793 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: Player.h ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: RTS3
// File name: Player.h
// Created: Steven Johnson, October 2001
// Desc: @todo
#pragma once
#ifndef _PLAYER_H_
#define _PLAYER_H_
#include "Common/Debug.h"
#include "Common/Energy.h"
#include "Common/GameType.h"
#include "Common/Handicap.h"
#include "Common/KindOf.h"
#include "Common/MissionStats.h"
#include "Common/Money.h"
#include "Common/Science.h"
#include "Common/UnicodeString.h"
#include "Common/NameKeyGenerator.h"
#include "Common/Thing.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
#include "Common/ScoreKeeper.h"
#include "Common/Team.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BuildListInfo;
class PolygonTrigger;
class ThingTemplate;
class AIPlayer;
class AIGroup;
class GameMessage;
class ResourceGatheringManager;
class PlayerTemplate;
class Squad;
class Team;
class TeamPrototype;
class TeamRelationMap;
class TunnelTracker;
class Upgrade;
class UpgradeTemplate;
class SpecialPowerModule;
class BattlePlanBonuses;
enum BattlePlanStatus;
enum UpgradeStatusType;
enum CommandSourceType;
enum ScienceAvailabilityType
static const char *ScienceAvailabilityNames[] =
static const Int NUM_HOTKEY_SQUADS = 10;
enum { NO_HOTKEY_SQUAD = -1 };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef Int PlayerIndex;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class KindOfPercentProductionChange : public MemoryPoolObject
MEMORY_POOL_GLUE_WITH_USERLOOKUP_CREATE(KindOfPercentProductionChange, "KindOfPercentProductionChange")
KindOfMaskType m_kindOf;
Real m_percent;
UnsignedInt m_ref;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SpecialPowerReadyTimerType
void clear( void )
m_readyFrame = 0xffffffff;
m_templateID = INVALID_ID;
UnsignedInt m_templateID; ///< The ID of the specialpower template associated with this timer... no dupes allowed
UnsignedInt m_readyFrame; ///< on what game frame will this special power be ready?
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::hash_map< PlayerIndex, Relationship, std::hash<PlayerIndex>, std::equal_to<PlayerIndex> > PlayerRelationMapType;
class PlayerRelationMap : public MemoryPoolObject,
public Snapshot
MEMORY_POOL_GLUE_WITH_USERLOOKUP_CREATE( PlayerRelationMap, "PlayerRelationMapPool" )
PlayerRelationMap( void );
// virtual destructor provided by memory pool object
/** @todo I'm jsut wrappign this up in a nice snapshot object, we really should isolate
* m_map from public access and make access methods for our operations */
PlayerRelationMapType m_map;
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A "Player" as an entity that contains the persistent info of the Player, as well as containing
transient mission data.
Some of the Player's attributes persist between missions, whereas others are "transient" and only
have meaning in a mission, wherein they change a lot (current tech tree state, current buildings
built, units trained, money, etc). (For clarity of nomenclature, we'll refer to all "persistent"
vs "non-persistent" attributes, since "transient" has an unclear duration.)
A "Player" consists of an entity controlling a single set of units in a mission.
A Player may be human or computer controlled.
All Players have a (transient) "Player Index" associated which allows us to do some shorthand for
representing Players in some cases (mainly in bitfields). This is always a 0-based
number (-1 is used as an illegal index). Note that a logical conclusion of this
is that it makes it desirable to limit the maximum number of simultaneous Players
to 32, but that seems quite reasonable.
All persistent data associated with the Player will be saved to local storage and/or
synchronized with one of our servers for online play.
Note, simple accessor methods are omitted for brevity... for now, you may infer
them from the data structures.
