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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: ControlBarScheme.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Electronic Arts Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2002 - All Rights Reserved
// created: Apr 2002
// Filename: ControlBarScheme.h
// author: Chris Huybregts
// purpose:
#pragma once
// SYSTEM INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// USER INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "GameClient/Color.h"
// FORWARD REFERENCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class AsciiString;
class playerTemplate;
class Image;
enum TimeOfDay;
// TYPE DEFINES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Class that holds the images the control bar will draw
class ControlBarSchemeImage
ControlBarSchemeImage( void );
~ControlBarSchemeImage( void );
AsciiString m_name; ///< Name of the image
ICoord2D m_position; ///< the position we'll draw it at
ICoord2D m_size; ///< the size of the image needed when we draw it
Image *m_image; ///< the actual pointer to the mapped image
// m_layer is where the image will get drawn, everything in layer 0-2 gets drawn during the forground draw
// the layers 3-5 gets drawn during the background draw
Int m_layer; //layer means how deep the image will be drawn, it's a number between 0-5 with 0 being on top
// Class that will hold the information needed for the animations
class ControlBarSchemeAnimation
ControlBarSchemeAnimation( void );
~ControlBarSchemeAnimation( void );
/// Enum that will contain all the kinds of animations we have... make sure in ControlBarScheme.cpp there's a
/// mapping for it for the INI translation
AsciiString m_name; ///< Current animation name
Int m_animType; ///< Type of animation that this will follow
ControlBarSchemeImage *m_animImage; ///< Pointer of the image that this animation will act on
UnsignedInt m_animDuration; ///< Contians how long the animation should take based off game frames
ICoord2D m_finalPos; ///< The final position when we hit the m_animDuration frame
UnsignedInt getCurrentFrame(void) { return m_currentFrame; }
void setCurrentFrame( UnsignedInt currentFrame ) { m_currentFrame = currentFrame; }
ICoord2D getStartPos( void ) { return m_startPos; }
void setStartPos(ICoord2D startPos) { m_startPos = startPos; }
ICoord2D m_startPos; ///< set when we first begin an animation
UnsignedInt m_currentFrame; ///< This is the last frame (a value between 0 and m_animDuration)
// Class that each scheme will have. Contains all information about that scheme
class ControlBarScheme
ControlBarScheme( void );
~ControlBarScheme( void );
void init( void );
void update( void );
void drawForeground( Coord2D multi, ICoord2D offset ); ///< draw function to be called within a w3d draw procedure for the foreground
void drawBackground( Coord2D multi, ICoord2D offset ); ///< draw function to be called within a w3d draw procedure for the background
void reset( void );
void addAnimation( ControlBarSchemeAnimation *schemeAnim );
void addImage( ControlBarSchemeImage *schemeImage);
void updateAnim (ControlBarSchemeAnimation * anim);
AsciiString m_name; ///< it's name
ICoord2D m_ScreenCreationRes; ///< Used to determine what screen res this will look the best on
AsciiString m_side; ///< contain what faction type this command bar was made for (used when selecting command bar by template
Image *m_buttonQueueImage; ///< We'll probably want each one to have it's own image.
Image *m_rightHUDImage; ///< We'll probably want each one to have it's own right HUD image.
