandButton *m_commandButtons; ///< list of possible commands to have
CommandSet *m_commandSets; ///< list of all command sets defined
ControlBarSchemeManager *m_controlBarSchemeManager; ///< The Scheme singleton
GameWindow *m_contextParent[ NUM_CONTEXT_PARENTS ]; ///< "parent" window for buttons that are part of the context sensitive interface
Drawable *m_currentSelectedDrawable; ///< currently selected drawable for the context sensitive interface
ControlBarContext m_currContext; ///< our current displayed context
DrawableID m_rallyPointDrawableID; ///< rally point drawable for visual rally point
Real m_displayedConstructPercent; ///< construct percent last displayed to user
UnsignedInt m_displayedOCLTimerSeconds; ///< OCL Timer seconds remaining last displayed to user
UnsignedInt m_displayedQueueCount; ///< queue count last displayed to user
UnsignedInt m_lastRecordedInventoryCount; ///< last known UI state of an inventory count
GameWindow *m_rightHUDWindow; ///< window of the right HUD display
GameWindow *m_rightHUDCameoWindow; ///< window of the right HUD display
GameWindow *m_rightHUDUpgradeCameos[MAX_RIGHT_HUD_UPGRADE_CAMEOS];
GameWindow *m_rightHUDUnitSelectParent;
GameWindow *m_communicatorButton; ///< button for the communicator
WindowLayout *m_scienceLayout; ///< the Science window layout
GameWindow *m_sciencePurchaseWindowsRank1[ MAX_PURCHASE_SCIENCE_RANK_1 ]; ///< command window controls for easy access
GameWindow *m_sciencePurchaseWindowsRank3[ MAX_PURCHASE_SCIENCE_RANK_3 ]; ///< command window controls for easy access
GameWindow *m_sciencePurchaseWindowsRank8[ MAX_PURCHASE_SCIENCE_RANK_8 ]; ///< command window controls for easy access
GameWindow *m_specialPowerShortcutButtons[ MAX_SPECIAL_POWER_SHORTCUTS ];
GameWindow *m_specialPowerShortcutButtonParents[ MAX_SPECIAL_POWER_SHORTCUTS ];
Int m_currentlyUsedSpecialPowersButtons; ///< Value will be <= MAX_SPECIAL_POWER_SHORTCUTS;
WindowLayout *m_specialPowerLayout;
GameWindow *m_specialPowerShortcutParent;
GameWindow *m_commandWindows[ MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SET ]; ///< command window controls for easy access
const CommandButton *m_commonCommands[ MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SET ]; ///< shared commands we will use for multi-selection
// removed from multiplayer branch
//GameWindow *m_commandMarkers[ MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SET ]; ///< When we don't have a command, they want to show an image
// removed from multiplayer branch
//void showCommandMarkers( void ); ///< function that compare's what's being shown in m_commandWindows and shows the ones that are hidden.
// method for hiding communicator window CCB
void hideCommunicator( Bool b );
struct ContainEntry
GameWindow *control;
ObjectID objectID;
static ContainEntry m_containData[ MAX_COMMANDS_PER_SET ]; ///< inventory buttons integrated into the regular command set for buildings/transports
struct QueueEntry
GameWindow *control; ///< window that the GUI control is tied to
ProductionType type; ///< type of queue data
ProductionID productionID; ///< production id for unit productions
const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeToResearch; ///< upgrade template for upgrade productions
QueueEntry m_queueData[ MAX_BUILD_QUEUE_BUTTONS ]; ///< what the build queue represents
//cameo flash
Bool m_flash; ///< tells update whether or not to check for flash
Bool m_sideSelectAnimateDown;
ICoord2D m_animateDownWin1Size;
ICoord2D m_animateDownWin2Size;
ICoord2D m_animateDownWin1Pos;
ICoord2D m_animateDownWin2Pos;
GameWindow *m_animateDownWindow;
UnsignedInt m_animTime;
Color m_buildUpClockColor;
Bool m_isObserverCommandBar; ///< If this is true, the command bar behaves greatly differnt
Player *m_observerLookAtPlayer; ///< The current player we're looking at, Null if we're not looking at anyone.
WindowLayout *m_buildToolTipLayout; ///< The window that will slide on/display tooltips
Bool m_showBuildToolTipLayout; ///< every frame we test to see if we aregoing to continue showing this or not.
void showBuildTooltipLayout( GameWindow *cmdButton );
void hideBuildTooltipLayout( void );
void deleteBuildTooltipLayout( void );
Bool getShowBuildTooltipLayout( void ){return m_showBuildToolTipLayout; }
void populateBuildTooltipLayout( const CommandButton *commandButton, GameWindow *tooltipWin = NULL );
void repopulateBuildTooltipLayout( void );
// Command Bar button border bars stuff
Color m_commandButtonBorderBuildColor;
Color m_commandButtonBorderActionColor;
Color m_commandButtonBorderUpgradeColor;
Color m_commandButtonBorderSystemColor;
Color m_commandBarBorderColor;
void setCommandBarBorder( GameWindow *button, CommandButtonMappedBorderType type);
void updateCommanBarBorderColors(Color build, Color action, Color upgrade, Color system );
/// find existing command set
CommandSet *findNonConstCommandSet( const AsciiString& name );
const Image *m_genStarOn;
const Image *m_genStarOff;
const Image *m_toggleButtonUpIn;
const Image *m_toggleButtonUpOn;
const Image *m_toggleButtonUpPushed;
const Image *m_toggleButtonDownIn;
const Image *m_toggleButtonDownOn;
const Image *m_toggleButtonDownPushed;
GameWindowTransitionsHandler *m_transitionHandler;
const Image *m_genArrow;
static const Image *m_rankVeteranIcon;
static const Image *m_rankEliteIcon;
static const Image *m_rankHeroicIcon;
const Image *m_generalButtonEnable;
const Image *m_generalButtonHighlight;
Bool m_genStarFlash;
Int m_lastFlashedAtPointValue;
ICoord2D m_controlBarForegroundMarkerPos;
ICoord2D m_controlBarBackgroundMarkerPos;
Bool m_radarAttackGlowOn;
Int m_remainingRadarAttackGlowFrames;
GameWindow *m_radarAttackGlowWindow;
// ControlBarResizer *m_controlBarResizer;
// EXTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
extern ControlBar *TheControlBar;
#endif // end __CONTROLBAR_H_