Note also that the class (and the relevant subclasses) are almost certainly incomplete;
a short perusal of the RA2 equivalent class(es) have waaay more tweaky data fields,
some of which will probably be necessary (in some form, at some point), some of
which won't ever be necessary. Rather than trying to guess at all of them here,
we're limiting the initial setup to be the almost-certainly-necessary, filling in
the extra things as needed. (Note that most of these will be non-persistent!)
class Player : public Snapshot
Player( Int playerIndex );
virtual ~Player();
void update(); ///< player update opportunity
void newMap(); ///< player after map loaded opportunity
void init(const PlayerTemplate* pt);
void initFromDict(const Dict* d);
void setDefaultTeam(void);
inline UnicodeString getPlayerDisplayName() { return m_playerDisplayName; }
inline NameKeyType getPlayerNameKey() const { return m_playerNameKey; }
inline AsciiString getSide() const { return m_side; }
inline const PlayerTemplate* getPlayerTemplate() const { return m_playerTemplate; }
/// return the Player's Handicap sub-object
inline const Handicap *getHandicap() const { return &m_handicap; }
inline Handicap *getHandicap() { return &m_handicap; }
/// return the Player's Money sub-object
inline Money *getMoney() { return &m_money; }
inline const Money *getMoney() const { return &m_money; }
UnsignedInt getSupplyBoxValue();///< Many things can affect the alue of a crate, but at heart it is a GlobalData ratio.
inline Energy *getEnergy() { return &m_energy; }
inline const Energy *getEnergy() const { return &m_energy; }
// adds a power bonus to this player because of energy upgrade at his power plants
inline void addPowerBonus(Object *obj) { m_energy.addPowerBonus(obj); }
inline void removePowerBonus(Object *obj) { m_energy.removePowerBonus(obj); }
inline ResourceGatheringManager *getResourceGatheringManager(){ return m_resourceGatheringManager; }
inline TunnelTracker* getTunnelSystem(){ return m_tunnelSystem; }
inline Color getPlayerColor() const { return m_color; }
inline Color getPlayerNightColor() const { return m_nightColor;}
/// return the type of controller
inline PlayerType getPlayerType() const { return m_playerType; }
void setPlayerType(PlayerType t, Bool skirmish);
inline PlayerIndex getPlayerIndex() const { return m_playerIndex; }
/// return a bitmask that is unique to this player.
inline PlayerMaskType getPlayerMask() const { return 1 << m_playerIndex; }
/// a convenience function to test the ThingTemplate against the players canBuild flags
/// called by canBuild
Bool allowedToBuild(const ThingTemplate *tmplate) const;
/// true if we have the prereqs for this item
Bool canBuild(const ThingTemplate *tmplate) const;
// Can we afford to build?
Bool canAffordBuild( const ThingTemplate *whatToBuild ) const;
/// Difficulty level for this player.
GameDifficulty getPlayerDifficulty(void) const;
/** return the player's command center. (must be one of his "normal" ones,
not a captured one.)
if he has none, return null.
if he has multiple, return one arbitrarily. */
Object* findNaturalCommandCenter();
/// return t if the player has the given science, either intrinsically, via specialization, or via capture.
Bool hasScience(ScienceType t) const;
Bool isScienceDisabled( ScienceType t ) const; ///< Can't purchase this science because of script reasons.
Bool isScienceHidden( ScienceType t ) const; ///< This science is effectively hidden due to script reasons.
//Allows scripts to make specific sciences available, hidden, or disabled.
void setScienceAvailability( ScienceType science, ScienceAvailabilityType type );
ScienceAvailabilityType getScienceAvailabilityTypeFromString( const AsciiString& name );
/// return t iff the player has all sciences that are prereqs for knowing the given science
Bool hasPrereqsForScience(ScienceType t) const;
Bool hasUpgradeComplete( const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeTemplate ); ///< does player have totally done and produced upgrade
Bool hasUpgradeComplete( Int64 testMask ); ///< does player have totally done and produced upgrade
Int64 getCompletedUpgradeMask() const { return m_upgradesCompleted; } ///< get list of upgrades that are completed
Bool hasUpgradeInProduction( const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeTemplate ); ///< does player have this upgrade in progress right now
Upgrade *addUpgrade( const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeTemplate,
UpgradeStatusType status ); ///< add upgrade, or update existing upgrade status
void removeUpgrade( const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeTemplate ); ///< remove thsi upgrade from us
/** find upgrade, NOTE, the upgrade may *NOT* be "complete" and therefore "active", it could be in production
This function is for actually retrieving the Upgrade. To test existance, use the fast bit testers hasUpgradeX()
Upgrade *findUpgrade( const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeTemplate );
void onUpgradeCompleted( const UpgradeTemplate *upgradeTemplate ); ///< An upgrade just finished, do things like tell all objects to recheck UpgradeModules
void onUpgradeRemoved(){} ///< An upgrade just got removed, this doesn't do anything now.
