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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: Drawable.h ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Simple base drawable
// Author: Michael S. Booth, March 2001
#pragma once
#ifndef _DRAWABLE_H_
#define _DRAWABLE_H_
#include "Common/AudioEventRTS.h"
#include "Common/GameType.h"
#include "Common/ModelState.h"
#include "Common/ModuleFactory.h"
#include "Common/Thing.h"
#include "Common/Geometry.h"
#include "GameClient/Color.h"
#include "WWMath/Matrix3D.h"
#include "GameClient/DrawableInfo.h"
// FORWARD REFERENCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class PositionalSound;
class ThingTemplate;
class Particle;
class DisplayString;
class FXList;
class DrawModule;
class ClientUpdateModule;
class View;
class Locomotor;
class Anim2D;
class Shadow;
class ModuleInfo;
class Anim2DTemplate;
class Image;
class DynamicAudioEventInfo;
enum BodyDamageType;
// this is a very worthwhile performance win. left conditionally defined for now, just
// in case, but probably should be made permanent soon. (srj)
#define DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR_FADE_RATE (0.6f) // fast fade
#define DEF_DECAY_FRAMES (4)
#define SUSTAIN_INDEFINITELY (0xfffffffe) // forever and ever, amen.
//@TODO -- The drawable icon system needs to be implemented in a proper manner -- KM
// Fact 1: Every drawable in the world shouldn't have to have a pointer
// and frame counter for every possible icon type. It should be a dynamic vector.
// Fact 2: It's polling every frame for every object on screen for every possible icon condition...
// KM : I moved this into Drawable.cpp so I don't have to recompile the entire project
// each time I add a new icon, and made the arrays dynamic...
// CD: No so good, core engine components should not be made dynamic in this way
enum DrawableIconType
/** NOTE: This enum MUST appear in the same order as TheDrawableIconNames array to be
* indexed correctly using that array */
MAX_ICONS ///< keep this last
class DrawableIconInfo : public MemoryPoolObject
Anim2D* m_icon[MAX_ICONS];
UnsignedInt m_keepTillFrame[MAX_ICONS];
void clear();
void killIcon(DrawableIconType t);
struct TWheelInfo
Real m_frontLeftHeightOffset; ///< Height offsets for tires due to suspension sway
Real m_frontRightHeightOffset;
Real m_rearLeftHeightOffset;
Real m_rearRightHeightOffset;
Real m_wheelAngle; ///< Wheel angle. 0 = straight, >0 left, <0 right.
Int m_framesAirborneCounter; ///< Counter.
Int m_framesAirborne; ///< How many frames it was in the air.
class DrawableLocoInfo : public MemoryPoolObject
Real m_pitch; ///< pitch of the entire drawable
Real m_pitchRate; ///< rate of change of pitch
Real m_roll; ///< roll of the entire drawable
Real m_rollRate; ///< rate of change of roll
Real m_yaw; ///< yaw for entire drawable
Real m_accelerationPitch; ///< pitch of the drawable due to impact/acceleration
Real m_accelerationPitchRate; ///< rate of change of pitch
Real m_accelerationRoll; ///< roll of the entire drawable
Real m_accelerationRollRate; ///< rate of change of roll
Real m_overlapZVel; ///< fake Z velocity
Real m_overlapZ; ///< current height (additional)
Real m_wobble; ///< for wobbling
Real m_yawModulator; ///< for the swimmy soft hover of a helicopter
Real m_pitchModulator; ///< for the swimmy soft hover of a helicopter
TWheelInfo m_wheelInfo; ///< Wheel offset & angle info for a wheeled type locomotor.
//* TintEnvelope handles the fading of the tint color up, down stable etc...
