FROM debian:stable MAINTAINER Pier Carlo Chiodi EXPOSE 179 ENV BIRD_VERSION 2.0.12 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ autoconf \ git \ bison \ build-essential \ curl \ flex \ libreadline-dev \ libncurses5-dev \ m4 \ unzip \ libssh-dev WORKDIR /root RUN curl -O -L$BIRD_VERSION.tar.gz RUN tar -xvzf bird-$BIRD_VERSION.tar.gz # This directory must be mounted as a local volume with '-v `pwd`/bird:/etc/bird:rw' docker's command line option. # The host's file at `pwd`/bird/bird.conf is used as the configuration file for BIRD. RUN mkdir /etc/bird RUN cd bird-$BIRD_VERSION && \ autoreconf && \ ./configure --enable-ipv6 --enable-libssh && \ make && \ make install CMD bird -s /var/run/bird/bird.ctl -c /etc/bird/bird.conf -d