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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: AudioEventRTS.h ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// AudioEventRTS structure
// Author: John K. McDonald, March 2002
#pragma once
#include "Common/AsciiString.h"
#include "Common/GameAudio.h"
#include "Common/GameMemory.h"
#include "Common/GameType.h"
// forward declarations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct AudioEventInfo;
enum OwnerType
enum PortionToPlay
enum AudioPriority;
// This is called AudioEventRTS because AudioEvent is a typedef in ww3d
// You might want this to be memory pooled (I personally do), but it can't
// because we allocate them on the stack frequently.
class AudioEventRTS
AudioEventRTS( );
AudioEventRTS( const AsciiString& eventName );
AudioEventRTS( const AsciiString& eventName, ObjectID ownerID );
AudioEventRTS( const AsciiString& eventName, DrawableID drawableID ); // Pass 0 for unused if attaching to drawable
AudioEventRTS( const AsciiString& eventName, const Coord3D *positionOfAudio );
virtual ~AudioEventRTS( );
AudioEventRTS( const AudioEventRTS& right );
AudioEventRTS& operator=( const AudioEventRTS& right );
void setEventName( AsciiString name );
const AsciiString& getEventName( void ) const { return m_eventName; }
// generateFilename is separate from generatePlayInfo because generatePlayInfo should only be called once
// per triggered event. generateFilename will be called once per loop, or once to get each filename if 'all' is
// specified.
void generateFilename( void );
AsciiString getFilename( void );
// The attack and decay sounds are generated in generatePlayInfo, because they will never be played more
// than once during a given sound event.
void generatePlayInfo( void );
Real getPitchShift( void ) const;
Real getVolumeShift( void ) const;
AsciiString getAttackFilename( void ) const;
AsciiString getDecayFilename( void ) const;
Real getDelay( void ) const;
void decrementDelay( Real timeToDecrement );
PortionToPlay getNextPlayPortion( void ) const;
void advanceNextPlayPortion( void );
void setNextPlayPortion( PortionToPlay ptp );
void decreaseLoopCount( void );
Bool hasMoreLoops( void ) const;
void setAudioEventInfo( const AudioEventInfo *eventInfo ) const;
const AudioEventInfo *getAudioEventInfo( void ) const;
void setPlayingHandle( AudioHandle handle ); // for ID of this audio piece.
AudioHandle getPlayingHandle( void ); // for ID of this audio piece
void setPosition( const Coord3D *pos );
const Coord3D* getPosition( void );
void setObjectID( ObjectID objID );
ObjectID getObjectID( void );
Bool isDead() const { return m_ownerType == OT_Dead; }
OwnerType getOwnerType() const { return m_ownerType; }
void setDrawableID( DrawableID drawID );
DrawableID getDrawableID( void );
void setTimeOfDay( TimeOfDay tod );
TimeOfDay getTimeOfDay( void ) const;
void setHandleToKill( AudioHandle handleToKill );
AudioHandle getHandleToKill( void ) const;
void setShouldFade( Bool shouldFade );
Bool getShouldFade( void ) const;
void setIsLogicalAudio( Bool isLogicalAudio );
Bool getIsLogicalAudio( void ) const;
Bool isPositionalAudio( void ) const;
Bool isCurrentlyPlaying( void ) const;
AudioPriority getAudioPriority( void ) const;
void setAudioPriority( AudioPriority newPriority );
Real getVolume( void ) const;
void setVolume( Real vol );
Int getPlayerIndex( void ) const;
void setPlayerIndex( Int playerNdx );
Int getPlayingAudioIndex( void ) { return m_playingAudioIndex; };
void setPlayingAudioIndex( Int pai ) { m_playingAudioIndex = pai; };
Bool getUninterruptable( ) const { return m_uninterruptable; }
void setUninterruptable( Bool uninterruptable ) { m_uninterruptable = uninterruptable; }
// This will retrieve the appropriate position based on type.
const Coord3D *getCurrentPosition( void );
// This will return the directory leading up to the appropriate type, including the trailing '\\'
// If localized is true, we'll append a language specifc directory to the end of the path.
AsciiString generateFilenamePrefix( AudioType audioTypeToPlay, Bool localized );
AsciiString generateFilenameExtension( AudioType audioTypeToPlay );
void adjustForLocalization( AsciiString &strToAdjust );
AsciiString m_filenameToLoad;
mutable const AudioEventInfo *m_eventInfo; // Mutable so that it can be modified even on const objects
AudioHandle m_playingHandle;
AudioHandle m_killThisHandle; ///< Sometimes sounds will canabilize other sounds in order to take their handle away.
///< This is one of those instances.
AsciiString m_eventName; ///< This should correspond with an entry in Dialog.ini, Speech.ini, or Audio.ini
AsciiString m_attackName; ///< This is the filename that should be used during the attack.
AsciiString m_decayName; ///< This is the filename that should be used during the decay.
AudioPriority m_priority; ///< This should be the priority as given by the event info, or the overrided priority.
Real m_volume; ///< This is the override for the volume. It will either be the normal
TimeOfDay m_timeOfDay; ///< This should be the current Time Of Day.
Coord3D m_positionOfAudio; ///< Position of the sound if no further positional updates are necessary
union // These are now unioned.
ObjectID m_objectID; ///< ObjectID of the object that this sound is tied to. Position can be automatically updated from this.
DrawableID m_drawableID; ///< DrawableID of the drawable that owns this sound
OwnerType m_ownerType;
Bool m_shouldFade; ///< This should fade in or out (if it is starting or stopping)
Bool m_isLogicalAudio; ///< Should probably only be true for scripted sounds
Bool m_uninterruptable;
// Playing attributes
Real m_pitchShift; ///< Pitch shift that should occur on this piece of audio
Real m_volumeShift; ///< Volume shift that should occur on this piece of audio
Real m_delay; ///< Amount to delay before playing this sound
Int m_loopCount; ///< The current loop count value. Only valid if this is a looping type event or the override has been set.
Int m_playingAudioIndex; ///< The sound index we are currently playing. In the case of non-random, we increment this to move to the next sound
Int m_allCount; ///< If this sound is an ALL type, then this is how many sounds we have played so far.
Int m_playerIndex; ///< The index of the player who owns this sound. Used for sounds that should have an owner, but don't have an object, etc.
PortionToPlay m_portionToPlayNext; ///< Which portion (attack, sound, decay) should be played next?
class DynamicAudioEventRTS : public MemoryPoolObject
DynamicAudioEventRTS() { }
DynamicAudioEventRTS(const AudioEventRTS& a) : m_event(a) { }
AudioEventRTS m_event;
#endif /* _H_AUDIOEVENTRTS_ */