//* assumes that 0,0,0, is the color for the AT REST state, used as decay target
//* works like an ADSR envelope,
//* except that SUSTAIN and RELEASE are randomly (or never) triggered, externally
class TintEnvelope : public MemoryPoolObject, public Snapshot
void update(void); ///< does all the work
void play(const RGBColor *peak,
UnsignedInt atackFrames = DEF_ATTACK_FRAMES,
UnsignedInt decayFrames = DEF_DECAY_FRAMES,
UnsignedInt sustainAtPeak = DEF_SUSTAIN_FRAMES ); // ask MLorenzen
void sustain(void) { m_envState = ENVELOPE_STATE_SUSTAIN; }
void release(void) { m_envState = ENVELOPE_STATE_DECAY; }
void rest(void) { m_envState = ENVELOPE_STATE_REST; } // goes away now!
Bool isEffective() const { return m_affect; }
const Vector3* getColor() const { return &m_currentColor; }
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
void setAttackFrames(UnsignedInt frames);
void setDecayFrames( UnsignedInt frames);
void setPeakColor( const RGBColor *peak) {m_peakColor = Vector3( peak->red, peak->green, peak->blue );};
void setPeakColor( Real r, Real g, Real b ) {m_peakColor.Set( r, g, b );};
enum EnvelopeStatesEnum
Vector3 m_attackRate; ///< step amount to make tint turn on slow or fast
Vector3 m_decayRate; ///< step amount to make tint turn off slow or fast
Vector3 m_peakColor; ///< um, the peak color, what color we are headed toward during attack
Vector3 m_currentColor; ///< um, the current color, how we are colored, now
UnsignedInt m_sustainCounter;
Byte m_envState; ///< a randomly switchable SUSTAIN state, release is compliment
Bool m_affect; ///< set TRUE if this has any effect (has a non 0,0,0 color).
enum StealthLookType
STEALTHLOOK_NONE, ///< unit is not stealthed at all
STEALTHLOOK_VISIBLE_FRIENDLY, ///< unit is stealthed-but-visible due to friendly status
STEALTHLOOK_DISGUISED_ENEMY, ///< we can have units that are disguised (instead of invisible)
STEALTHLOOK_VISIBLE_DETECTED, ///< unit is stealthed and invisible, but a second material pass
///< is added to reveal the invisible unit as with heat vision
STEALTHLOOK_VISIBLE_FRIENDLY_DETECTED, ///< unit is stealthed-but-visible due to being detected,
///< and rendered in heatvision effect second material pass
STEALTHLOOK_INVISIBLE ///< unit is stealthed-and-invisible
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Drawable status bits */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum DrawableStatus
DRAWABLE_STATUS_NONE = 0x00000000, ///< no status
DRAWABLE_STATUS_DRAWS_IN_MIRROR = 0x00000001, ///< drawable can reflect
DRAWABLE_STATUS_SHADOWS = 0x00000002, ///< use setShadowsEnabled() access method
DRAWABLE_STATUS_TINT_COLOR_LOCKED = 0x00000004, ///< drawable tint color is "locked" and won't fade to normal
DRAWABLE_STATUS_NO_STATE_PARTICLES = 0x00000008, ///< do *not* auto-create particle systems based on model condition
DRAWABLE_STATUS_NO_SAVE = 0x00000010, ///< do *not* save this drawable (UI fluff only). ignored (error, actually) if attached to an object
enum TintStatus
TINT_STATUS_DISABLED = 0x00000001,///< drawable tint color is deathly dark grey
TINT_STATUS_IRRADIATED = 0x00000002,///< drawable tint color is sickly green
TINT_STATUS_POISONED = 0x00000004,///< drawable tint color is open-sore red
TINT_STATUS_GAINING_SUBDUAL_DAMAGE = 0x00000008,///< When gaining subdual damage, we tint SUBDUAL_DAMAGE_COLOR
TINT_STATUS_FRENZY = 0x00000010,///< When frenzied, we tint FRENZY_COLOR
//Keep this enum in sync with the TerrainDecalTextureName array in drawable.cpp
// Note: these values are saved in save files, so you MUST NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE
// existing values!
enum TerrainDecalType
TERRAIN_DECAL_SHADOW_TEXTURE, //use the shadow texture as the terrain decal.
