Custom configurations should be supplied in a `lixonet.conf` file in the `name=value` format, such as your subnet. Additionally, a tinc keypair is also be required.
A `lixonet.conf` file should be under each **network** directory you'd like to create. Create one directory for each mesh you'll be joining, under `/etc/lixonet`. If you want to join the `teamlixo` mesh for example, do this:
1. Create `/etc/lixonet/teamlixo/lixonet.conf` and specify at least all **required** options in this file.
2. Create or save `/etc/lixonet/teamlixo/tinc.key`
#### Available networks
Official networks:
| Name | Git clone URL(s) | Subnet | ASN format | Administsration |
*`git` - The Git clone repository URL, used for peer configurations.
*`tinc_peer_name` - The global neighbor name. Tinc and Bird use this to identify a peer in the network, and to exclude your own pre-packed config automagically from Tinc and BIRD dialing out so you don't connect to yourself over and over again.
*`tinc_peer_address` - The *router* address to use. This is your Lixonet routing layer address:
*`network_address` - The *network* address to use. This is your Lixonet routing layer address: (especially take note of the last two 0's: `0.0` -- it _MUST_ end with zeros corresponding to the network size)
*`bgp_asn` - The BGP ASN to use. We usually follow the format `4206969XXX` where _XXX_ is the last octet of your `address`, zero-padded (i.e. 008 or 212)
*`tinc_bind_address` - The address that Tinc should bind to to _listen_ for incoming WAN-sided connections (i.e. This is _not_ the Lixonet router IP (i.e. Use this if you have an `eth1` that you _don't_ want to use for binding tinc to, and would prefer to bind tinc exclusivley to `eth0` instead.
*`tinc_connect_to` - A comma-separated list of well-known/pre-defined hosts to connect to (i.e. `denco_mane_lixo`). If not supplied, this is automatically set to all core routers that aren't yourself (`name`).
*`bgp_rpki_retry`: If RPKI cache data cannot be obtained, the time period in seconds between a failed query the next attempt. Defaults to `90`.
*`bgp_rpki_refresh`: How long to wait in seconds before attempting to poll RPKI cache data after the last successful poll. Defaults to `900`.
*`bgp_rpki_expire`: How long to keep any records locally cached before they are deleted. Defaults to `172800` (2 days).
*`bgp_rpki_known_hosts`: The file path for the SSH key `known_hosts` file to use when validating remote RPKI hosts. Defaults to `/etc/bird/rpki/known_hosts` (provided by Lixonet; don't change this unless you need to!).
1.`docker` and `docker-compose` (Alpine: community repository;, `git`, and `curl` are installed (Alpine: `apk add`). You may also want to make docker run at boot: `rc-update add docker boot`.
2.`eth0` is the **LAN** or **WAN** interface supporting external routing, DNS, etc., and is the **bridged** interface to a router that will statically route the entire desired network subnet (i.e. x.x.0.0/21) through it. You may also have an `eth1` (and so on, so forth) that you statically configure for your entire, wide subnet (i.e. x.x.0.0/21) if you want to use two physical adapters.
4.`tun` and `tap` are in `/etc/modules` to load at boot ( and the system has been rebooted afterwards.
6. IPv4 forwarding is on: `sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1` and `iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT` are run (and persisted) to allow IP forwarding. To persist these changes, see:, refer to "Save Firewall Rules".