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
/// Prereq disabling cheat key
void toggleIgnorePrereqs(){ m_DEMO_ignorePrereqs = !m_DEMO_ignorePrereqs; }
Bool ignoresPrereqs() const { return m_DEMO_ignorePrereqs; }
/// No cost building cheat key
void toggleFreeBuild(){ m_DEMO_freeBuild = !m_DEMO_freeBuild; }
Bool buildsForFree() const { return m_DEMO_freeBuild; }
/// No time building cheat key
void toggleInstantBuild(){ m_DEMO_instantBuild = !m_DEMO_instantBuild; }
Bool buildsInstantly() const { return m_DEMO_instantBuild; }
///< Power just changed at all. Didn't make two functions so you can't forget to undo something you didin one of them.
///< @todo Can't do edge trigger until after demo; make things check for power on creation
void onPowerBrownOutChange( Bool brownOut );
///< one of my command centers just fired a special power, let us reset timers for all command centers.
void resetOrStartSpecialPowerReadyFrame( const SpecialPowerTemplate *temp );
///< my new command center wants to init his timers to the status quo
UnsignedInt getOrStartSpecialPowerReadyFrame( const SpecialPowerTemplate *temp);
void expressSpecialPowerReadyFrame( const SpecialPowerTemplate *temp, UnsignedInt frame );
void addNewSharedSpecialPowerTimer( const SpecialPowerTemplate *temp, UnsignedInt frame );
void addRadar( Bool disableProof );///< One more producer of Radar exists
void removeRadar( Bool disableProof );///< One less thing produces radar
void disableRadar(); ///< No matter how many radar producers I have, I do not have radar
void enableRadar(); ///< remove the restriction imposed by disableRadar
Bool hasRadar() const;///< A positive number of radar producers, plus my radar is not disabled
Bool okToPlayRadarEdgeSound();///< just like it "sounds"
//Battle plans effect the players abilities... so may as well add it here. Also
//it's possible for multiple strategy centers to have the same plan, so we need
//to keep track of that like radar. Keep in mind multiple strategy centers with
//same plan do not stack, but different strategy centers with different plans do.
void changeBattlePlan( BattlePlanStatus plan, Int delta, BattlePlanBonuses *bonus );
Int getNumBattlePlansActive() const { return m_bombardBattlePlans + m_holdTheLineBattlePlans + m_searchAndDestroyBattlePlans; }
Int getBattlePlansActiveSpecific( BattlePlanStatus plan ) const;
void applyBattlePlanBonusesForObject( Object *obj ) const; //New object or converted object gaining our current battle plan bonuses.
void removeBattlePlanBonusesForObject( Object *obj ) const; //Object left team
void applyBattlePlanBonusesForPlayerObjects( const BattlePlanBonuses *bonus ); //Battle plan bonuses changing, so apply to all of our objects!
Bool doesObjectQualifyForBattlePlan( Object *obj ) const;
// If apply is false, then we are repealing already granted bonuses.
// Note: Should only be called by Object.
void friend_applyDifficultyBonusesForObject(Object* obj, Bool apply) const;
/// Decrement the ref counter on the typeof production list node
void removeKindOfProductionCostChange(KindOfMaskType kindOf, Real percent);
/// add type of production cost change (Used for upgrades)
void addKindOfProductionCostChange( KindOfMaskType kindOf, Real percent);
/// Returns production cost change based on typeof (Used for upgrades)
Real getProductionCostChangeBasedOnKindOf( KindOfMaskType kindOf ) const;
/** Return bonus or penalty for construction of this thing.
Real getProductionCostChangePercent( AsciiString buildTemplateName ) const;
/** Return bonus or penalty for construction of this thing.
Real getProductionTimeChangePercent( AsciiString buildTemplateName ) const;
/** Return starting veterancy level of a newly built thing of this type
VeterancyLevel getProductionVeterancyLevel( AsciiString buildTemplateName ) const;
// Friend function for the script engine's usage.
void friend_setSkillset(Int skillSet);
the given object has just become (or just ceased to be) a member of one of our teams (or subteams)
void becomingTeamMember(Object *obj, Bool yes);
this is called when the player becomes the local player (yes==true)
or ceases to be the local player (yes==false). you can't stop this
from happening; you can only react to it.
void becomingLocalPlayer(Bool yes);
/// Is this player the local player?