TERRAIN_DECAL_MAX ///< keep this last
* A Drawable is a graphical entity which is generally associated
* with a GameLogic object. Drawables are managed by TheGameClient.
class Drawable : public Thing,
public Snapshot
Drawable( const ThingTemplate *thing, DrawableStatus statusBits = DRAWABLE_STATUS_NONE );
void onDestroy( void ); ///< run from GameClient::destroyDrawable
void onLevelStart(); ///< run from GameLogic::startNewGame
Drawable *getNextDrawable( void ) const { return m_nextDrawable; } ///< return the next drawable in the global list
Drawable *getPrevDrawable( void ) const { return m_prevDrawable; } ///< return the prev drawable in the global list
DrawableID getID( void ) const; ///< return this drawable's unique ID
void friend_bindToObject( Object *obj ); ///< bind this drawable to an object ID. for use ONLY by GameLogic!
void setIndicatorColor(Color color);
void setTintStatus( TintStatus statusBits ) { BitSet( m_tintStatus, statusBits ); };
void clearTintStatus( TintStatus statusBits ) { BitClear( m_tintStatus, statusBits ); };
Bool testTintStatus( TintStatus statusBits ) const { return BitTest( m_tintStatus, statusBits ); };
TintEnvelope *getColorTintEnvelope( void ) { return m_colorTintEnvelope; }
void setColorTintEnvelope( TintEnvelope &source ) { if (m_colorTintEnvelope) *m_colorTintEnvelope = source; }
void imitateStealthLook( Drawable& otherDraw );
void setTerrainDecal(TerrainDecalType type); ///<decal that is to appear under the drawable
void setTerrainDecalSize(Real x, Real y);
void setTerrainDecalFadeTarget(Real target, Real rate = 0.1f);
inline Object *getObject( void ) { return m_object; } ///< return object ID bound to this drawble
inline const Object *getObject( void ) const { return m_object; } ///< return object ID bound to this drawble
inline DrawableInfo *getDrawableInfo(void) {return &m_drawableInfo;}
void setDrawableHidden( Bool hidden ); ///< hide or unhide drawable
// note that this is not necessarily the 'get' reflection of setDrawableHidden, since drawables
// can spontaneously hide via stealth. (srj)
inline Bool isDrawableEffectivelyHidden() const { return m_hidden || m_hiddenByStealth; }
void setSelectable( Bool selectable ); ///< Changes the drawables selectability
Bool isSelectable( void ) const;
Bool isMassSelectable( void ) const;
void setStealthLook(StealthLookType look);
StealthLookType getStealthLook() const { return m_stealthLook; }
void updateDrawableClipStatus( UnsignedInt shotsRemaining, UnsignedInt maxShots, WeaponSlotType slot ); ///< This will do the show/hide work if ProjectileBoneFeedbackEnabled is set.
void updateDrawableSupplyStatus( Int maxSupply, Int currentSupply ); ///< This will do visual feedback on Supplies carried
void notifyDrawableDependencyCleared();///< If any of your draw modules were waiting for something, it's ready now.
// Override.
void setPosition( const Coord3D *pos );
void reactToGeometryChange();
const GeometryInfo& getDrawableGeometryInfo() const;
void reactToBodyDamageStateChange(BodyDamageType newState);
const Real getScale (void) const ;
// access to modules
// since most things don't have CU modules, we allow this to be null!
ClientUpdateModule** getClientUpdateModules() { return (ClientUpdateModule**)getModuleList(MODULETYPE_CLIENT_UPDATE); }
ClientUpdateModule const** getClientUpdateModules() const { return (ClientUpdateModule const**)getModuleList(MODULETYPE_CLIENT_UPDATE); }
ClientUpdateModule* findClientUpdateModule( NameKeyType key );
DrawModule** getDrawModulesNonDirty();
DrawModule** getDrawModules();
DrawModule const** getDrawModules() const;
void setDrawableStatus( DrawableStatus bit ) { BitSet( m_status, bit ); }
void clearDrawableStatus( DrawableStatus bit ) { BitClear( m_status, bit ); }
inline Bool testDrawableStatus( DrawableStatus bit ) const { return (m_status & bit) != 0; }
void setShroudClearFrame( UnsignedInt frame ) { m_shroudClearFrame = frame; }
UnsignedInt getShroudClearFrame( void ) { return m_shroudClearFrame; }
void setShadowsEnabled(Bool enable);
Bool getShadowsEnabled() const { return BitTest(m_status, DRAWABLE_STATUS_SHADOWS); }
void releaseShadows(void); ///< frees all shadow resources used by this module - used by Options screen.
