139 lines
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139 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: MapUtil.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Author: Matt Campbell, December 2001
// Description: Map utility/convenience routines
#pragma once
#ifndef __MAPUTIL_H__
#define __MAPUTIL_H__
#include "Common/AsciiString.h"
#include "Common/UnicodeString.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
class GameWindow;
class AsciiString;
struct Coord3D;
struct FileInfo;
class Image;
class DataChunkInput;
struct DataChunkInfo;
// This matches the windows timestamp.
enum { SUPPLY_TECH_SIZE = 15};
typedef std::list <ICoord2D> ICoord2DList;
class TechAndSupplyImages
ICoord2DList m_techPosList;
ICoord2DList m_supplyPosList;
struct WinTimeStamp
UnsignedInt m_lowTimeStamp;
UnsignedInt m_highTimeStamp;
class WaypointMap : public std::map<AsciiString, Coord3D>
void update( void ); ///< returns the number of multiplayer start spots found
Int m_numStartSpots;
typedef std::list <Coord3D> Coord3DList;
class MapMetaData
UnicodeString m_displayName;
AsciiString m_nameLookupTag;
Region3D m_extent;
Int m_numPlayers;
Bool m_isMultiplayer;
Bool m_isOfficial;
UnsignedInt m_filesize;
UnsignedInt m_CRC;
WinTimeStamp m_timestamp;
WaypointMap m_waypoints;
Coord3DList m_supplyPositions;
Coord3DList m_techPositions;
AsciiString m_fileName;
class MapCache : public std::map<AsciiString, MapMetaData>
MapCache() {}
void updateCache( void );
AsciiString getMapDir() const;
AsciiString getUserMapDir() const;
AsciiString getMapExtension() const;
const MapMetaData *findMap(AsciiString mapName);
// allow us to create a set of shippable maps to be in mapcache.ini. For use with -buildMapCache.
void addShippingMap(AsciiString mapName) { mapName.toLower(); m_allowedMaps.insert(mapName); }
Bool clearUnseenMaps( AsciiString dirName );
void loadStandardMaps(void);
Bool loadUserMaps(void); // returns true if we needed to (re)parse a map
// Bool addMap( AsciiString dirName, AsciiString fname, WinTimeStamp timestamp,
// UnsignedInt filesize, Bool isOfficial ); ///< returns true if it had to (re)parse the map
Bool addMap( AsciiString dirName, AsciiString fname, FileInfo *fileInfo, Bool isOfficial); ///< returns true if it had to (re)parse the map
void writeCacheINI( Bool userDir );
static const char * m_mapCacheName;
std::map<AsciiString, Bool> m_seen;
std::set<AsciiString> m_allowedMaps;
extern MapCache *TheMapCache;
extern TechAndSupplyImages TheSupplyAndTechImageLocations;
Int populateMapListbox( GameWindow *listbox, Bool useSystemMaps, Bool isMultiplayer, AsciiString mapToSelect = AsciiString::TheEmptyString ); /// Read a list of maps from the run directory and fill in the listbox. Return the selected index
Int populateMapListboxNoReset( GameWindow *listbox, Bool useSystemMaps, Bool isMultiplayer, AsciiString mapToSelect = AsciiString::TheEmptyString ); /// Read a list of maps from the run directory and fill in the listbox. Return the selected index
Bool isValidMap( AsciiString mapName, Bool isMultiplayer ); /// Validate a map
Image *getMapPreviewImage( AsciiString mapName );
AsciiString getDefaultMap( Bool isMultiplayer ); /// Find a valid map
AsciiString getDefaultOfficialMap();
Bool isOfficialMap( AsciiString mapName );
Bool parseMapPreviewChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
void findDrawPositions( Int startX, Int startY, Int width, Int height, Region3D extent,
ICoord2D *ul, ICoord2D *lr );
Bool WouldMapTransfer( const AsciiString& mapName );
#endif // __MAPUTIL_H__