Bool isLocalPlayer() const;
/// this player should be listed in the score screen.
void setListInScoreScreen(Bool listInScoreScreen);
/// return TRUE if this player should be listed in the score screen.
Bool getListInScoreScreen();
/// A unit was just created and is ready to control
void onUnitCreated( Object *factory, Object *unit );
/// A team is about to be destroyed.
void preTeamDestroy( const Team *team );
/// Is the nearest supply source safe?
Bool isSupplySourceSafe( Int minSupplies );
/// Is a supply source attacked?
Bool isSupplySourceAttacked( void );
/// Set delay between team production.
void setTeamDelaySeconds(Int delay);
/// Have the team guard a supply center.
void guardSupplyCenter( Team *team, Int minSupplies );
virtual void computeSuperweaponTarget(const SpecialPowerTemplate *power, Coord3D *pos, Int playerNdx, Real weaponRadius); ///< Calculates best pos for weapon given radius.
/// Get the enemy an ai player is currently focused on. NOTE - Can be NULL.
Player *getCurrentEnemy( void );
/// Is this player a skirmish ai player?
Bool isSkirmishAIPlayer( void );
/// Have the ai check for bridges.
virtual Bool checkBridges(Object *unit, Waypoint *way);
/// Get the center of the ai's base.
virtual Bool getAiBaseCenter(Coord3D *pos);
/// Have the ai check for bridges.
virtual void repairStructure(ObjectID structureID);
/// a structuer was just created, but is under construction
void onStructureCreated( Object *builder, Object *structure );
/// a structure that was under construction has become completed
void onStructureConstructionComplete( Object *builder, Object *structure, Bool isRebuild );
/// a structure that was created has been pre-emptively removed and shouldn't be counted in the score.
void onStructureUndone(Object *structure);
a convenience routine to count the number of owned objects that match a set of ThingTemplates.
You input the count and an array of ThingTemplate*, and provide an array of Int of the same
size. It fills in the array to the correct counts. This is handy because we must traverse
the player's list-of-objects only once.
void countObjectsByThingTemplate(Int numTmplates, const ThingTemplate* const * things, Bool ignoreDead, Int *counts, Bool ignoreUnderConstruction = TRUE ) const;
simply returns the number of buildings owned by this player
Int countBuildings(void);
simply returns the number of objects owned by this player with a specific KindOfMaskType
Int countObjects(KindOfMaskType setMask, KindOfMaskType clearMask);
/// Returns the closest of a given type to the given object
Object *findClosestByKindOf( Object *queryObject, KindOfMaskType setMask, KindOfMaskType clearMask );
a convenience routine to quickly check if any buildings are owned.
Bool hasAnyBuildings(void) const;
a convenience routine to quickly check if any buildings with a specific KindOfType flag are owned.
Bool hasAnyBuildings(KindOfMaskType kindOf) const;
a convenience routine to quickly check if any units are owned.
Bool hasAnyUnits(void) const;
a convenience routine to quickly check if any objects are owned.
Bool hasAnyObjects(void) const;
a convenience routine to quickly check if any buildfacilities are owned.
Bool hasAnyBuildFacility(void) const;
a convenience routine to quickly update the state flags on all teams.
void updateTeamStates(void);
This player will heal everything owned by it
void healAllObjects();
* Iterate all objects that this player has
void iterateObjects( ObjectIterateFunc func, void *userData );
return this player's "default" team.
Team *getDefaultTeam() { DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(m_defaultTeam!=NULL,("default team is null")); return m_defaultTeam; }
const Team *getDefaultTeam() const { DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(m_defaultTeam!=NULL,("default team is null")); return m_defaultTeam; }
void setBuildList(BuildListInfo *pBuildList); ///< sets the build list.
BuildListInfo *getBuildList( void ) { return m_pBuildList; } ///< returns the build list. (build list might be modified by the solo AI)
void addToBuildList(Object *obj); ///< Adds this to the build list. Used for factories placed instead of in build list.
void addToPriorityBuildList(AsciiString templateName, Coord3D *pos, Real angle); ///< Adds this to the build list. Used for factories placed instead of in build list.