void allocateShadows(void); ///< create shadow resources if not already present. Used by Options screen.
void setFullyObscuredByShroud(Bool fullyObscured);
inline Bool getFullyObscuredByShroud(void) {return m_drawableFullyObscuredByShroud;}
// Put on ice until later... M Lorenzen
// inline UnsignedByte getFullyObscuredByShroudWithCheatSpy(void) {return (UnsignedByte)m_drawableFullyObscuredByShroud | 128;}//8 looks like a zero in most fonts
Bool getDrawsInMirror() const { return BitTest(m_status, DRAWABLE_STATUS_DRAWS_IN_MIRROR) || isKindOf(KINDOF_CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS); }
void colorFlash( const RGBColor *color, UnsignedInt decayFrames = DEF_DECAY_FRAMES, UnsignedInt attackFrames = 0, UnsignedInt sustainAtPeak = FALSE ); ///< flash a drawable in the color specified for a short time
void colorTint( const RGBColor *color ); ///< tint this drawable the color specified
void setTintEnvelope( const RGBColor *color, Real attack, Real decay ); ///< how to transition color
void flashAsSelected( const RGBColor *color = NULL ); ///< drawable takes care of the details if you spec no color
/// Return true if drawable has been marked as "selected"
Bool isSelected( void ) const { return m_selected; }
void onSelected(); ///< Work unrelated to selection that must happen at time of selection
void onUnselected(); ///< Work unrelated to selection that must happen at time of unselection
// an "instance" matrix defines the local transform of the Drawable, and is concatenated with the global transform
void setInstanceMatrix( const Matrix3D *instance ); ///< set the Drawable's instance transform
const Matrix3D *getInstanceMatrix( void ) const { return &m_instance; } ///< get drawable instance transform
inline Bool isInstanceIdentity() const { return m_instanceIsIdentity; }
inline Real getInstanceScale( void ) const { return m_instanceScale; } ///< get scale that will be applied to instance matrix
void setInstanceScale(Real value) { m_instanceScale = value;} ///< set scale that will be applied to instance matrix before rendering.
const Matrix3D *getTransformMatrix( void ) const; ///< return the world transform
void draw( View *view ); ///< render the drawable to the given view
void updateDrawable(); ///< update the drawable
void drawIconUI( void ); ///< draw "icon"(s) needed on drawable (health bars, veterency, etc)
void startAmbientSound( Bool onlyIfPermanent = false );
void stopAmbientSound( void );
void enableAmbientSound( Bool enable );
void setTimeOfDay( TimeOfDay tod );
Bool getAmbientSoundEnabledFromScript( void ) const { return m_ambientSoundEnabledFromScript; }
void prependToList(Drawable **pListHead);
void removeFromList(Drawable **pListHead);
void setID( DrawableID id ); ///< set this drawable's unique ID
inline const ModelConditionFlags& getModelConditionFlags( void ) const { return m_conditionState; }
// NOTE: avoid repeated calls to the set and clear for the condition state as they
// reconstruct and load models which is expensive ... wrap up all our bit flags to
// set and clear into one function call
void clearModelConditionState( ModelConditionFlagType a ) { clearAndSetModelConditionState(a, MODELCONDITION_INVALID); }
void setModelConditionState( ModelConditionFlagType a ) { clearAndSetModelConditionState(MODELCONDITION_INVALID, a); }
void clearAndSetModelConditionState( ModelConditionFlagType clr, ModelConditionFlagType set );
void clearModelConditionFlags( const ModelConditionFlags& clr ) { ModelConditionFlags empty; clearAndSetModelConditionFlags(clr, empty); }
void setModelConditionFlags( const ModelConditionFlags& set ) { ModelConditionFlags empty; clearAndSetModelConditionFlags(empty, set); }
void clearAndSetModelConditionFlags( const ModelConditionFlags& clr, const ModelConditionFlags& set );
void replaceModelConditionFlags( const ModelConditionFlags &flags, Bool forceReplace = FALSE );
Bool handleWeaponFireFX(
WeaponSlotType wslot,
Int specificBarrelToUse,
const FXList* fxl,
Real weaponSpeed,
Real recoilAmount,
Real recoilAngle,
const Coord3D* victimPos,
Real damageRadius
Int getBarrelCount(WeaponSlotType wslot) const;
// when our Object changes teams, it calls us to let us know, so
// we can update our model, etc., if necessary. NOTE, we don't guarantee
// that the new team is different from the old team, nor do we guarantee
// that the team is nonnull.
