2020-05-21 01:56:30 +00:00

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# Lixonet BIRD configuration
# This is a templated file that automatically generates values at configuration time
# If you edit this file, it will be overwritten. Changes to the general structure of
# this configuration file that should be persisted should be committed to Git.
# For BIRD 2.0 configuration reference, see:
# For a great example configuration file, see:
# Global variables
# See:
log stderr all; # Using docker; defer logging to stderr (to Docker logs)
debug protocols all; # Enable debugging (this should be switched off in prod)
router id ${address};
# Custom routing tables
# See: (recommend; BIRD is neat)
ipv4 table lixonet;
# Filters
# Define a series of filters for Lixonet routing policies:
# - Cannot advertise a route which is in the router subnet: typically 172.x.0.0/24
# See:
# For syntax docs, see:
# Returns TRUE if the given tested network is within the global network prefix for
# Lixonet. Used to filter networks outside of this range as they are not within
# the global mesh network.
function is_lixonet_global()
return net ~ [ ${network_address}/${global_prefix:-16}+ ];
# Returns TRUE if the given tested network is within the router network prefix for
# Lixonet. Used to filter these routes from BGP as Tinc statically assigns them
# for us. Helps prevent a security vulnerability of hijacking another router.
function is_lixonet_router()
return net ~ [ ${network_address}/${router_prefix:-24}+ ];
function is_own_route()
{{ if len "${routes:-}" }}{{ range "$routes" | split "," }}if net ~ [ {{.}}+ ] then return true;{{ end }}
{{ end }}
return false;
filter bgp_import_filter
# TODO: check RPKI here!
if source ~ [RTS_STATIC] then reject; # Reject our own routes
if is_lixonet_router() then reject; # Reject poisons
if is_own_route() then reject; # Reject poisons
if is_lixonet_global() then accept; # Accept anything else
reject; # Reject anything else (non-Lixonet)
filter bgp_export_filter
if is_lixonet_router() then reject; # Reject poisons
if is_lixonet_global() then accept; # Accept anything else
reject; # Reject anything else (non-Lixonet)
filter kernel_export_filter
if is_own_route() then reject; # Reject poisons
if is_lixonet_global() then accept; # Accept anything else
reject; # Reject anything else (non-Lixonet)
# Static routes
# Define propagated routes here from the lixonet.conf "routes" variable
# Attached to the above "lixonet" routing table; "provide" these routes into it
# See how dn42 does it; we're very similar:
protocol static {
ipv4 {
table lixonet;
import all;
export none;
# Announced networks
{{ if len "${routes:-}" }}{{ range "$routes" | split "," }}route {{.}} reject;{{ end }}{{ end }}
# Device
# See:
# This controls which interfaces BGP, etc. will bind to for communication
# This prevents BGP from listening on eth0/off-network
protocol device {
scan time 10; # Scan the interfaces often
interface "lixonet" {
preferred ${address};
# Direct (unnecessary for Lixonet)
# See:
# Disable automatically generating direct routes to all network interfaces.
protocol direct {
disabled; # Disable by default
# Kernel routing table
# See:
protocol kernel { # Primary routing table
learn; # Learn alien routes from the kernel
persist; # Don't remove routes on bird shutdown
scan time 10; # Scan kernel routing table every 10 seconds
ipv4 {
table lixonet;
import none; # Don't try to import any routes from the kernel
export filter kernel_export_filter; # Export everything we are told to the kernel
# BGP (primary Lixonet routing protocol)
# This is a template to use when connecting to other BGP clients on the EE network
# This template is applied to ALL neighbors, so consider these global settings that
# apply to all neighbors. See "Neighbors" section of this configuration for
# individual neighbor configurations where per-neighbor configurations (such as their
# ASN) are applied.
template bgp lixonet_client {
local as ${asn}; # Local AS advertised to peers, read from lixonet.conf
source address ${address}; # What local IP address we use for any outbound TCP
# connections on port 179
path metric ${bgp_path_metric:-1}; # 1 = Prefer routes with shorter paths (like Cisco does)
# BGP channels
# See: Channel configuration (BIRD BGP configuration) and the table shown there.
# BGP IPv4 channel settings
ipv4 {
table lixonet;
# Always advertise our own local address as a next hop, even in cases where the
# current Next Hop attribute should be used unchanged.
# Reason: tinc NEEDS this, otherwise Layer3 inter-routing on the mesh will be broken
next hop self ebgp;
# aigp (see:
# Lixonet default: originate AIGP
# This not only allows AIGP attribute propagation, but also new AIGP attributes are
# automatically attached to non-BGP routes with valid IGP metric (e.g. ospf_metric1)
# as they are exported to the BGP session.
# Thank-you, BIRD <3 - mane and nurd
aigp ${bgp_aigp:-originate};
# Set filters for both exported (sent) and imported (received) BGP prefixes.
# This is explicitly required per RFC 8212, at least on export.
# See:
export filter bgp_export_filter;
import filter bgp_import_filter;
# Neighbors
{{ range files "bird/neighbors" }} {{ if ne . "${name}" }}
protocol bgp {{ . }} from lixonet_client {
description "Lixonet BGP link from ${address} (ASN: ${asn}) to {{ . }}";
{{ file (print "bird/neighbors/" .) }}
}; {{ end }} {{ end }}