#         __      _____ __  
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#    Tinc configuration                    
# This is a configuration file for Lixonet that is already pre-configured for
# you.  Please refer to your lixonet.conf file for changing parameters.

Name = ${tinc_peer_name}

# Do not change these.  Lixonet runs over port 9993 by standard.
BindToInterface eth0
Port = ${tinc_bind_port:-9993}

# Device is named "${network_name:-lixonet}" by Tinc and visible directly in host kernel
DeviceType = ${tinc_device_type:-tap}
Device = ${tinc_device:-/dev/net/tun}
Mode = ${tinc_mode:-switch}
Forwarding = kernel
AddressFamily = ${tinc_address_family:-any}

# Default over-the-wire security for Lixonet.
# Blowfish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowfish_(cipher)
# SHA1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1
Cipher = ${tinc_cipher:-blowfish}
Digest = ${tinc_digest:-sha1}

# When this option is enabled, packets that cannot be sent directly to the
# destination node, but which would have to be forwarded by an intermediate node,
# are dropped instead. When combined with the IndirectData option, packets for
# nodes for which we do not have a meta connection with are also dropped.
DirectOnly = ${tinc_direct_only:-yes}

{{ if len "${tinc_connect_to:-}" }}
# Custom connect-to list
{{ range "$tinc_connect_to" | split "," }}
ConnectTo = {{.}}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ range files "tinc/hosts" }}{{ if ne . "${tinc_peer_name}" }}{{ if ne . "server" }}
ConnectTo = {{.}}
{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}