void changedTeam();
const TWheelInfo *getWheelInfo(void) const { return m_locoInfo ? &m_locoInfo->m_wheelInfo : NULL; }
const DrawableLocoInfo *getLocoInfo() const { return m_locoInfo; }
// this method must ONLY be called from the client, NEVER From the logic, not even indirectly.
Bool clientOnly_getFirstRenderObjInfo(Coord3D* pos, Real* boundingSphereRadius, Matrix3D* transform);
Find the bone(s) with the given name and return their positions and/or transforms in the given arrays.
We look for a bone named "boneNamePrefixQQ", where QQ is 01, 02, 03, etc, starting at the
value of "startIndex". Want to look for just a specific boneName with no numeric suffix?
just pass zero (0) for startIndex. (no, we never look for "boneNamePrefix00".)
We copy up to 'maxBones' into the array(s), and return the total count found.
NOTE: this returns the positions and transform for the "ideal" model... that is,
at its default rotation and scale, located at (0,0,0). You'll have to concatenate
an Object's position and transform onto these in order to move 'em into "world space"!
NOTE: this isn't very fast. Please call it sparingly and cache the result.
Int getPristineBonePositions(const char* boneNamePrefix, Int startIndex, Coord3D* positions, Matrix3D* transforms, Int maxBones) const;
Int getCurrentClientBonePositions(const char* boneNamePrefix, Int startIndex, Coord3D* positions, Matrix3D* transforms, Int maxBones) const;
// this is a special-purpose call for W3DModelDraw. (srj)
Bool getCurrentWorldspaceClientBonePositions(const char* boneName, Matrix3D& transform) const;
Bool getProjectileLaunchOffset(WeaponSlotType wslot, Int specificBarrelToUse, Matrix3D* launchPos, WhichTurretType tur, Coord3D* turretRotPos, Coord3D* turretPitchPos = NULL) const;
This call says, "I want the current animation (if any) to take n frames to complete a single cycle".
If it's a looping anim, each loop will take n frames. someday, we may want to add the option to insert
"pad" frames at the start and/or end, but for now, we always just "stretch" the animation to fit.
Note that you must call this AFTER setting the condition codes.
void setAnimationLoopDuration(UnsignedInt numFrames);
similar to the above, but assumes that the current state is a "ONCE",
and is smart about transition states... if there is a transition state
"inbetween", it is included in the completion time.
void setAnimationCompletionTime(UnsignedInt numFrames);
//Kris: Manually set a drawable's current animation to specific frame.
virtual void setAnimationFrame( int frame );
void updateSubObjects();
void showSubObject( const AsciiString& name, Bool show );
// srj sez: not sure if this is a good idea, for net sync reasons...
Real getAnimationScrubScalar( void ) const; // lorenzen // returns 0 to 1... where are we between start and finish?
