263 lines
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263 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* $Header: /Commando/Code/Tools/max2w3d/w3dquat.h 27 2/03/00 4:55p Jason_a $ */
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Voxel Technology *
* *
* File Name : QUAT.H *
* *
* Programmer : Greg Hjelstrom *
* *
* Start Date : 02/24/97 *
* *
* Last Update : February 24, 1997 [GH] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef QUAT_H
#define QUAT_H
#include "always.h"
#include "wwmath.h"
#include "wwmatrix3.h"
#include "vector3.h"
class Quaternion
// X,Y,Z are the imaginary parts of the quaterion
// W is the real part
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
float W;
Quaternion(void) {};
explicit Quaternion(bool init) { if (init) { X = 0.0f; Y = 0.0f; Z = 0.0f; W = 1.0f; } }
explicit Quaternion(float a, float b, float c, float d) { X=a; Y=b; Z=c; W=d; }
explicit Quaternion(const Vector3 & axis,float angle);
Quaternion & operator=(const Quaternion & source);
void Set(float a = 0.0, float b = 0.0, float c = 0.0, float d = 1.0) { X = a; Y = b; Z = c; W = d; }
void Make_Identity(void) { Set(); };
void Scale(float s) { X = (float)(s*X); Y = (float)(s*Y); Z = (float)(s*Z); W = (float)(s*W); }
// Array access
float & operator [](int i) { return (&X)[i]; }
const float & operator [](int i) const { return (&X)[i]; }
// Unary operators.
// Remember that q and -q represent the same 3D rotation.
Quaternion operator-() const { return(Quaternion(-X,-Y,-Z,-W)); }
Quaternion operator+() const { return *this; }
// Every 3D rotation can be expressed by two different quaternions, This
// function makes the current quaternion convert itself to the representation
// which is closer on the 4D unit-hypersphere to the given quaternion.
Quaternion & Make_Closest(const Quaternion & qto);
// Square of the magnitude of the quaternion
float Length2(void) const { return (X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z + W*W); }
// Magnitude of the quaternion
float Length(void) const { return WWMath::Sqrt(Length2()); }
// Make the quaternion unit length
void Normalize(void);
// post-concatenate rotations about the coordinate axes
void Rotate_X(float theta);
void Rotate_Y(float theta);
void Rotate_Z(float theta);
// initialize this quaternion randomly (creates a random *unit* quaternion)
void Randomize(void);
// transform (rotate) a vector with this quaternion
Vector3 Rotate_Vector(const Vector3 & v) const;
void Rotate_Vector(const Vector3 & v,Vector3 * set_result) const;
// verify that none of the members of this quaternion are invalid floats
bool Is_Valid(void) const;
// Inverse of the quaternion (1/q)
inline Quaternion Inverse(const Quaternion & a)
return Quaternion(-a[0],-a[1],-a[2],a[3]);
// Conjugate of the quaternion
inline Quaternion Conjugate(const Quaternion & a)
return Quaternion(-a[0],-a[1],-a[2],a[3]);
// Add two quaternions
inline Quaternion operator + (const Quaternion & a,const Quaternion & b)
return Quaternion(a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2], a[3] + b[3]);
// Subract two quaternions
inline Quaternion operator - (const Quaternion & a,const Quaternion & b)
return Quaternion(a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2], a[3] - b[3]);
// Multiply a quaternion by a scalar:
inline Quaternion operator * (float scl, const Quaternion & a)
return Quaternion(scl*a[0], scl*a[1], scl*a[2], scl*a[3]);
// Multiply a quaternion by a scalar
inline Quaternion operator * (const Quaternion & a, float scl)
return scl*a;
// Multiply two quaternions
inline Quaternion operator * (const Quaternion & a,const Quaternion & b)
return Quaternion
a.W*b.X + b.W*a.X + (a.Y*b.Z - b.Y*a.Z),
a.W*b.Y + b.W*a.Y - (a.X*b.Z - b.X*a.Z),
a.W*b.Z + b.W*a.Z + (a.X*b.Y - b.X*a.Y),
a.W * b.W - (a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z)
// Divide two quaternions
inline Quaternion operator / (const Quaternion & a,const Quaternion & b)
return a * Inverse(b);
// Normalized version of the quaternion
inline Quaternion Normalize(const Quaternion & a)
float mag = a.Length();
if (0.0f == mag) {
return a;
} else {
float oomag = 1.0f / mag;
return Quaternion(a[0] * oomag, a[1] * oomag, a[2] * oomag, a[3] * oomag);
// This function computes a quaternion based on an axis
// (defined by the given Vector a) and an angle about
// which to rotate. The angle is expressed in radians.
Quaternion Axis_To_Quat(const Vector3 &a, float angle);
// Pass the x and y coordinates of the last and current position
// of the mouse, scaled so they are from -1.0 to 1.0
// The quaternion is the computed as the rotation of a trackball
// between the two points projected onto a sphere. This can
// be used to implement an intuitive viewing control system.
Quaternion Trackball(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float sphsize);
// Spherical Linear interpolation of quaternions
Quaternion Slerp(const Quaternion & a,const Quaternion & b,float t);
// Convert a rotation matrix into a quaternion
Quaternion Build_Quaternion(const Matrix3 & matrix);
Quaternion Build_Quaternion(const Matrix3D & matrix);
Quaternion Build_Quaternion(const Matrix4 & matrix);
// Convert a quaternion into a rotation matrix
Matrix3 Build_Matrix3(const Quaternion & quat);
Matrix3D Build_Matrix3D(const Quaternion & quat);
Matrix4 Build_Matrix4(const Quaternion & quat);
// Some values can be cached if you are performing multiple slerps
// between the same two quaternions...
struct SlerpInfoStruct
float SinT;
float Theta;
bool Flip;
bool Linear;
// Cached slerp implementation
void Slerp_Setup(const Quaternion & p,const Quaternion & q,SlerpInfoStruct * slerpinfo);
void Cached_Slerp(const Quaternion & p,const Quaternion & q,float alpha,SlerpInfoStruct * slerpinfo,Quaternion * set_q);
Quaternion Cached_Slerp(const Quaternion & p,const Quaternion & q,float alpha,SlerpInfoStruct * slerpinfo);
inline Vector3 Quaternion::Rotate_Vector(const Vector3 & v) const
float x = W*v.X + (Y*v.Z - v.Y*Z);
float y = W*v.Y - (X*v.Z - v.X*Z);
float z = W*v.Z + (X*v.Y - v.X*Y);
float w = -(X*v.X + Y*v.Y + Z*v.Z);
return Vector3
w*(-X) + W*x + (y*(-Z) - (-Y)*z),
w*(-Y) + W*y - (x*(-Z) - (-X)*z),
w*(-Z) + W*z + (x*(-Y) - (-X)*y)
inline void Quaternion::Rotate_Vector(const Vector3 & v,Vector3 * result) const
assert(result != NULL);
float x = W*v.X + (Y*v.Z - v.Y*Z);
float y = W*v.Y - (X*v.Z - v.X*Z);
float z = W*v.Z + (X*v.Y - v.X*Y);
float w = -(X*v.X + Y*v.Y + Z*v.Z);
result->X = w*(-X) + W*x + (y*(-Z) - (-Y)*z);
result->Y = w*(-Y) + W*y - (x*(-Z) - (-X)*z);
result->Z = w*(-Z) + W*z + (x*(-Y) - (-X)*y);
inline bool Quaternion::Is_Valid(void) const
return ( WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(X) &&
WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(Y) &&
WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(Z) &&
WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(W) );
#endif /* QUAT_H */