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309 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* Archive : /Sun/RECT.H *
* *
* Author : Joe_b *
* *
* Modtime : 11/21/97 4:40p *
* *
* Revision : 20 *
* *
* Functions: *
* Union -- Combines two rectangles into one larger one. *
* Intersect -- Find the intersection between two rectangles. *
* Intersect -- Simple intersect between two rectangles. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#pragma once
#ifndef RECT_H
#define RECT_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include "point.h"
** This class manages a rectangle. Typically, this is used for tracking regions on a surface
** and for clipping operations. This is a lightweight class in that it defines few support
** functions and exposes the member variables for direct access.
template<class T>
class TRect
TRect(void) {} // Default constructor does nothing by design.
TRect(T x, T y, T w, T h) : X(x), Y(y), Width(w), Height(h) {}
TRect(TPoint2D<T> const & point, T w, T h) : X(point.X), Y(point.Y), Width(w), Height(h) {}
// Equality comparison operators.
bool operator == (TRect<T> const & rvalue) const {return(X==rvalue.X && Y==rvalue.Y && Width==rvalue.Width && Height==rvalue.Height);}
bool operator != (TRect<T> const & rvalue) const {return(X!=rvalue.X || Y!=rvalue.Y || Width!=rvalue.Width || Height!=rvalue.Height);}
// Addition and subtraction operators.
TRect<T> const & operator += (TPoint2D<T> const & point) {X += point.X;Y += point.Y;return(*this);}
TRect<T> const & operator -= (TPoint2D<T> const & point) {X -= point.X;Y -= point.Y;return(*this);}
TRect<T> const operator + (TPoint2D<T> const & point) {return(TRect<T>(Top_Left() + point, Width, Height));}
TRect<T> const operator - (TPoint2D<T> const & point) {return(TRect<T>(Top_Left() - point, Width, Height));}
** Bias this rectangle within another.
TRect<T> const Bias_To(TRect<T> const & rect) const {return(TRect<T>(Top_Left() + rect.Top_Left(), Width, Height));}
// Assign values
void Set(T x, T y, T w, T h) {X = x; Y = y; Width = w; Height = h;}
** Determine if two rectangles overlap.
bool Is_Overlapping(TRect<T> const & rect) const {return(X < rect.X+rect.Width && Y < rect.Y+rect.Height && X+Width > rect.X && Y+Height > rect.Y);}
** Determine is rectangle is valid.
bool Is_Valid(void) const {return(Width > 0 && Height > 0);}
__declspec(property(get=Is_Valid)) bool IsValid;
** Returns size of rectangle if each discrete location within it is presumed
** to be of size 1.
int Size(void) const {return(int(Width) * int(Height));}
** Fetch points of rectangle (used as a convenience for the programmer).
TPoint2D<T> Top_Left(void) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(X, Y));}
__declspec(property(get=Top_Left)) TPoint2D<T> TopLeft;
TPoint2D<T> Top_Right(void) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X + Width - 1), Y));}
__declspec(property(get=Top_Right)) TPoint2D<T> TopRight;
TPoint2D<T> Bottom_Left(void) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(X, T(Y + Height - 1)));}
__declspec(property(get=Bottom_Left)) TPoint2D<T> BottomLeft;
TPoint2D<T> Bottom_Right(void) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X + Width - 1), T(Y + Height - 1)));}
__declspec(property(get=Bottom_Right)) TPoint2D<T> BottomRight;
** Determine if a point lies within the rectangle.
bool Is_Point_Within(TPoint2D<T> const & point) const {return(point.X >= X && point.X < X+Width && point.Y >= Y && point.Y < Y+Height);}
** Coordinate of upper left corner of rectangle.
T X;
T Y;