UnsignedInt getExpirationDate() const { return m_expirationDate; }
void setExpirationDate(UnsignedInt frame) { m_expirationDate = frame; }
// *ONLY* the InGameUI should do the actual drawable selection and de-selection
void friend_setSelected( void ); ///< mark drawable as "selected"
void friend_clearSelected( void ); ///< clear drawable's "selected"
Vector3 * getAmbientLight( void ); ///< get color value to add to ambient light when drawing
void setAmbientLight( Vector3 *ambient ); ///< set color value to add to ambient light when drawing
const Vector3 * getTintColor( void ) const; ///< get FX color value to add to ALL LIGHTS when drawing
const Vector3 * getSelectionColor( void ) const; ///< get FX color value to add to ALL LIGHTS when drawing
inline TerrainDecalType getTerrainDecalType( void ) const { return m_terrainDecalType; }
inline void setDrawableOpacity( Real value ) { m_explicitOpacity = value; } ///< set alpha/opacity value used to override defaults when drawing.
// note that this is not the 'get' inverse of setDrawableOpacity, since stealthing can also affect the effective opacity!
inline Real getEffectiveOpacity() const { return m_explicitOpacity * m_effectiveStealthOpacity; } ///< get alpha/opacity value used to override defaults when drawing.
void setEffectiveOpacity( Real pulseFactor, Real explicitOpacity = -1.0f );
// this is for the add'l pass fx which operates completely independently of the stealth opacity effects. Draw() does the fading every frame.
inline Real getSecondMaterialPassOpacity() const { return m_secondMaterialPassOpacity; } ///< get alpha/opacity value used to render add'l rendering pass.
void setSecondMaterialPassOpacity( Real op ) { m_secondMaterialPassOpacity = op; }; ///< set alpha/opacity value used to render add'l rendering pass.
// both of these assume that you are starting at one extreme 100% or 0% opacity and are trying to go to the other!! -- amit
void fadeOut( UnsignedInt frames ); ///< fade object out...how gradually this is done is determined by frames
void fadeIn( UnsignedInt frames ); ///< fade object in...how gradually this is done is determined by frames
void preloadAssets( TimeOfDay timeOfDay ); ///< preload the assets
Bool isVisible(); ///< for limiting tree sway, etc to visible objects
Bool getShouldAnimate( Bool considerPower ) const;
// flash drawable methods ---------------------------------------------------------
Int getFlashCount( void ) { return m_flashCount; }
void setFlashCount( Int count ) { m_flashCount = count; }
void setFlashColor( Color color ) { m_flashColor = color; }
void saturateRGB(RGBColor& color, Real factor);// not strictly for flash color, but it is the only practical use for this
// caption text methods -----------------------------------------------------------
void setCaptionText( const UnicodeString& captionText );
void clearCaptionText( void );
UnicodeString getCaptionText( void );
DrawableIconInfo* getIconInfo(); ///< lazily allocates, if necessary
void killIcon(DrawableIconType t) { if (m_iconInfo) m_iconInfo->killIcon(t); }
Bool hasIconInfo() const { return m_iconInfo != NULL; }
Bool getReceivesDynamicLights( void ) { return m_receivesDynamicLights; };
void setReceivesDynamicLights( Bool set ) { m_receivesDynamicLights = set; };
// Stuff for overriding ambient sound
const AudioEventInfo * getBaseSoundAmbientInfo() const; //< Possible starting point if only some parameters are customized
void enableAmbientSoundFromScript( Bool enable );
const AudioEventRTS * getAmbientSound() const { return m_ambientSound == NULL ? NULL : &m_ambientSound->m_event; }
void setCustomSoundAmbientOff(); //< Kill the ambient sound
void setCustomSoundAmbientInfo( DynamicAudioEventInfo * customAmbientInfo ); //< Set ambient sound.
