log stderr all;         # Using docker; defer logging to stderr
debug protocols all;    # Enable debugging

router id ${address};

# Disable automatically generating direct routes to all network interfaces.
protocol direct {
        disabled;               # Disable by default

protocol device {

# Define a template to use when connecting to other BGP clients on the EE network
template bgp lixonet_client {
    local as ${asn};
    source address ${address};      # What local address we use for the TCP connection
    path metric 1;		            # Prefer routes with shorter paths (like Cisco does)
    next hop self;

# TODO: Syntax error?
#   aigp originate;


# Neighbors

{{ range files "bird/neighbors" }} {{ if ne . "${name}" }}
protocol bgp {{ . }} from lixonet_client {
    description "Lixonet BGP link from ${address} (ASN: ${asn}) to {{ . }}";
    {{ file (print "bird/neighbors/" .) }}
}; {{ end }} {{ end }}