/// get the relationship between this->that.
Relationship getRelationship(const Team *that) const;
/// set the relationship between this->that. (note that this doesn't affect the that->this relationship.)
void setPlayerRelationship(const Player *that, Relationship r);
Bool removePlayerRelationship(const Player *that);
void setTeamRelationship(const Team *that, Relationship r);
Bool removeTeamRelationship(const Team *that);
void addTeamToList(TeamPrototype* team);
void removeTeamFromList(TeamPrototype* team);
typedef std::list<TeamPrototype*> PlayerTeamList;
inline const PlayerTeamList* getPlayerTeams() const { return &m_playerTeamPrototypes; }
inline Int getMpStartIndex(void) {return m_mpStartIndex;}
/// Set that all units should begin hunting.
void setUnitsShouldHunt(Bool unitsShouldHunt, CommandSourceType source);
Bool getUnitsShouldHunt() const { return m_unitsShouldHunt; }
/// All of our units are new spied upon; they sight for the given enemy
void setUnitsVisionSpied( Bool setting, PlayerIndex byWhom );
/// This will be asked by units when they look to get extra people to sight for
PlayerMaskType getVisionSpiedMask() const;
/// Destroy all of the teams for this player, causing him to DIE.
void killPlayer(void);
/// Enabled/Disable all objects of type templateTypeToAffect
void setObjectsEnabled(AsciiString templateTypeToAffect, Bool enable);
/// Build an instance of a specific team. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void buildSpecificTeam(TeamPrototype *teamProto);
/// Build an instance of a specific building. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void buildSpecificBuilding(const AsciiString &thingName);
/// Build a building near a supply dump with at least cash. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void buildBySupplies(Int minimumCash, const AsciiString &thingName);
/// Build an upgrade. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void buildUpgrade(const AsciiString &upgrade);
/// Build base defense on front or flank of base. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void buildBaseDefense(Bool flank);
/// Build structure type on front or flank of base. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void buildBaseDefenseStructure(const AsciiString &thingName, Bool flank);
/// Recruits an instance of a specific team. Gets passed to aiPlayer.
void recruitSpecificTeam(TeamPrototype *teamProto, Real recruitRadius);
/// Enable/Disable the construction of units
Bool getCanBuildUnits(void) { return m_canBuildUnits; }
void setCanBuildUnits(Bool canProduce) { m_canBuildUnits = canProduce; }
/// Enable/Disable the construction of base buildings.
Bool getCanBuildBase(void) { return m_canBuildBase; }
void setCanBuildBase(Bool canProduce) { m_canBuildBase = canProduce; }
/// Transfer all assets from player that to this
void transferAssetsFromThat(Player* that);
/// Sell everything this player owns.
void sellEverythingUnderTheSun(void);
void garrisonAllUnits(CommandSourceType source);
void ungarrisonAllUnits(CommandSourceType source);
void setUnitsShouldIdleOrResume(Bool idle);
Bool isPlayableSide( void ) const;
Bool isPlayerObserver( void ) const; // Favor !isActive() - this is used for Observer GUI mostly, not in-game stuff
Bool isPlayerDead(void) const; // Favor !isActive() - this is used so OCLs don't give us stuff after death.
Bool isPlayerActive(void) const;
Bool didPlayerPreorder( void ) const { return m_isPreorder; }
/// Grab the scorekeeper so we can score up in here!
ScoreKeeper* getScoreKeeper( void ) { return &m_scoreKeeper; }
/// time to create a hotkey team based on this GameMessage
void processCreateTeamGameMessage(Int hotkeyNum, GameMessage *msg);
/// time to select a hotkey team based on this GameMessage
void processSelectTeamGameMessage(Int hotkeyNum, GameMessage *msg);
// add to the player's current selection this hotkey team.
void processAddTeamGameMessage(Int hotkeyNum, GameMessage *msg);
// returns an AIGroup object that is the currently selected group.
void getCurrentSelectionAsAIGroup(AIGroup *group);
// sets the currently selected group to be the given AIGroup
void setCurrentlySelectedAIGroup(AIGroup *group);
// adds the given AIGroup to the current selection of this player.
void addAIGroupToCurrentSelection(AIGroup *group);
// return the requested hotkey squad
Squad *getHotkeySquad(Int squadNumber);
// return the hotkey squad that a unit is in, or NO_HOTKEY_SQUAD if it isn't in one.