void clearCustomSoundAmbient( ) { clearCustomSoundAmbient( true ); } //< Return to using defaults
Bool getAmbientSoundEnabled( void ) const { return m_ambientSoundEnabled; }
void mangleCustomAudioName( DynamicAudioEventInfo * audioToMangle ) const;
Real friend_getStealthOpacity( void ) { return m_stealthOpacity; }
Real friend_getExplicitOpacity( void ) { return m_explicitOpacity; }
Real friend_getEffectiveStealthOpacity( void ) { return m_effectiveStealthOpacity; }
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
void xferDrawableModules( Xfer *xfer );
void startAmbientSound( BodyDamageType dt, TimeOfDay tod, Bool onlyIfPermanent = false );
Drawable *asDrawableMeth() { return this; }
const Drawable *asDrawableMeth() const { return this; }
inline Module** getModuleList(ModuleType i)
Module** m = m_modules[i - FIRST_DRAWABLE_MODULE_TYPE];
return m;
inline Module* const* getModuleList(ModuleType i) const
Module** m = m_modules[i - FIRST_DRAWABLE_MODULE_TYPE];
return m;
void applyPhysicsXform(Matrix3D* mtx);
struct PhysicsXformInfo
Real m_totalPitch; ///< Current total pitch for this frame.
Real m_totalRoll; ///< Current total roll for this frame.
Real m_totalYaw; ///< Current total yaw for this frame
Real m_totalZ;
PhysicsXformInfo() : m_totalPitch(0), m_totalRoll(0), m_totalYaw(0), m_totalZ(0) { }
Bool calcPhysicsXform(PhysicsXformInfo& info);
void calcPhysicsXformThrust(const Locomotor *locomotor, PhysicsXformInfo& info);
void calcPhysicsXformHoverOrWings(const Locomotor *locomotor, PhysicsXformInfo& info);
void calcPhysicsXformTreads(const Locomotor *locomotor, PhysicsXformInfo& info);
void calcPhysicsXformWheels(const Locomotor *locomotor, PhysicsXformInfo& info);
void calcPhysicsXformMotorcycle( const Locomotor *locomotor, PhysicsXformInfo& info );
const AudioEventRTS& getAmbientSoundByDamage(BodyDamageType dt);
void clearCustomSoundAmbient( bool restartSound ); //< Return to using defaults
#ifdef _DEBUG
void validatePos() const;
virtual void reactToTransformChange(const Matrix3D* oldMtx, const Coord3D* oldPos, Real oldAngle);
void updateHiddenStatus();
// note, these are lazily allocated!
TintEnvelope* m_selectionFlashEnvelope; ///< used for selection flash, works WITH m_colorTintEnvelope
TintEnvelope* m_colorTintEnvelope; ///< house color flashing, etc... works WITH m_selectionFlashEnvelope
// this used to use m_ambientLight... but this replaces it
// int most places. It works harder to change the drawable's
// color, by tinting all four scene lights, not just ambient
// zero = no effect
// 1 = full effect
TerrainDecalType m_terrainDecalType; ///<current decal in use by m_terrainDecal
Real m_explicitOpacity; ///< opacity level. 1.0f == Solid/Opaque.
Real m_stealthOpacity; ///< <<minimum>> opacity due to stealth. pulse is between opaque and this
Real m_effectiveStealthOpacity; ///< opacity actually used to render with, after the pulse and stuff.
Real m_decalOpacityFadeTarget;
Real m_decalOpacityFadeRate;
Real m_decalOpacity;
Object *m_object; ///< object (if any) that this drawable represents
DrawableID m_id; ///< this drawable's unique ID
Drawable *m_nextDrawable;
Drawable *m_prevDrawable; ///< list links
DynamicAudioEventInfo *m_customSoundAmbientInfo; ///< If not NULL, info about the ambient sound to attach to this object
UnsignedInt m_status; ///< status bits (see DrawableStatus enum)
UnsignedInt m_tintStatus; ///< tint color status bits (see TintStatus enum)
UnsignedInt m_prevTintStatus;///< for edge testing with m_tintStatus
enum FadingMode
FadingMode m_fadeMode;
UnsignedInt m_timeElapsedFade; ///< for how many frames have i been fading
UnsignedInt m_timeToFade; ///< how slowly am I fading
UnsignedInt m_shroudClearFrame; ///< Last frame the local player saw this drawable "OBJECTSHROUD_CLEAR"
DrawableLocoInfo* m_locoInfo; // lazily allocated
DynamicAudioEventRTS* m_ambientSound; ///< sound module for ambient sound (lazily allocated)
Module** m_modules[NUM_DRAWABLE_MODULE_TYPES];
StealthLookType m_stealthLook;
Int m_flashCount; ///< number of times to flash the drawable
Color m_flashColor; ///< color to flash the drawable
Matrix3D m_instance; ///< The instance matrix that holds the initial/default position & orientation
Real m_instanceScale; ///< the uniform scale factor applied to the instance matrix before it is sent to W3D.