** Dimensions of rectangle. If the width or height is less than or equal to
** zero, then the rectangle is in an invalid state.
T Width;
T Height;
template<class T>
TPoint2D<T> const Bias_To(TPoint2D<T> const & point, TRect<T> const & rect)
return(TPoint2D<T>(T(point.X + rect.X), T(point.Y + rect.Y)));
* Union -- Combines two rectangles into one larger one. *
* *
* This routine will combine the two specified rectangles such that a larger one is *
* returned that encompasses both rectangles. *
* *
* INPUT: rect1 -- One rectangle to combine. *
* rect2 -- The other rectangle to combine. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the smallest rectangle that encompasses both specified rectangles. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 06/04/1997 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
TRect<T> const Union(TRect<T> const & rect1, TRect<T> const & rect2)
if (rect1.Is_Valid()) {
if (rect2.Is_Valid()) {
TRect<T> result = rect1;
if (result.X > rect2.X) {
result.Width += T(result.X-rect2.X);
result.X = rect2.X;
if (result.Y > rect2.Y) {
result.Height += T(result.Y-rect2.Y);
result.Y = rect2.Y;
if (result.X+result.Width < rect2.X+rect2.Width) {
result.Width = T(((rect2.X+rect2.Width)-result.X)+1);
if (result.Y+result.Height < rect2.Y+rect2.Height) {
result.Height = T(((rect2.Y+rect2.Height)-result.Y)+1);
* Intersect -- Find the intersection between two rectangles. *
* *
* This routine will take two rectangles and return the intersecting rectangle. It also *
* tracks how much on rectangle was clipped off of the top and left edges and returns *
* these values. It can be handy to use these returned clipping values for blit operations *
* between rectangles. *
* *
* INPUT: bounding_rect -- The rectangle of the bounding box (clipping rectangle). *
* *
* draw_rect -- The rectangle that will be clipped into the bounding rectangle. *
* *
* x,y -- Place to store the clipping offset performed on the draw_rect. *
* If this offset is applied to a subsiquent blit operation from *
* the draw_rect source, it will appear to be properly clipped *
* against the clipping rectangle rather than offset to the *
* clipping rectangle. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the rectangle that is the intersection of the two rectangles. *
* *
* WARNINGS: The returned rectangle may be clipped into nothingness. Check for Is_Valid *
* to catch this case. *
* *
* 06/04/1997 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
TRect<T> const Intersect(TRect<T> const & bounding_rect, TRect<T> const & draw_rect, T * x, T * y)
TRect<T> bad_rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // Dummy (illegal) draw_rect.
TRect<T> new_draw_rect = draw_rect; // Working draw_rect.
** Both draw_rects must be valid or else no intersection can occur. In such
** a case, return an illegal draw_rect.
if (!bounding_rect.Is_Valid() || !draw_rect.Is_Valid()) return(bad_rect);
** The draw_rect spills past the left edge.
if (new_draw_rect.X < bounding_rect.X) {
new_draw_rect.Width -= T(bounding_rect.X - new_draw_rect.X);
new_draw_rect.X = bounding_rect.X;
if (new_draw_rect.Width < 1) return(bad_rect);
** The draw_rect spills past top edge.
if (new_draw_rect.Y < bounding_rect.Y) {
new_draw_rect.Height -= T(bounding_rect.Y - new_draw_rect.Y);
new_draw_rect.Y = bounding_rect.Y;
if (new_draw_rect.Height < 1) return(bad_rect);
** The draw_rect spills past the right edge.
if (new_draw_rect.X + new_draw_rect.Width > bounding_rect.X + bounding_rect.Width) {
new_draw_rect.Width -= T((new_draw_rect.X + new_draw_rect.Width) - (bounding_rect.X + bounding_rect.Width));
if (new_draw_rect.Width < 1) return(bad_rect);
** The draw_rect spills past the bottom edge.
if (new_draw_rect.Y + new_draw_rect.Height > bounding_rect.Y + bounding_rect.Height) {
new_draw_rect.Height -= T((new_draw_rect.Y + new_draw_rect.Height) - (bounding_rect.Y + bounding_rect.Height));
if (new_draw_rect.Height < 1) return(bad_rect);
** Adjust Height relative draw position according to Height new draw_rect
** union.
if (x != NULL) {
*x -= T(new_draw_rect.X - draw_rect.X);
if (y != NULL) {
*y -= T(new_draw_rect.Y - draw_rect.Y);
* Intersect -- Simple intersect between two rectangles. *
* *
* This will return with the rectangle that represents the intersection of the two *
* rectangles specified. *
* *
* INPUT: rect1 -- The first rectangle. *
* *
* rect2 -- The second rectangle. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the intersecting rectangle between the two rectangles specified. *
* *
* WARNINGS: If there is no valid intersection between the two rectangles, then a rectangle *
* of illegal value is returned. Check for this case by using the Is_Valid() *
* function. *
* *
* 06/04/1997 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
TRect<T> const Intersect(TRect<T> const & rect1, TRect<T> const & rect2)
return(Intersect(rect1, rect2, (T*)NULL, (T*)NULL));
** This typedef provides an uncluttered type name for a rectangle that
** is composed of integers.
typedef TRect<int> Rect;
const Rect RECT_NONE(0,0,0,0);