Int getSquadNumberForObject(const Object *objToFind) const;
// remove an object from any hotkey squads that its in.
void removeObjectFromHotkeySquad(Object *objToRemove);
void setAttackedBy( Int playerNdx );
Bool getAttackedBy( Int playerNdx ) const;
UnsignedInt getAttackedFrame(void) {return m_attackedFrame;} // Return last frame attacked.
Real getCashBounty() const { return m_cashBountyPercent; }
void setCashBounty(Real percentage) { m_cashBountyPercent = percentage; }
void doBountyForKill(const Object* killer, const Object* victim);
/** give the science. doesn't check prereqs, nor charge to purchase points...
just grants it! so be careful! NOTE that this is private to Player,
and for a good reason; if public, this could be used to grant sciences
that shouldn't be directly granted (e.g., SCIENCE_RankX, which should
be managed via setRankLevel instead). If you think you need to use
this call externally, you probably don't... you should probably be
using grantScience() instead.
Bool addScience(ScienceType science);
Int getSkillPoints() const { return m_skillPoints; }
Int getSciencePurchasePoints() const { return m_sciencePurchasePoints; }
Int getRankLevel() const { return m_rankLevel; }
Int getSkillPointsLevelUp() const { return m_levelUp; }
Int getSkillPointsLevelDown() const { return m_levelDown; }
UnicodeString getGeneralName() const { return m_generalName; }
void setGeneralName( UnicodeString name ){ m_generalName = name; }
/// returns TRUE if rank level really changed.
Bool setRankLevel(Int level);
/// returns TRUE if the player gained/lost levels as a result.
Bool addSkillPoints(Int delta);
/// returns TRUE if the player gained/lost levels as a result.
Bool addSkillPointsForKill(const Object* killer, const Object* victim);
void addSciencePurchasePoints(Int delta);
void setSkillPointsModifier(Real expMod) { m_skillPointsModifier = expMod; }
Real getSkillPointsModifier(void) const { return m_skillPointsModifier; }
/// reset the sciences to just the intrinsic ones from the playertemplate, if any.
void resetSciences();
/// reset rank to 1.
void resetRank();
attempt to purchase the science, but use prereqs, and charge points.
return true if successful.
Bool attemptToPurchaseScience(ScienceType science);
grant the science, ignore prereqs & charge no points,
but still restrict you to purchasable sciences (ie, intrinsic and rank sciences
are not allowed)
return true if successful.
Bool grantScience(ScienceType science);
/** return true attemptToPurchaseScience() would succeed for this science. */
Bool isCapableOfPurchasingScience(ScienceType science) const;
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
void deleteUpgradeList( void ); ///< delete all our upgrades
const PlayerTemplate* m_playerTemplate; ///< Pointer back to the Player Template
UnicodeString m_playerDisplayName; ///< This player's persistent name.
Handicap m_handicap; ///< adjustment to varied capabilities (@todo: is this persistent or recalced each time?)
AsciiString m_playerName; ///< player's itnernal name 9for matching map objects)
NameKeyType m_playerNameKey; ///< This player's internal name (for matching map objects)
PlayerIndex m_playerIndex; ///< player unique index.
AsciiString m_side; ///< the "side" this player is on
PlayerType m_playerType; ///< human/computer control
Money m_money; ///< Player's current wealth
Upgrade* m_upgradeList; ///< list of all upgrades this player has
Int m_radarCount; ///< # of facilities that have a radar under the players control
Int m_disableProofRadarCount; ///< # of disable proof radars. A disable proof one will be in both refcounts
Bool m_radarDisabled; ///< The radar is disabled regardless of the number of radar objects
Int m_bombardBattlePlans; ///< Number of strategy centers with active bombardment plan
Int m_holdTheLineBattlePlans; ///< Number of strategy centers with active hold the line plan
Int m_searchAndDestroyBattlePlans;///< Number of strategy centers with active search and destroy plan
BattlePlanBonuses* m_battlePlanBonuses;
Int64 m_upgradesInProgress; ///< Bit field of In Production status upgrades
Int64 m_upgradesCompleted; ///< Bit field of upgrades completed. Bits are assigned by UpgradeCenter
Energy m_energy; ///< current energy production & consumption
MissionStats m_stats; ///< stats about the current mission (units destroyed, etc)
BuildListInfo* m_pBuildList; ///< linked list of buildings for PLAYER_COMPUTER.
