2020-04-27 21:22:02 +00:00

20 lines
642 B

# Tinc
# Remove existing configuration
rm -v -rf /etc/tinc/*
# Copy all tinc default files to /etc/(tinc)
find tinc -type d | xargs -I '{}' mkdir --verbose -p /etc/{}
find tinc -type f | xargs -I '{}' cp --verbose {} /etc/{}
# Fill out templates and remove them after
find /etc/tinc/ -type f -name '*.tmpl' | xargs -I '{}' sh -c 'sigil -f $1 $(cat /etc/lixonet/lixonet.conf) | tr '\n' ' ') > "$(dirname $1)/$(basename $1 .tmpl)"' -- {}
#find /etc/tinc/ -type f -name '*.tmpl' | xargs -I '{}' rm -f {}
# Copy private key
cp /etc/lixonet/tinc.key /etc/tinc/rsa_key.priv
# Bird
rm -rf /etc/bird/*
docker-compose up -d --build