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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright(C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: GameEngine
// Module: IO
// File name: FileSystem.h
// Created:
#pragma once
#ifndef __FILESYSTEM_H
#define __FILESYSTEM_H
// Includes
//#include "Common/File.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
#include "Common/SubsystemInterface.h"
// Forward References
class File;
// Type Defines
typedef std::set<AsciiString, rts::less_than_nocase<AsciiString> > FilenameList;
typedef FilenameList::iterator FilenameListIter;
// Type Defines
//#define W3D_DIR_PATH "../FinalArt/W3D/" ///< .w3d files live here
//#define TGA_DIR_PATH "../FinalArt/Textures/" ///< .tga texture files live here
//#define TERRAIN_TGA_DIR_PATH "../FinalArt/Terrain/" ///< terrain .tga texture files live here
#define W3D_DIR_PATH "Art/W3D/" ///< .w3d files live here
#define TGA_DIR_PATH "Art/Textures/" ///< .tga texture files live here
#define TERRAIN_TGA_DIR_PATH "Art/Terrain/" ///< terrain .tga texture files live here
#define MAP_PREVIEW_DIR_PATH "%sMapPreviews/" ///< We need a common place we can copy the map previews to at runtime.
#define USER_W3D_DIR_PATH "%sW3D/" ///< .w3d files live here
#define USER_TGA_DIR_PATH "%sTextures/" ///< User .tga texture files live here
// the following defines are only to be used while maintaining legacy compatability
// with old files until they are completely gone and in the regular art set
#define LEGACY_W3D_DIR_PATH "../LegacyArt/W3D/" ///< .w3d files live here
#define LEGACY_TGA_DIR_PATH "../LegacyArt/Textures/" ///< .tga texture files live here
// LOAD_TEST_ASSETS automatically loads w3d assets from the TEST_W3D_DIR_PATH
// without having to add an INI entry.
///@todo this allows us to use the test art directory, it should be removed for FINAL release
#define ROAD_DIRECTORY "../TestArt/TestRoad/"
// the following directories will be used to look for test art
#define TEST_W3D_DIR_PATH "../TestArt/" ///< .w3d files live here
#define TEST_TGA_DIR_PATH "../TestArt/" ///< .tga texture files live here
struct FileInfo {
Int sizeHigh;
Int sizeLow;
Int timestampHigh;
Int timestampLow;
// FileSystem
* FileSystem is an interface class for creating specific FileSystem objects.
* A FileSystem object's implemenation decides what derivative of File object needs to be
* created when FileSystem::Open() gets called.
class FileSystem : public SubsystemInterface
virtual ~FileSystem();
void init();
void reset();
void update();
File* openFile( const Char *filename, Int access = 0 ); ///< opens a File interface to the specified file
Bool doesFileExist(const Char *filename) const; ///< returns TRUE if the file exists. filename should have no directory.
void getFileListInDirectory(const AsciiString& directory, const AsciiString& searchName, FilenameList &filenameList, Bool searchSubdirectories) const; ///< search the given directory for files matching the searchName (egs. *.ini, *.rep). Possibly search subdirectories.
Bool getFileInfo(const AsciiString& filename, FileInfo *fileInfo) const; ///< fills in the FileInfo struct for the file given. returns TRUE if successful.
Bool createDirectory(AsciiString directory); ///< create a directory of the given name.
Bool areMusicFilesOnCD();
void loadMusicFilesFromCD();
void unloadMusicFilesFromCD();
extern FileSystem* TheFileSystem;
// Inlining