Color m_color; ///< color for our units
Color m_nightColor; ///<tweaked version of regular color to make it easier to see on night maps.
ProductionChangeMap m_productionCostChanges; ///< Map to keep track of Faction specific discounts or penalties on prices of units
ProductionChangeMap m_productionTimeChanges; ///< Map to keep track of Faction specific discounts or penalties on build times of units
ProductionVeterancyMap m_productionVeterancyLevels; ///< Map to keep track of starting level of produced units
#if !defined(_PLAYTEST)
AIPlayer* m_ai; ///< if PLAYER_COMPUTER, the entity that does the thinking
Int m_mpStartIndex; ///< The player's starting index for multiplayer.
ResourceGatheringManager* m_resourceGatheringManager; ///< Keeps track of all Supply Centers and Warehouses
TunnelTracker* m_tunnelSystem; ///< All TunnelContain buildings use this part of me for actual conatinment
Team* m_defaultTeam; ///< our "default" team.
ScienceVec m_sciences; ///< (SAVE) sciences that we know (either intrinsically or via later purchases)
ScienceVec m_sciencesDisabled; ///< (SAVE) sciences that we are not permitted to purchase "yet". Controlled by mission scripts.
ScienceVec m_sciencesHidden; ///< (SAVE) sciences that aren't shown. Controlled by mission scripts.
Int m_rankLevel; ///< (SAVE) our RankLevel, 1...n
Int m_skillPoints; ///< (SAVE) our cumulative SkillPoint total
Int m_sciencePurchasePoints; ///< (SAVE) our unspent SciencePurchasePoint total
Int m_levelUp, m_levelDown; ///< (NO-SAVE) skill points to go up/down a level (runtime only)
UnicodeString m_generalName; ///< (SAVE) This is the name of the general the player is allowed to change.
PlayerTeamList m_playerTeamPrototypes; ///< ALL the teams we control, via prototype
PlayerRelationMap *m_playerRelations; ///< allies & enemies
TeamRelationMap *m_teamRelations; ///< allies & enemies
Bool m_canBuildUnits; ///< whether the current player is allowed to build units
Bool m_canBuildBase; ///< whether the current player is allowed to build Base buildings
Bool m_observer;
Bool m_isPreorder;
Real m_skillPointsModifier; ///< Multiplied by skill points before they are applied
Bool m_listInScoreScreen; ///< should this player be listed in the score screen or not.
Bool m_unitsShouldHunt;
Bool m_attackedBy[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT]; ///< For each player, have they attacked me?
UnsignedInt m_attackedFrame; ///< Last frame attacked.
Int m_visionSpiedBy[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT]; ///< Reference count of having units spied on by players.
PlayerMaskType m_visionSpiedMask; ///< For quick lookup and edge triggered maintenance
Real m_cashBountyPercent;
/// @todo REMOVE (not disable) these cheat keys
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
Bool m_DEMO_ignorePrereqs; ///< Can I ignore prereq checks?
Bool m_DEMO_freeBuild; ///< Can I build everything for no money?
Bool m_DEMO_instantBuild; ///< Can I build anything in one frame?
ScoreKeeper m_scoreKeeper; ///< The local scorekeeper for this player
typedef std::list<KindOfPercentProductionChange*> KindOfPercentProductionChangeList;
typedef KindOfPercentProductionChangeList::iterator KindOfPercentProductionChangeListIt;
mutable KindOfPercentProductionChangeList m_kindOfPercentProductionChangeList;
typedef std::list<SpecialPowerReadyTimerType> SpecialPowerReadyTimerList;
typedef SpecialPowerReadyTimerList::iterator SpecialPowerReadyTimerListIterator;
SpecialPowerReadyTimerList m_specialPowerReadyTimerList;
Squad *m_squads[NUM_HOTKEY_SQUADS]; ///< The hotkeyed squads
Squad *m_currentSelection; ///< This player's currently selected group
Bool m_isPlayerDead;
#endif // _PLAYER_H_