Color m_buildUpClockColor; ///< we can setup the color for the buildup clock if we want
Color m_borderBuildColor; ///< we can setup the color for the button border colors
Color m_borderActionColor; ///< we can setup the color for the button border colors
Color m_borderUpgradeColor; ///< we can setup the color for the button border colors
Color m_borderSystemColor; ///< we can setup the color for the button border colors
Color m_commandBarBorderColor;
Image *m_optionsButtonEnable;
Image *m_optionsButtonHightlited;
Image *m_optionsButtonPushed;
Image *m_optionsButtonDisabled;
Image *m_idleWorkerButtonEnable;
Image *m_idleWorkerButtonHightlited;
Image *m_idleWorkerButtonPushed;
Image *m_idleWorkerButtonDisabled;
Image *m_buddyButtonEnable;
Image *m_buddyButtonHightlited;
Image *m_buddyButtonPushed;
Image *m_buddyButtonDisabled;
Image *m_beaconButtonEnable;
Image *m_beaconButtonHightlited;
Image *m_beaconButtonPushed;
Image *m_beaconButtonDisabled;
Image *m_genBarButtonIn;
Image *m_genBarButtonOn;
Image *m_toggleButtonUpIn;
Image *m_toggleButtonUpOn;
Image *m_toggleButtonUpPushed;
Image *m_toggleButtonDownIn;
Image *m_toggleButtonDownOn;
Image *m_toggleButtonDownPushed;
Image *m_generalButtonEnable;
Image *m_generalButtonHightlited;
Image *m_generalButtonPushed;
Image *m_generalButtonDisabled;
Image *m_uAttackButtonEnable;
Image *m_uAttackButtonHightlited;
Image *m_uAttackButtonPushed;
Image *m_minMaxButtonEnable;
Image *m_minMaxButtonHightlited;
Image *m_minMaxButtonPushed;
Image *m_genArrow;
ICoord2D m_moneyUL;
ICoord2D m_moneyLR;
ICoord2D m_minMaxUL;
ICoord2D m_minMaxLR;
ICoord2D m_generalUL;
ICoord2D m_generalLR;
ICoord2D m_uAttackUL;
ICoord2D m_uAttackLR;
ICoord2D m_optionsUL;
ICoord2D m_optionsLR;
ICoord2D m_workerUL;
ICoord2D m_workerLR;
ICoord2D m_chatUL;
ICoord2D m_chatLR;
ICoord2D m_beaconUL;
ICoord2D m_beaconLR;
ICoord2D m_powerBarUL;
ICoord2D m_powerBarLR;
Image *m_expBarForeground;
Image *m_commandMarkerImage;
typedef std::list< ControlBarSchemeImage* > ControlBarSchemeImageList;
ControlBarSchemeImageList m_layer[MAX_CONTROL_BAR_SCHEME_IMAGE_LAYERS];
typedef std::list< ControlBarSchemeAnimation* > ControlBarSchemeAnimationList;
ControlBarSchemeAnimationList m_animations;
class ControlBarSchemeManager
ControlBarSchemeManager( void );
~ControlBarSchemeManager( void );
void init( void ); ///< Initialize from the INI files
void update( void ); ///< move the animations if we have any
void drawForeground( ICoord2D offset ); ///< draw function to be called within a w3d draw procedure for the foreground
void drawBackground( ICoord2D offset ); ///< draw function to be called within a w3d draw procedure for the background
void setControlBarSchemeByPlayer(Player *p); ///< Based off the playerTemplate, pick the right scheme for the control bar
void setControlBarSchemeByPlayerTemplate( const PlayerTemplate *pt, Bool useSmall = FALSE);
void setControlBarScheme(AsciiString schemeName); ///< SchemeName must be a valid INI entry
// parse Functions for the INI file
const FieldParse *getFieldParse() const { return m_controlBarSchemeFieldParseTable; } ///< returns the parsing fields
static const FieldParse m_controlBarSchemeFieldParseTable[]; ///< the parse table
static void parseImagePart( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void *userData ); ///< Parse the image part of the INI file
static void parseAnimatingPart( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void *userData ); ///< Parse the animation part of the INI file
static void parseAnimatingPartImage( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void *userData ); ///< parse the image part of the animation part :)
ControlBarScheme *findControlBarScheme( AsciiString name ); ///< attempt to find the control bar scheme by it's name
ControlBarScheme *newControlBarScheme( AsciiString name ); ///< create a new control bar scheme and return it.
void preloadAssets( TimeOfDay timeOfDay ); ///< preload the assets
ControlBarScheme *m_currentScheme; ///< the current scheme that everythign uses
Coord2D m_multiplyer;
typedef std::list< ControlBarScheme* > ControlBarSchemeList; ///< list of control bar schemes
ControlBarSchemeList m_schemeList;
// INLINING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// EXTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////