DrawableInfo m_drawableInfo; ///< structure pointed to by W3D render objects so they know which drawable they belong to.
ModelConditionFlags m_conditionState; ///< The Drawables current behavior state
Real m_lastConstructDisplayed; ///< last construct percent used to make the string
DisplayString* m_constructDisplayString; ///< string to display construction % complete
DisplayString* m_captionDisplayString; ///< string to display caption
DisplayString* m_groupNumber; ///< string to display the group number of this drawable
UnsignedInt m_expirationDate; ///< if nonzero, Drawable should destroy itself at this frame
DrawableIconInfo* m_iconInfo; ///< lazily allocated!
Real m_secondMaterialPassOpacity; ///< drawable gets rendered again in hardware with an extra material layer
Byte m_selected; ///< drawable is selected or not
Bool m_hidden; ///< drawable is "hidden" or not (overrides stealth effects)
Bool m_hiddenByStealth; ///< drawable is hidden due to stealth
Bool m_instanceIsIdentity; ///< If true, instance matrix can be skipped
Bool m_drawableFullyObscuredByShroud; ///<drawable is hidden by shroud/fog
Bool m_ambientSoundEnabled;
Bool m_ambientSoundEnabledFromScript;
Bool m_receivesDynamicLights;
mutable Bool m_isModelDirty; ///< if true, must call replaceModelConditionState() before drawing or accessing drawmodule info
//Perhaps we can move this out of Drawable???
static void killStaticImages();
// only for StDrawableDirtyStuffLocker!
static void friend_lockDirtyStuffForIteration();
static void friend_unlockDirtyStuffForIteration();
//For now, you can only have one emoticon at a time. Changing it will clear the previous one.
void clearEmoticon();
void setEmoticon( const AsciiString &name, Int duration );
void drawUIText( void ); ///< draw the group number of this unit // public so gameclient can call
// "icon" drawing methods **************
void drawConstructPercent( const IRegion2D *healthBarRegion ); ///< display % construction complete
void drawCaption( const IRegion2D *healthBarRegion ); ///< draw caption
void drawAmmo( const IRegion2D *healthBarRegion ); ///< draw icons
void drawContained( const IRegion2D *healthBarRegion ); ///< draw icons
void drawVeterancy( const IRegion2D *healthBarRegion ); ///< draw veterency information
void drawEmoticon( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion );
void drawHealthBar( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion ); ///< draw heath bar
void drawHealing( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion ); ///< draw icons
void drawEnthusiastic( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegin ); ///< draw icons
void drawDemoralized( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion ); ///< draw icons
void drawBombed( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion ); ///< draw icons
void drawDisabled( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion ); ///< draw icons
void drawBattlePlans( const IRegion2D* healthBarRegion ); ///< Icons rendering for active battle plan statii
Bool drawsAnyUIText( void );
static Bool s_staticImagesInited;
static const Image* s_veterancyImage[LEVEL_COUNT];
static const Image* s_fullAmmo;
static const Image* s_emptyAmmo;
static const Image* s_fullContainer;
static const Image* s_emptyContainer;
static Anim2DTemplate** s_animationTemplates;
static Int s_modelLockCount;
static void initStaticImages();
class StDrawableDirtyStuffLocker
#endif // _DRAWABLE_H_